
Med forbehold om endringer


Jokilehto, Jukka, A History of Architectural Conservation, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford etc. (2002) [First published 1999].

Price, N.S., et al., eds., Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (Readings in Conservation), The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996).

In general, I have ordered the readings in the order that I suggest reading them, rather than alphabetically. The readings are not equally long; some lectures (ie. some subjects) have more readings than others.

LECTURE 1?Part I: A Brief History of Conservation/Restoration from c. 1700 to the early 20th century – Course Introduction

Mu?oz Vi?as, Salvador, Contemporary Theory of Conservation, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford/Burlington (2005) ‘Chapter 1: What is conservation?’ pp. 7-25 ‘Chapter 7: The reasons for conservation’ pp. 171-81.

Schie?l, U., ’The conservator-restorer. A short history of his profession and the development of professional education’, in CON.B.E.FOR., Ricerca Comparata: Conservatori-Restauratori di Beni Culturali in Europa: Centri ed Istituti di Formazione, ed. C. Gimondi, Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo, Lurano (2000) pp. 37-61 (biblio 98-105).

Riegl, Alois, ‘The Modern Cult of Monuments: Its Essence and Its Development’, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (Readings in Conservation), eds. N.S. Price, et al., The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 18-21, 69-83.

LECTURE 1?Part II: History of Conservation - Antiquity to the Renaissance

Jokilehto, Jukka, A History of Architectural Conservation, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford etc. (2002) pp. 1-6, 13-16, 21-25, 29-46 [First published 1999].

Keck, Sheldon, ‘Further Materials for a History of Conservation’, Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N.S. Price, M Kirby Talley Jr., A. Melucco Vaccaro, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 281-7.

Hoeniger, Cathleen, The Renovation of Paintings in Tuscany, 1250-1500, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1995) pp. 1-33, 150-157.

LECTURE 2?Part I: The Growing Importance of Institutions

Jokilehto, Jukka, A History of Architectural Conservation, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford etc. (2002) pp. 47-48, 56-65, 69-87 [First published 1999].

Lewis, Goeffrey, 'Museums and their precursors: a brief world survey', in Manual of Curatorship: A Guide to Museum Practice, 2nd ed., ed. J.M.A. Thompson, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford (1994) pp. 5-21.

McClellen, Andew, ’Raphael’s Foligno Madonna at the Louvre in 1800: Restoration and Reaction at the Dawn of the Museum Age’, Art Journal 54/2 (1995) pp. 80-85. Available on JSTOR

Norman, Mark, ‘’It is surprising that things can be preserved as well as they are.’ Conservation and the Ashmolean since before 1683’, in Past Practice – Future Prospects, British Museum Occasional Paper Number 145, eds. A. Oddy and S. Smith, British Museum, London (2001) pp. 159-66.

LECTURE 2Part II: The meeting of Science and Restoration (the beginnings of Technical Studies)

What does scientific examination do?

Oddy, Andrew, 'Scientific examination of artefacts', in Manual of Curatorship: A Guide to Museum Practice, 2nd ed., ed. J.M.A. Thompson, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford (1994) pp. 480-6.

Science and Archaeology

Gilberg, M., and Vivian, D., ’The Rise of Conservation Science in Archaeology (1830-1930)’, in Past Practice – Future Prospects, The British Museum Occasional Paper No. 145, eds. A. Oddy and S. Smith, The British Museum Press, London (2001) pp. 87-93.

Watkins, Sarah C., and Scott, Ruth, ‘Timeless Problems: Reflections on the Conservation of Archaeological Ceramics’, in Past Practice – Future Prospects, The British Museum Occasional Paper No. 145, eds. A. Oddy and S. Smith, The British Museum Press, London (2001) pp. 195-199.

Bertholon, Régis, ‘To Get Rid of the Crust or Not: Emergence of the Idea of ‘Original Surface’ in the Conservation of Metal Archaeological Objects in the first half of the 20th Century’, in Past Practice – Future Prospects, The British Museum Occasional Paper No. 145, eds. A. Oddy and S. Smith, The British Museum Press, London (2001) pp. 5-11.

Science and the study of the Materials and Techniques of Painting

Nadolny, Jilleen, ‘The first century of published scientific analyses of the materials of historical painting and polychromy, circa 1780-1880’, Reviews in Conservation 4 (2003) pp. 39-51.

