
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
08.09.2005Jilleen Naldolny? Blindernveien 11. seminarrom 2 (Bv11, 2)? A Brief History of Conservation/Restoration, from c. 1700 - the early 20th Century. Introduction.? 14.00 (presis)- 15.45?
20.09.2005Jilleen Naldolny? Bv11, 2? Part I: The Birth of the Institutions. Part II: The Introduction of Science to the Field og Conservation/Restoration? 14.00 (presis)- 15.45?
21.09.2005Jilleen Naldolny? Bv11, 2? Overview of the developments of the 19th and the Pre-War 20th centuries ? 9.15-11.00


07.10.2005Tine Fr?ysaker? Fredriksgt. 3, rom 113? Standards: charters, codes of ethics - their development and their Impact? 10.15 -12.00?
18.10.2005Francoise Hanssen-Bauer? Bv11, 2? History of Conservation in Scandinavia? 14.15 - 16.00?
19.10.2005Jilleen Naldolny? NB! Fredriksgt. 3, rom 113? Seminar? 10.15 -12.00?
24.10.2005Jilleen Nadolny? Fredriksgt. 3, rom 113? Ethical dilemmas in Modern Conservation Practice. Introduction ? 11.15 - 13.00?
02.11.2005Yvonne Shashoua? Blvn. 11, seminarrom 2? Ethical dilemmas in the treatment of modern and contemporary art ? 16.15 -18.00?
15.11.2005Jileen Nadolny? Bl.vn.11, seminarrom 2? Modern Conservation concerns (see Munoz-Vinaz)? 14.15 -15.45?
16.11.2005Jilleen Nadolny? Fredriksgt. 3, room 113? I:Hands on or hands off: minimalism vs. intervention and the shift from reversibility to retreatability . II: Defining the object, its aesthetic and value: implications for removal and addition of material? 09.15 - 11.00?
17.11.2005Kari Greve (Part I) og Jeremy Hutchings (Part II)? Bv11, 2? Part I: Ethical considerations in the conservation of paper. Part II: Ethical considerations in archaeological conservation? 14.15-16?
02.12.2005? ? ? 4t skriftlig eksamen?
Published Apr. 27, 2005 12:39 PM - Last modified Oct. 7, 2005 12:03 PM