
Hvert pensumpunkt er nummerert fra U1-U7. Dette markerer hvilket undervisningstillfelle den aktuelle artikkelen h?rer til.

U1 - Harris, Edward C.: Principles of Archaeological Stratigraphy, Second edition. Academic Press. London 1989. Chapters 2 (p. 7-13), 5 (p. 29-39), 6 (p. 40-53), 7 (p 41-68). 47 pages.

U1 - Harris, Edward C. et al. (eds.): Practice of Archaeological Strtigraphy, Academic Press. London 1993. Chapter 1 (p. 7-20). 14 pages.

U1 - Nordeide, S?bj?rg (red.): Utgravningene i Erkebispeg?rden i Trondheim, NIKU Temahefte nr. 12. Trondheim 2000. Kapittel 2 (p. 19-38). 20 pages.

U2 - Schroeder, Diedrich: Soils - Facts and Concepts, Int. Potash Institute, Bern, 1984.

U2 - Sageidet, Barbara: Jord-mikromorfologi eller hva striper i jorda kan fortelle om fortidig landbruk,

U2 - Arkeologisk leksikon: Jordsmonn,

U2 - Arkeologisk leksikon: Anthropedogenic horizons,

U2 - Prestvik, Olav: Naturgrunnlaget - Lufta - berggrunnen - lausavsetningene - jordsmonnet - vatnet, Landbruksforlaget, Oslo 1992. s. 22-96.

U3 - Aaby, B., Gregory, D., Jensen, P. og Smith S?rensen, T.: In situ-bevaring af oldsager i Nydam Mose, Nationalmuseets ARBEJDSMARK, Danmark 1999. s. 35-44.

U3 - Coles, J.M.: The preservation of archaeological sites by environmental intervention. I "In situ - archeological conservation", USA 1987. s. 32-55.

U3 - Corfield, Mike: Preventive conservation for archaeological sites. I "IIC - Preprintings of the Contributions to the Copenhagen Congress, 26-30 August 1996. Archaeological conservation and its consequences", London 1996. s. 32-37.

U3 - Demans, M., Agnew, N., Simon, W., Podany, J., Bass, A. og Kamamba, D.: Preservation of the Laetoli Hominid trackway in Tanzania. I "IIC - Preprintings of the Contributions to the Copenhagen Congress, 26-30 August 1996. Archaeological conservation and its consequences", London 1996. s 38-43.

U3 - Goodburn-Brown, D. og Hughes, R.: A review of some conservation procedures for the reburial of archaeological sites in London. I "IIC - Preprintings of the Contributions to the Copenhagen Congress, 26-30 August 1996. Archaeological conservation and its consequences", London 1996. s. 65-69.

U3 - MacLeod, Ian: Rock art conservation and management: the past, present and future options. I "Reviews in conservation, Number 1, 2000", s. 32-45.

U3 - Olsson, Andéas: ?terdeponering av arkologiska fynd i Marstrands hamn, mt 3-4, 2000. s. 24-29.

U3 - Peacock, E. E. og Turner-Walker, G.: Erkebispens nye dusj. I "Spor - fortidsnytt fra midt-norge", Nr 1, 1998. s. 44-47.

U3 - Price, Clifford: Archaeological Method and Theory - An Encyclopedia. Ellis, Linda (ed.), New York 2000. s. 294-298.

U3 - Stubbs, John H.: Protection and presentation of excavated structures. I "Conservation on archaeological excavations", Roma 1995. s. 73-89.

U4 - Mattsson, E., Nord, A. G., Tronner, K., Fjaestad, M., Lagerl?f, A., Ullén, I. og Borg, G. Ch.: Konserveringstekniska studier: Deterioration of archaeological material in soil. Results on bronze artefacts., Riksantikvarie?mbetet, Stockholm 1997. s. 5-83.

U4 - Nord, Anders G. og Lagerl?f, Agneta: P?verkan p? arkeologiskt material i jord. Redovisning av tv? forskningsprojekt., Riksantikvarie?mbetet. Stockholm 2002. s. 3-30.