Nadolny, Jilleen, ‘A Problem of Methodology: Merrifield, Eastlake and the use of oil-based media by medieval English painters’, ICOM-CC Preprints, 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, 12-16 September 2005, ed. I. Verger, Vol. 2, James & James, London (2005) pp. 1028-1033.

Science in the Museum: Case Study – The British Museum

Watkins, S.C., ‘Science and Conservation at the British Museum: A Nineteenth-Century Legacy', in The Interface between Science and Conservation, British Museum Occasional Paper No. 116, ed. S. Bradley, The British Museum, London (1997) pp. 221-6.

Bradley, Susan, ‘The Impact of Conservation Science at the British Museum’, in The Interface between Science and Conservation, British Museum Occasional Paper No. 116, ed. S. Bradley, The British Museum, London (1997) pp. 1-7.

LECTURE 3: Overview of the developments of the late 18th and 19th centuries

History of the some of the Cleaning Controversies pre-1940:

Massing, Ann, ‘Restoration Policy in France in the Eighteenth Century’, in Studies in the History of Painting Restoration, eds. C. Sitwell and S. Staniforth, Archetype Publications, London (1998) pp. 63-84.

Anderson, Jaynie, ‘The first cleaning controversy at the National Gallery 1846-1853’, in Appearance, Opinion, Change: Evaluation the Look of Paintings, The United Kingdom Institute for Conservation, London (1990) pp. 3-7.

Brommelle, Norman, ’Material for a History of Conservation’, Studies in Conservation 2/4 (1956) pp. 176-88. Available on JSTOR

Schmitt, Sibylle, 'Examination of Paintings Treated by Pettenkoffer's Process', in Cleaning, Retouching and Coatings. Preprints of the Contributions to the Brussels Congress, 3-7 September 1990, eds. J.S. Mills and P. Smith, IIC, London (1990) pp. 81-4.

Keck, Sheldon, ‘Some picture cleaning controversies: past and present’, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 23/2 (1984) pp. 73-87. Available on JSTOR

LECTURE 3 Part II: Restoration and Anti-Restoration : Architecture

Jokilehto, Jukka, A History of Architectural Conservation, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford etc. (2002) pp. 101, 109-10, 127-32, 137-41, 149-57, 174-6, 181-6 [first published 1999].

Melucco Vaccaro, Alessandra, ‘Restoration and Anti-Restoration’, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N.S. Price, M. Kirby Talley Jr., A. Melucco Vaccaro, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 308-13.

Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel, ‘Restoration’, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N.S. Price, M. Kirby Talley Jr., A. Melucco Vaccaro, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) 314-8. [Originally published as: ‘Restoration’, in Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture fran?aise du XIe au XVI siècle, vol. 8, B. Bance, Paris (1854) pp.14-34].

Morris, William, ‘Manifesto of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings’, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N.S. Price, M. Kirby Talley Jr., A. Melucco Vaccaro, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 319-21. [Originally published in ‘The Principles of the Society [for the Protection of Ancient Buildings] As Set Forth upon Its Foundation’, Builder 35 (25 August 1877)].

Ruskin, John, ‘The Lamp of Memory, II’, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N.S. Price, M. Kirby Talley Jr., A. Melucco Vaccaro, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 322-3. [Originally published in: ‘The Lamp of Memory’, chap. 6 in The Seven Lamps of Architecture, Smith, Elder, London (1849) nos. 18-20].

Miele, Christopher, ‘”A Small Knot of Cultured People”: William Morris and Ideologies of Protection’, Art Journal 54/2 (1995) pp. 73-79. Available on JSTOR

LECTURE 4: From craftsman to conservator, training, scientific conservation, modern trends in the 20th century

Restauro Critico (Critical Restoration)

Riefsnyder, Joan Marie, ‘Cesare Brandi and Italian Conservation Theory: In and Out of Context’, AIC Paintings Speciality Group Postprints Vol. 16, ed. H.M. Parkin, AIC, Washington D.C. (2003) pp. 23-32.

Brandi, Cesare, ‘Theory of Restoration, I’, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N.S. Price, M. Kirby Talley Jr., A. Melucco Vaccaro, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 230-5 (first published in Italian in 1963).

