
KONS3030 Gjenstandsteknologi

Wisseman, S. U. og Williams, W. S. 1994: ‘Why Study Artifacts? An Interdisciplinary Approach’, kap. 1 i : Ancient Technologies and Archaeological materials and Breach Publisher, s 3-13.


Middelton, A. 1991: “Ceramics: Materials for all reasons”, kap 2 i: Science and The Past. Sheridan Bowman (ed.), London, British Museum Press, s. 17-36.

Sinopoli, C.M. 1991: “Defining Ceramics”, kap. 2 i: Approaches to Archaeological Ceramics, Plenum Press, London, New York, s. 9-42.

Torraca, G. 1988: "Clay, adobe, brick", kap. VIII i:Porous building materials. Materials science for architectural conservation. ICCROM, s. 97-99.

Glass, glazes and enamels

Frank, S. 1982: ‘Glass and Archaeology’, (‘Glass – its Structure and Properties’) i Studies in Archaeological Science, s.1-16.

Freestone, I. C. 2002: ‘The Relationship between Enamelling on Ceramics and on Glass in the Islamic World’ i Archaeometry .44, s 251-255.

Freestone, I. C., Ponting, M. og M. J. Hughes 2002: The Origin of Byzantine Glass from Maroni Petrera, Cyprus i Archaeometry 44, s 257-272.

Hayward, J. 1972: ‘Painted Windows’ og ‘Techniques of Stained Glass’, i The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 30, s. 98-108.

Heyworth, M. 1992: ‘Evidence for early medieval glass production in North-West Europe’, i Medieval Europe 1992 3 (Technology and Innovation), Society for Medieval Archaeology. York, s. 169-174.

Ingemark, D. 1995: ’Glasbl?sning – ett tidigt hantverk i Skandinavien?’ i Fornv?nnen 90, s. 241-248.

Newton, R. og S. Davison 1989:, “The nature of glass”, s.1-3, “Enamelling”,s.84-86 og “Enamels” s.101-104, i Conservation of Glass, Butterworths Series in Conservation and Museology, Butterworths. London.

Price, J. 1978: ‘Trade in Glass’, i Roman Shipping and Trade: Britain and the Rhine Provinces, de Plat Taylor, J. og H. Cleere (red.), CBA Research Report 24, Council for British Archaeology, London, s.70-78


Hodges, H. 1995: "Copper and copper alloys", kap.4 i: Artifacts. An Introduction to early materials and technology, Duckworth, s. 64-79.

Tylecote R.F.1992: “The technique and development of early coppersmelting”, “ The early Bronze Age, kap.2-3 i:A History of Metallurgy, 2nd Edition, The Institute of Materials, London, s. 18-46.


Sering, I. 1979: “Prehistoric Iron Production”, kap. III i: Iron and man in Prehistoric Sweden, Clarce, H. (ed.),Stocholm, , s..50-98.

Th?li-Bergman, L. 1979, "Blacksmithing in Prehistoric Sweden"kap. IV i: Iron and man in Prehistoric Sweden, Clarce, H. (ed.),Stocholm, , s..99-133.

Stone used as a tool

Patterson, L. W. 1983: ‘Criteria for Determining the Attributes of Man-Made Lithics’, i Journal of Field Archaeology, Vol. 10, No. 3. (Autumn, 1983), s.297-307.

Gould, R. A. 1978: The Anthropology of Human Residues American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 80, No. 4. (Dec., 1978), pp. 815-835.

Whittaker, J. C. 1994: “Flintknapping: Basic Principles”, kap. 2 i: Flintknapping : making and understanding stone tools, Forfatter/red.: Whittaker, J. C., Austin, Tex. : University of Texas Press, s. 11-21.

Luedtke, B. E. 1992: “Mechanical Properties”, kap.6 i: An archaeologist's guide to chert and flint, Forfatter/red.: Luedtke, B. E., Volum: Archaeological research tools ; 7, Los Angeles : Institute of Archaeology, University of California, , s. 73-90.