U4 - Nord, Anders G., Tronner, Kate og Ullén, Inga: On the deterioration of archaeological iron artefacts in soil. I "Fornv?nnen - Journal of tha swedish antiquarian research. Nr 4, 2002", s. 298-300.

U4 - Scharff, W.: Accelerated Decay of Metal Soil Finds due to Soil Pollution. I "Metal 95", Semur en Auxois, sept 1995. s. 17-20.

U4 - Madsen, Helge B., Andersen, Jan H. og Andersen, Lone B.: Deterioration of prehistoric bronzes as indicator of the state of prservaion of antiquities in the agrarian landscape - Preliminary results, 2002. s. 1-9.

U4 - Borg, G. Ch., Jonsson, L., Lagerl?f, A., Mattsson, E., Ullén, I. og Werner, G.: Nedbrytning av benmaterial i jord - kemiska och arkeologiska aspekter., Konserveringstekniska stuidier, Riksantikvarie?mbetet och Statens historiska museer. Kapittel 6, s. 92-103.

U5 - Bj?rdal, Charlotte G.: ?Waterlogged Archaeological Wood. Biodegredation and its implications for conservation?. Doctoral thesis., 2000. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Uppsala. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae. Silvestria 142. s. 15 ? 43. (29 sider).

U5 - Cronyn, J.M: ?Organic materials?. Chapter 6 in: The Elements of Archaeological Conservation?, 1995. Routledge, London. s. 238 ? 244 og 263 ? 268. (11 sider).

U5 - Gilliard, R. D., Hardman, S. M., Thomas, R. G., Watkinson, D. E.: ?The Mineralization of Fibres in Burial Environment?. Studies in Conservation. 39. , 1994. s.132-140. ( sider).

U5 - Jakes, K. A., Sibley, R. L.: ?Survival of Cellulosic Fibres in the Archaeological Context?. Science and Archaeology. no. 25, s. 31-38. (8 sider).

U5 - O?Connor, T. P.: ?On the Structure, Chemistry and Decay of Bone, Antler and Ivory?. In: Archaeological Bone, Antler and Ivory?. Occasional Papers. Number 5., United Kingdom Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. 1987. s 6 ? 8. (3 sider).

U5 - Sibley, L. R., Jakes, K.A.: ?Survival of Protein Fibres in Archaeological Contexts?, Science and Archaeology. no.26. 1984. s. 17-27. (10 sider).

U6 - Luedtke, Barbara E.: An Archaeologist?s Guide to Chert and Flint, Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles, 1992. Chapter 7 Altered Cherts, 99-112.

U6 - Purdy, Barbara: Pyrotechnology: Prehistoric Application to Chert Material. In North America Early Pyrotechnology: the Evolution of the First Fire-Using Industries, (ed), T.A. Wertime and S.F. Wertime, Washington, D.C. Smithsonian. pp. 31-44. .

U6 - Purdy, Barbara: Fractures for the Archaeologist. Lithic Technology Making and Using Stone Tools, 1975. Mouton Publishers. s. 133-141.

U6 - Rottl?nder, R.: ?The Formation of Patina on Flint? Archaeometry The Bulletin of the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, 1975. Oxford University. 17: s. 106-110.

U6 - Stapert, Dick: ?Some Natural Surface Modifications on Flint in the Netherlands? - Palaeohistoria XVIII, 1976. s. 8-41.

U7 - Cronyn, J. M.: "Agents of deterioration and preservation" i The elements of archaeoloical conservation, 1996. Routledge. s. 14-42.

U7 - Knight, Barry: "A review of the corrosionof iron from terrestrial sites and the problem of post-excavation corrosion" i The Conservator No 14, 1990. s. 37-43.

U7 - Jensen, E. L., Salomonsen, E. og Str?tkvern, K.: "From a waterlogged site to the archaeologist's desk - New packing methods with a minimum of handling" i Archaeological conservation and its consequences, 1996. s. 89-93.

U7 - Watkinson, D. og Neal, V.: "Excavation and decay" i First Aid for Finds, 1998. Rescue/UKIC. The Museum of London. s. 7-11 og 32-70.

Publisert 7. mars 2005 16:17