Jokilehto, Jukka, A History of Architectural Conservation, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford etc. (2002) pp. 213-22 228-41 [first published 1999].

Education of Conservators

Darrow, Elisabeth, ‘Necessity Introduced these Arts: Pietro Edwards and the Restoration of the Public Pictures of Venice 1778-1819’, in Past Practice, Future Prospects; The British Museum Occasional Paper Number 145, eds. A. Oddy and S. Smith, The British Museum Press, London (2001) pp. 61-5.

[Note: Pietro Edwards may have been the first person to lobby publicly for the establishment of a training program for restorers. He was widely admired for his restoration work in Venice and truly a man ahead of his time. It was not until centuries later that programs for conservation were first founded.]

The Document of Pavia, Drafted at the European Summit: Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Towards a European Profile of the Conservator-Restorer, Pavia, October (1997), in 25 Years School of Conservation: the Jubilee Symposium Preprints 18-20 May 1998, Konservatorskolen Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, Copenhagen (1998) pp. 199-200.

The ENCoRE Document of Constitution, Drafted in Dresden, 9th November (1997), in 25 Years School of Conservation: the Jubilee Symposium Preprints 18-20 May 1998, Konservatorskolen Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, Copenhagen (1998) pp. 201-203.

ECCO Professional Guidelines I/II/III, ECCO, Brussels (2002).


Larsen, René, ‘The Science of Conservation-Restoration’, in 25 Years School of Conservation: the Jubilee Symposium Preprints 18-20 May 1998, Konservatorskolen Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, Copenhagen (1998) pp. 77-85.

Torraca, Giorgio, ‘The Scientist’s Role in Historic Preservation with Particular Reference to Stone Conservation’, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N.S. Price, M. Kirby Talley Jr., A. Melucco Vaccaro, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 439-44 (first published 1982).

Mu?oz Vi?as, Salvador, Contemporary Theory of Conservation, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford/Burlington (2005) ‘Chapter 5: A brief excursion into the real world’, pp. 115-46.

A late-20th-century perspective on conservation

Mason, R., and de la Torre, M., ‘Heritage Conservation and Values in Globalizing Societies’, World Culture Report 2000: Cultural diversity, conflict and pluralism (2000) ‘Chapter 11’, pp. 164-179.

Jokilehto, Jukka, A History of Architectural Conservation, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford etc. (2002) pp. 295-318 [first published 1999].

LECTURE 5 Standards: charters, codes of ethics - their development and their impact?Guest Lecturer: Tine Fr?ysaker – Associate professor, University of Oslo, Department of Conservation

Alphabetical - Forewords, chapters and articles:

Boylan, Patrick J., ‘Foreword to the Archetype Edition’, Manual on the Conservation of Paintings, 2nd edition, ICOM, London (1997) 1-4.

Goltz, Michael von der, and Francoise Hanssen-Bauer, ‘Preface to the Archetype Edition’, Manual on the Conservation of Paintings, 2nd edition, ICOM, London (1997) 5-8.

Kjeldstadli, Knut, ‘Kildegransking’, Fortida er ikke hva den en gang var, 2nd edition, Universitetsforlaget, Oslo (1999) 169-181.

Philippot, Paul, ‘Historic preservation: Philosophy, Criteria, Guidelines, I.’, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N.S. Price, M. Kirby Talley Jr., A. Melucco Vaccaro, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1996) 268-274 (first published 1976). ].

Chronology - Convention, Charters etc.:

The Hague Convention, Convention for the protection of cultural heritage in the event of armed conflict, UNESCO (1954).

The Venice Charter, International charter for the conservation and restoration of monuments and sites. ICOMOS (1964) (adopted 1965).

The Conservator-Restorer: a definition of the profession, ICOM-CC Code of Ethics, Copenhagen (1984).

’Brundtlandrapporten’, Sammendrag av foresl?tte rettslige prinsipper for milj?vern og b?rekraftig utvikling, vedtatt av Kommisjonens ekspertgruppe for milj?rett, V?r felles framtid, UNESCO, Oslo (1987) 247-248.

Nara Document on Authenticity, Agency for Cultural Affairs (Government of Japan), UNESCO, ICCROM, ICOMOS, Nara (1994).