Crumlin-Pedersen, Ole, Ships and Boats of the North Volume 4.1, The Skuldelev Ships I, Viking Ship Museum, Roskilde, 2002. Ed. Ole Crumlin-Pedersen, Olaf Olsen. Preface. p.7; Chapter 3: Documentation, analyses and dating. p.49-62. 14 sider

Goodman, W. L.: The History of Woodworking tools and sons, LTD London1964. Introduction p.8-11. 3 sider

Haygreen, J.G, Bowyer, J.L., Forest Products and Wood Science, Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, 3rd edition, 1996. Chapter 2 Macroscopic character of wood: p. 23-37. (er lik 8 sider tekst).

Hodges, Henry: Artifacts. An introduction to early materials and technology. Duckworth, London 1995. Chapter Eight. Wood. p.112-122. 10 sider

Taylor, Maisie: Wood in Archaeology. Shire Archaeology, Aylesbury, Bucks 1981. Chapter 6: Types of wooden objects from archaeological sites. p. 27-44. (er lik 7 tekstsider).

Taylor, Maisie: Wood in Archaeology. Shire Archaeology, Aylesbury, Bucks 1981. Chapter 7: Types of wood and their uses. p. 45-55.

Tschudi-Madsen, Stephan: Er det noe norsk i norsk kultur? i Kulturarv og vern. Bevaring av kulturminner i Norge Dag Myklebust(red.). Universitetsforlaget 1988 s.11-18. 7 sider

Walker, Philip: 'The tools available to The Mediaval woodworker'. i Woodworking Techniques before A.D. 1500. Sean McGail (ed.) National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Archaeological Series 129. BAR International Series 129 1982. p.349-356. 7 sider


Crowfoot, G.M., 1965: 'Textiles, Basketry, and Mats', in A history of Technology, eds. Singer, C., Oxford: Clarendon Press, s. 414-424

Gilbert, K.R. (1965). Ropemaking, in Singer, C., Holmyard, E.J and Hall, A.R. (eds) A History of Technology, Vol I. Oxford: Clarendon Press (451-454), 4 sider:

Textiles Wild, J.P. 2003: Textiles in Archaeology, Risborough: Shire Publications, s. 6-61.

Hard and Soft Animal Products

Forbes, R. J., 1966: ‘Leather in Antiquity’, i Studies in Ancient Technology, Vol V, red. E.J.Brill, Leiden, s. 9-21.

Greep, S. J, 1987: ‘Use of Bone, Antler and Ivory in the Roman and Medieval Periods’, i Archaeological Bone, Antler and Ivory, Occasional Papers, Number 5, United Kingdom Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, s. 3-5.

Haines, B.M. 1991: ‘The structure of collagen’, i Leather, Its Composition and Changes with Time, eds. Calnan, C. og Haines, B., Northampton, The Leather Conservation Centre, s. 5-9.

Hodges, H., 1995: “Antler, Bone, Horn and Ivory”. Kap. 12 i: Artefacts.An Introduction to Early Materials and Technology. Second impression. John Baker, London 1964, s 153-155.

Mac Gregor, A., 1985: 'Working methods and Tools' in Bone, Antlery, Ivory and Horn, London and Sydney Croom Helm, s.55-72

O’Connor, T.P.1987: ‘On the structure, chemistry and decay of bone, antler and ivory, i Archaeological Bone, Antler and Ivory, Occasional Papers, Number 5, London, UKIC, s.6-8.

Reed, R. 1980: ‘Ancient leathers, parchments and skin products’, i Konservering og restaurering af l?der skind og pergament, Carlson, M. red., K?benhavn, Konservatorskolen, s.102-110.

Thomson, R. 1998: ‘Leather working Processes’, i Leather and fur. Aspects of Early Medieval Trade and Technology. Cameron, E. red., Archetype Publications for the Archaeological Leather group, London, s. 1-10.

Publisert 22. des. 2005 11:09 - Sist endret 20. jan. 2006 11:04