
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
19.01.2007Jilleen Nadolny? Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus 13.30-15.15? Introduction: A Brief History of Conservation/Restoration, from c. 1700 - the early 20th Century? ?
26.01.2007Jilleen Nadolny? Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus 13.30-15.15? Part I: The Institutions and their role in the development of Conservation. Part II: The Introduction of Science to the Field of Conservation/Restoration ? ?
02.02.2007Jilleen Nadolny? Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus 13.30-15.15? Part I: Overview of the developments of the 19th and the Pre-War 20th centuries. Part II: Cleaning controvesies / Restoration anti -Restoration ? ?
09.02.2007Guest – Tine Fr?ysaker, IAKH, UiO? Auditorium 1, Georg Sverdrups hus 13.30-15.15? Charters: their development and their impact on the practice of conservation? OBS! Auditorium 1?
02.03.2007Guest - Francoise Hanssen-Bauer, Avdelingsleder museumtjenster, Nasjonal Museet, Oslo? Rom 2621 Kristine Bonnevies hus (Biologibygningen), 13.30-15.15 ? History of Conservation in Scandinavia and particularly in Norway ? ?
09.03.2007Jilleen Nadolny? Auditorium U40 (underetasjen) i Domus Theologica, 13.30-15.15? From craftsman to conservator, training, scientific conservation, modern trends in the 20th century (literature)? Domus Theologica ligger i Blindernveien 9, ved siden av instituttet. Nr 29 p? kartet?
16.03.2007Jilleen Nadolny? Auditorium U40 (underetasjen) i Domus Theologica, 13.30-15.15 ? Kvalifiseringsoppgave 1: In-class quiz. Hand-in Kvalifiseringsoppgave 2 (short essay)? ?
23.03.2007Jilleen Nadolny? Auditorium U40 (underetasjen) i Domus Theologica, 13.30-15.15 ? Ethical dilemmas in Modern Conservation Practice. Introduction. Science and Ethics = Practice and change ? ?
13.04.2007Guest - Harald Holter, Daglig Leder, Billedkunst Opphavsrett i Norge (BONO)? Auditorium 1, Georg Sverdrups hus 13.30-15.15 ? Part I: Introduction to ethics and problems in contemporary practice. Part II: Artists rights: the situation in Norway ? OBS! Georg Sverdrups hus, aud 1?
20.04.2007Jilleen Nadolny? Auditorium U40 (underetasjen) i Domus Theologica, 13.30-15.15 ? Defining the Object, its Aesthetic and Value: implications for removal and addition of material ? ?
20.04.2007? Auditorium U40 (underetasjen) i Domus Theologica, ca 15.15 - 17.15? Ny quiz i KONS2010? Det arrangeres ny quiz for de som ikke fikk godkjent i f?rste omgang - se mail som er sendt til den det gjelder?
27.04.2007Kari Greve. Jilleen Nadolny? Auditorium U40 (underetasjen) i Domus Theologica, 13.30-15.15 ? Part I: Ethical considerations in the conservation of paper. Part II: Dead or alive?? ?
14.05.2007 Douwtje van der Meulen, IAKH, UiO (Part I). Jilleen Nadolny, IAKH, UiO (Part II). ? Auditorium 2, Georg Sverdrups hus 13.30-15.15 ? Part I: Decision Making and the Media – case studies. Part II: Ethical considerations in archaeological conservation ? OBS! Mandag!?
Published Oct. 30, 2006 11:58 AM - Last modified Apr. 14, 2007 1:54 PM