Charter on the protection and management of underwater cultural heritage, ICOMOS, Sofia (1996).

The Burra Charter, ICOMOS Charter on the conservation of places of cultural significance, Burra [Australia] (1999).

LECTURE 6: History of Conservation in Scandinavia Guest Lecturer: Johannes R?d - Head of Conservation of the National Museums, Oslo

Norway Specifically

Jordet, K.; Kolsrud, K.; N?ss, J.-R.; R?nnestad, B.; Sj?vold, A.B.; Skaug, E.; Tschudi-Madsen, S. and L?chting, L., ‘Konservering av gjenstander ved norske museer’, Norges Offentlige Utredninger (NOU) 33 (1983) pp. 7-21, esp. 11-21.

Sani, Margherita, ed., ‘The legislative-organisational context [Norway]’, in CON.B.E.FOR., Ricerca Comparata: Conservatori-Restauratori di Beni Culturali in Europa: Centri ed Istituti di Formazione, ed. C. Gimondi, Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo, Lurano (2000) pp. 247-253.

Jokilehto, Jukka, A History of Architectural Conservation, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford (2002) ‘Chapter 10: Definitions and trends’, pp. 252-55. [First published 1999]

[Note: Leif Plahter was the head of paintings conservation at the National Gallery Oslo from 1956-2000. Under his tenure the practice of restoration in Oslo changed greatly, in many ways due to his modernizing influence and open way of thinking.]

Plahter, Leif Einar (interviewed by Erling Skaug), ’Glimt fra de siste 50 ?r’, Conservare necesse est. Festskrift til Leif Einar Plahter p? hans 70-?rsdag, ed. E. Skaug, IIC Nordic Group, Oslo (1999) pp. 18-23.

Berg, Knut; R?d, Johannes and Skaug, Erling, ’Som kollegene ser det’, Conservare necesse est. Festskrift til Leif Einar Plahter p? hans 70-?rsdag, ed. E. Skaug, IIC Nordic Group, Oslo (1999) pp. 13-16.

Discussion of Cleaning in Norway:

R?d, Johannes, ‘The cleaning controversy and the keeping of secrets at the National Gallery in Oslo 1917-1921’, ICOM-CC, 11th triennial meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland, 1-6 September 1996: Preprints, ed. J. Bridgland, James & James (Science Publishers), London (1996) pp. 172-176.

Tschudi-Madsen, Stephan; Berg, Knut and Plahter, Leif Einar, ’Restaurieringsprinsipper til debatt i Oslo’, Conservare necesse est. Festskrift til Leif Einar Plahter p? hans 70-?rsdag, ed. E. Skaug, IIC Nordic Group, Oslo (1999) pp. 27-32.

New Directions in Conservation

Federspiel, B.K., ‘Konserveringsbegrebet i det 20. ?rhundrede’, Nordisk Museologi 1 (2003) pp. 3-15.

LECTURE 7 Part I: Artists’ Rights. The situation in Norway?Guest Lecturer: Harald Holter, Daglig Leder, Billedkunst Opphavsrett i Norge (BONO)

Legal issues

Lennard, Frances, ‘The impact of artists’ moral rights legislation on conservation practice in the United Kingdom and beyond’, ICOM-CC Preprints, 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, 12-16 September 2005, ed. I. Verger, Vol. I, James & James, London (2005) pp. 285-290.

Hanssen-Bauer, Francoise, ’Konvensjoner om faste kulturminner - Norges forpliktelser og utfordringer til fagmilj?et’, Kirkeark?ologi i Norden 8. Hikuin 33 (2006) pp. 115-122.

Have a look at the following websites:

LECTURE 7 Part II: Ethics in the Context of Contemporary Practice of Conservation; some issues

Dent Weil, Pheobe, ‘A Review of the History and Practice of Patination’, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N.S. Price, M. Kirby Talley Jr., and A. Melucco Vaccaro, The J. Paul Getty Trust, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 394-414.

Urbani, Giovanni, ‘The Science and Art of Conservation of Cultural Property’, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N.S. Price, M. Kirby Talley Jr., and A. Melucco Vaccaro, The J. Paul Getty Trust, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 445-50.

