Hvert pensumpunkt er nummerert fra U1-U7. Dette markerer hvilket undervisningstillfelle den aktuelle artikkelen h?rer til.
U1 - Hole, F. Heizer, R. F.: An Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, INC 1973. Chapter 5, Preservation of Archaeological Evidence pp.87 - 109, Chapter 7, Archaeological Context pp. 134 - 157.
U1 - Barker, P.: Techniques of Archaeological Excavation (3rd Ed.), B.T.Batsford, London 1995. Chapter 2 How archaeological sites are formed pp. 16 -35.
U1 - Rolfsen, P.: NAR 1980/2, Pages 111 & 114 - diagrams.
U1 - Renfrew & Bahn 2000: Archaeology, Page 142 diagram.
U2 - Prestvik, Olav: Naturgrunnlaget - Lufta - berggrunnen - lausavsetningene - jordsmonnet - vatnet, Landbruksforlaget, Oslo 1992. s. 22-82, 88-89, 94-96.
U3 - Nord, Anders G. og Lagerl?f, Agneta: P?verkan p? arkeologiskt material i jord. Redovisning av tv? forskningsprojekt., Riksantikvarie?mbetet. Stockholm 2002. s. 3-30.
U3 - Nord, Anders G., Tronner, Kate og Ullén, Inga: On the deterioration of archaeological iron artefacts in soil. I "Fornv?nnen - Journal of tha swedish antiquarian research. Nr 4, 2002", s. 298-300.
U3 - Nord, A. Tronder, K.: Deterioration of Archaeological Material in soil (Bronze, Iron and Bone), 2001. BAR International Series 1163, 2003 Ed. Gyorgy Fuleky, Pages 17 - 22.
U4 - Ambrose, W.: Natural Causes in the deterioration of buried archaeological materials, 1970. Aboriginal Anitquities in Australia: Their Nature ans Preservation, McCarthy, F.D. (ed.). Australian Aboriginal Studies No. 22. Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies. pp. 109-113, 5 sider.
U4 - Blanchette, R.A.: A review of microbial deterioration found in archaeological wood from different environments, 2000. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 46. (189-204), 16 sider..
U4 - Cronyn, J.M. : The Elements of Archaeological Conservation., 1995. Routledge, London. (14-29), 16 sider.
U4 - O'Connor, T.P. : On the structure, chemistry and decay of bone, antler and ivory, 1987. Archaeological Bone, Antler and Ivory, Occasional Papers No. 5. London: UKIC. (6-8), 3 sider.
U4 - Peacock, E.E. : N?r et arkeologisk tekstil ikke lenger er tekstilmateriale, 1994. SPOR 17. 28-29, 2 sider.
U4 - Peacock, E.E. : The biodeterioration of textile fibres in wet archaeological contexts with implications for conservation choices, (in press). . Intrecci vegetali e fibre tessili rinvenuti in ambiente umido. Analisi Conservazione e Restauro. Incontri di Restauro 4. Trento: Servizio Beni Culturali. (1-6,9,10), 8 sider.
U4 - Reed, R. : The discovery sites of skin objects. Ancient Skins, Parchments and Leathers., 1972. London: Seminar Press. (187-195), 9 sider.
U5 - Aaby, B., Gregory, D., Jensen, P. og Smith S?rensen, T.: In situ-bevaring af oldsager i Nydam Mose, Nationalmuseets ARBEJDSMARK, Danmark 1999. s. 35-44.
U5 - Coles, J.M.: The preservation of archaeological sites by environmental intervention. I "In situ - archeological conservation", USA 1987. s. 32-55.
U5 - Corfield, Mike: Preventive conservation for archaeological sites. I "IIC - Preprintings of the Contributions to the Copenhagen Congress, 26-30 August 1996. Archaeological conservation and its consequences", London 1996. s. 32-37.
U5 - Demas, M., Agnew, N., Simon, W., Podany, J., Bass, A. og Kamamba, D.: Preservation of the Laetoli Hominid trackway in Tanzania. I "IIC - Preprintings of the Contributions to the Copenhagen Congress, 26-30 August 1996. Archaeological conservation and its consequences", London 1996. s 38-43.
U5 - Goodburn-Brown, D. og Hughes, R.: A review of some conservation procedures for the reburial of archaeological sites in London. I "IIC - Preprintings of the Contributions to the Copenhagen Congress, 26-30 August 1996. Archaeological conservation and its consequences", London 1996. s. 65-69.
U5 - Olsson, Andéas: ?terdeponering av arkologiska fynd i Marstrands hamn, mt 3-4, 2000. s. 24-29.
U5 - Peacock, E. E. og Turner-Walker, G.: Erkebispens nye dusj. I "Spor - fortidsnytt fra midt-norge", Nr 1, 1998. s. 44-47.
Stewart, J. Conservation of archaeological mosaic pavements by means of reburial. : Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, 6(3&4), s.237-246, 2004.
U6 - Luedtke, Barbara E.: An Archaeologist’s Guide to Chert and Flint, Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles, 1992. Chapter 7 Altered Cherts, 99-112.
U6 - Purdy, Barbara A.: Fractures for the Archeologist, 1975. Lithic Technology, edited by E. Swanson. s. 133-141. Mouton, The Hague.
U6 - Purdy, Barbara: Pyrotechnology: Prehistoric Application to Chert Material. In North America Early Pyrotechnology: the Evolution of the First Fire-Using Industries, (ed), T.A. Wertime and S.F. Wertime, Washington, D.C. Smithsonian. pp. 31-44. .
U6 - Rottl?nder, R.: ?The Formation of Patina on Flint? Archaeometry The Bulletin of the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, 1975. Oxford University. 17: s. 106-110.
U6 - Schmalz, Robert F.: Flint and the Patination of flint Artifacts, 1960. The Prehistoric Society. s. 44 - 49.
U6 - Stapert, Dick: ?Some Natural Surface Modifications on Flint in the Netherlands? - Palaeohistoria XVIII, 1976. s. 8-41.
U7 - Cronyn, J. M.: "Agents of deterioration and preservation" i The elements of archaeoloical conservation, 1996. Routledge. pages 14 - 42 (14 -29 are also reading for U5).
U7 - Knight, Barry: "A review of the corrosionof iron from terrestrial sites and the problem of post-excavation corrosion" i The Conservator No 14, 1990. s. 37-43.
U7 - Jensen, E. L., Salomonsen, E. og Str?tkvern, K.: "From a waterlogged site to the archaeologist's desk - New packing methods with a minimum of handling" i Archaeological conservation and its consequences, 1996. s. 89-93.
U7 - Watkinson, D. og Neal, V.: "Excavation and decay" i First Aid for Finds, 1998. Rescue/UKIC. The Museum of London. s. 7-11 og 32-70.