
KONS2061 Understanding the indoor climate in museum galleries and archives.

Litterature spring 2015

The main course book used is: Garry Thomson, 1997. The museum environment, second edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, available for purchase from Akademika (email has been sent to students regardig this book, it is not available in Akademika). The remaining articles are either available online (see link) or in a compendium.

(NB Akademika has a few copies of last time the course went. This has some extra articles that will not be in the new compendium. We have been informed that they are in the process of printing up the compendium. Further, Akademika has still a number of KONS2061 tilleggshefte – do not buy this- the booklet will not be used for this springs course)

Below you find the complete list

Lecture 1.The museum climate – an introduction

Lambert, Simon, 2014. The early history of preventive conservation in Great Britain and the United States (1850-1950), CeROArt, 9/2014, Online (

Costain, Charlie, 1994. Framework for preservation of museum collections, Canadian Conservation Institute, Online (

Preventive conservation and Agents of Deterioration, Canadian Conservation Institute, Online (

Weintraub, Steven, 2006. The museum environment: Transforming the solution into a problem, Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals, Volume 2, Number 3,February 2006, pp. 195–218.

Online (

Case-study: Victoria and Albert Museum. Environmental Policy. Online (

Lecture 2. Temperature and relative humidity

Thomson, G. 1997."Humidity Part One" in The Museum Environment, second edition. Butterworth-Heinemann. s. 66-93.

Padfield, T. (ed.): Equations describing the physical properties of moist air, 4 s. Online (

Published Jan. 28, 2015 2:39 PM