Beerkens, Lydia, ‘Plastics in Modern Art’, in Plastics in Art: History, Technology, Preservation. K?lner Beitr?ge zur Restaurieung von Kunst- und Kulturgut 15, Siegls Fachbuchhandlung, Munich (2002) pp. 7-17.

Shashoua, Yvonne, and Christensen, Mads Chr., ‘Plastic p? museum. Historie, nedbrydning og bevaring’, in Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark 2002, eds. Nordqvist and Gammeltoft, National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen (2002) pp. 85-100.

LECTURE 8: Introduction to ethics and problems in contemporary practice

An Overview

Mu?oz Vi?as, Salvador, ‘Contemporary theory of conservation’, Reviews in Conservation 3 (2002) pp. 25-34.

Clavir, Miriam, ‘The Social and Historic Construction of Professional Values in Conservation’, Studies in Conservation 43 (1998) pp. 1-8. Available on JSTOR

The V&A (Victoria & Albert Museum, London) Ethics Checklist

Essential 3 pages reproduced here.Full version (with explanations) downloadable

?Restortation : an acceptable concept?

Oddy, Andrew, ’Restoration – is it acceptable?’, in British Museum Occasional Paper 99. Restoration – is it acceptable?, ed. A. Oddy, The British Museum, London (1994) pp. 3-8.

Richmond, Alison, ‘Review: Restoration – is it Acceptable?’, V&A Conservation Journal No. 15 (1995) pp. 10-11.

Reversibility and Other Factors to Consider in Planning a Treatment

Oddy, Andrew, ‘Does reversibility exist in conservation?’, in Reversibility – does it exist?, British Museum Occasional Paper nr. 135, ed. A. Oddy, British Museum Press, London (1999) pp. 1-5.

Hanssen-Bauer, Fran?oise, ‘Stability as a Technical Treatment and an Ethical Requirement in Conservation’, in ICOM committee for conservation, 11th triennial meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland, 1-6 September 1996: Preprints, Vol. I, ed. J. Bridgland, James & James (Science Publishers), London (1996) pp. 166-71.

Original Intent and Physical Limitations of treatments

van de Wetering, Ernst, ‘The Autonomy of Restoration: Ethical Considerations in Relation to Artistic Concepts’, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N.S. Price, M. Kirby Talley Jr., and A. Melucco Vaccaro, The J. Paul Getty Trust, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 193-9.

Hedley, Gerry, ‘Long Lost Relations and New Found Relativities: Issues in the Cleaning of Paintings’, in Appearance, Opinion, Change: Evaluation the Look of Paintings, The United Kingdom Institute for Conservation, London (1990) pp. 8-13.

LECTURE 9: Defining the Object, its Aesthetic and Value: implications for removal and addition of material

Conservation / Restoration in the context of a collection

Ashley-Smith, Jonathan, ‘A Consistent Approach to a Varied Collection’, in British Museum Occasional Paper 99. Restoration – is it acceptable?, ed. A. Oddy, The British Museum, London (1994) pp. 89-91. For the V&A Checklist, see above, lecture 7.

Child, Robert, ‘Putting Things in Context, The Ethics of Working Collections’, in British Museum Occasional Paper 99. Restoration – is it acceptable?, ed. A. Oddy, The British Museum, London (1994) pp. 139-43.

van de Wetering, Ernst, ‘The Surface of Objects and Museum Style’, in Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage, eds. N.S. Price, M. Kirby Talley Jr., and A. Melucco Vaccaro, The J. Paul Getty Trust, Los Angeles (1996) pp. 415-21.

van de Wetering, Ernst, ‘Roaming the stairs of the Tower of Babel, efforts to expand interdisciplinary involvement in the theory of restoration’, in Preprints of the 8th Triannual Meeting of Conservation Committee of ICOM (International Council of Museums), Sidney, Australia, 1987, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1987) pp. 561-65.

Private Practice

Easterbrook, M.J., ‘”Going all the Way”: Ethics in Private Practice’, in Proceedings of the 14th Annual IIC-CG Conference, May 27-30, 1988, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, ed. J. Wellheiser, IIC-CG, Ottawa (1989) pp. 18-21.

Legibility : Restoration of Restoration

Portell, Jean D., ‘Prior Repairs: When Should They be Preserved?’, Journal of the American Institute of Conservation (JAIC) 42/2 (2003) pp. 363-79.

Schinzel, Hiltrud, ‘Visibility of Restoration, Legibility of Artwork: The Topicality of a Compromise’, in Visibilité de la restaration, lisibilité de l'?uvre (Colloque sur la conservation restoration des biens culturels, A.R.A.A.F.U. Paris - 13, 14 et 15 Juin 2002), ed. I. Queixalós, A.R.A.A.F.U., Paris (2003) pp. 55-63.

Stone, Tom, and Davidson, Flora, ‘The Restoration of Sir Frederick Banting’s Kayak: Ethical and Technical Considerations’, in Visibilité de la restaration, lisibilité de l'?uvre (Colloque sur la conservation restoration des biens culturels, A.R.A.A.F.U. Paris - 13, 14 et 15 Juin 2002), ed. I. Queixalós, A.R.A.A.F.U., Paris (2003) pp. 279-87.

LECTURE 10 Part I : Dead or Alive? Preservation of heavily damaged or heavily restored objects

Bracker, Alison and Barker, Rachel, ‘Relic or release: defining and documenting the physical and aesthetic death of contemporary works of art’, in ICOM-CC Preprints, 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, 12-16 September 2005, ed. I. Verger, Vol. 2, James & James, London (2005) pp. 1009-15.

Esielonis, Karyn, ‘The History of Rothko’s Harvard Murals’, in Mark Rothko’s Harvard Murals, ed. M. B. Cohn, Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge [MA] (1988) pp. 7-14.

Hensick, Teresa, and Whitmore, Paul M., ‘Rothko’s Harvard Murals’, in Mark Rothko’s Harvard Murals, ed. M. B. Cohn, Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge [MA] (1988) pp. 15-17, 24-26.

Brajer, Isabelle, ‘Dilemmas in the restoration of wall paintings: conflicts between ethics, aesthetics, functions and values illustrated by examples from Denmark’, Die Kunst der Restaurierung. Entwicklungen und Tendenzen der Restaurierungs?sthetick in Europa, ed. U. Sch?dler-Saub, Bayerisches National Museum & ICOMOS, Munich (2003) pp. 123-140.

Hummelen, Ijsbrand, 'The authenticity of colour, a problem of restoration in modern art', NMV 93: retusjering, komplettering, rekonstruksjon (= Nordisk Ministrr?ds videreutdannelseskurs for konservatorer) Oslo (1993) pp. 1-4.

de Jonge, Piet, 'The Unexpected Life of a Total Loss', in Modern Art: Who Cares? An interdisciplinary research project and an international symposium on the conservation of modern and contemporary art, eds. I. Hummelen and D. Sillé, The Foundation for the Conservation of Modern Art and the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage, Amsterdam (1999) pp. 137-141.

Galassi, Peter, 'Conserving Photography and Preserving the Vitality of Our Culture', in Mortality/Immortality? The Legacy of 20th-Century Art, ed. M.A. Corzo, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles (1999) pp. 81-4.

Hummelen, Ijsbrand; Sillé, Dionne, and Beerkens, Lydia, 'Reconstruction of a Moving Life', in Modern Art: Who Cares? An interdisciplinary research project and an international symposium on the conservation of modern and contemporary art, eds. I. Hummelen and D. Sillé, The Foundation for the Conservation of Modern Art and the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage, Amsterdam (1999) pp. 23-31.

LECTURE 10 Part II: Real-Life Decision Making and the Media – Some case studies

Cleaning Michelangelo’s David: Chronological

Unless noted otherwise, the following were all downloaded from the Art Watch website, articles section on the David. David > news links issues on the cleaning >

Catterson, ’David from 1501: A Chronology’, Art Watch Web Site (2003) pp. 1-2.

Clarke, Hilary, ’The agony and ecstasy of serving a Michelangelo’, The Guardian, 21 April (2003).

Riding, Alan, ’Question for ’David’ at 500: Is He Ready for Makeover?’, The New York Times, 15 July (2003).

King, Ross, ’The Dirt on the David’, The New York Times, 15 July (2003).

BBC News Website, ’David’s bathtime causes splash’, 16 July (2003).

Jones, Jonathan, ’Hands off’, The Guardian, 17 July (2003).

Harris, Lucian, ’The cleansing of David: the debate rages on’, The Art Newspaper.Com, 25 July (2003).

Beck, James, ’For Love or Money: Italian politicians battle for custody of Michelangelo’s David’, The Wall Street Journal, 13 August (2003).

Arie, Sophie, ’David is stripped of dirt – but not dignity’, The Guardian, 12 October (2003).

Sterling, Kristin, ’ArtWatch Founder James Beck Discusses Restoration of ’David’; Participates in Film that Screens February’, Columbia News, 30 January (2004).

Christensen, Carol, ‘Beck’s Book Considered’, AIC (American Institute of Conservation) News 19/2 (1994) pp. 1-3.

Education of / and Outreach to / the Public

Verberne-Khurshid, F.; Knolle, P. and Smit, I., ‘The Art of Conservation: an exhibition’, ICOM-CC Preprints, 14th Triennial Meeting, The Hague, 12-16 September 2005, ed. I. Verger, Vol. 1, James & James, London (2005) pp. 3-12.

LECTURE 11 Part I: Ethical considerations in the conservation of paper Guest Lecturer: Kari Greve – Paper Conservator, National Gallery, Oslo

Daniels, Vincent, ‘Imperfect reversibility in paper conservation’, in Reversibility – does it exist? British Museum Occasional Paper nr. 135, eds. A. Oddy and S. Carroll, British Museum Press, London (1999) pp. 47-51.

James, Carlo, ‘The history of conservation’, in Old master prints and drawings. A guide to preservation and conservation, eds. J. Carlo and M.B. Cohn, Amsterdam U. Press, Amsterdam (1997) pp. 190-9.

James, Carlo, ‘Concerns of the curator and concerns of the conservator’, in Old master prints and drawings. A guide to preservation and conservation, eds. J. Carlo and M.B. Cohn, Amsterdam U. Press, Amsterdam (1997) pp. 200-14.

Keyes, Keiko, ‘The unique qualities of paper as an artefact in conservation treatment’, The Paper Conservator 3 (1978) pp. 4-8.

Kosek, Joanna M., ‘Restoration of art on paper in the west: A consideration of changing attitudes and values’, in Restoration – is it acceptable? British Museum Occasional Paper nr. 99, ed. A. Oddy, British Museum Press, London (1994) pp. 41-50.

LECTURE 11 Part II: Ethical considerations in archaeological conservation Guest Lecturer: Jeremy Hutchings, Assosiate professor, Department of Conservation, University of Oslo

Elia, Ricardo J., ‘Conservators and Unprovenanced Objects: Preserving the Cultural Heritage or Servicing the Antiquities Trade?’, in Antiquities Trade or Betrayed. Legal, Ethical & Conservation Issues, ed. K.W. Tubb, Archetype, London (1995) pp. 244-55.

Jaeschke, Helena F., ‘The Conservation Treatment of Looted Antiquities and the Responsibilities of Conservators’, Archaeological Conservation and its Consequences. Preprints of the Contributions to the Copenhagen Conference, 26-30 August, 1996, Copenhagen (1996) pp. 82-5.

Sease, Catherine, ‘Conservation and the Antiquities Trade’, JAIC 36 (1997) pp. 49-58. Available on JSTOR

Sease, Catherine, and Thimme, Dana?, ‘The Kanakariá Mosaics: the conservator’s view’, in Antiquities Trade or Betrayed. Legal, Ethical & Conservation Issues, ed. K.W. Tubb, Archetype, London (1995) pp. 122-30.

Walker Tubb, Kathryn, ‘The Antiquities Trade: an archaeological conservator’s perspective’, in Antiquities Trade or Betrayed. Legal, Ethical & Conservation Issues, ed. K.W. Tubb, Archetype, London (1995) pp. 256-63.

Walker Tubb, Kathryn, and Sease, Catherine, ‘Sacrificing the wood for the trees – should conservation have a role in the antiquities trade?’, Archaeological Conservation and its Consequences. Preprints of the Contributions to the Copenhagen Conference, 26-30 August, 1996, Copenhagen (1996) pp. 193-7.

Published Oct. 23, 2008 3:14 PM - Last modified Jan. 15, 2009 11:59 AM