
Tekster merket med * finnes i kompendium som selges i Kopiutsalget p? Akademika. # er b?ker som selges p? Akademika. € er tilgjengelig online.


# Niccol¨° Machiavelli Fyrsten. Oslo: Kagge, 2007, oversatt av Trond Berg Eriksen.

150 sider


# Thomas More Utopia. Oslo: Aschehoug, 1982, oversatt av Trygve Sparre, eller engelsk Penguin-utgave.

Ca. 100 sider


# Jerry Brotton The Renaissance. A very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

127 sider


# Steinar Imsen Europa. 1300-1550. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2000.

200 sider


# John M. Najemy Italy in the Age of the Renaissance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.

Kap. 1 ss. 1-17

Kap. 6 ss. 124-144

Kap. 7 ss. 145-164

Kap. 8 ss. 165-183

Kap. 9 ss. 184-207

Kap. 12 ss. 246-265

120 sider


* Thomas H. Greer & Gavin Lewis A brief history of the western world. Belmont, California: Thomson, 2005.

Del III, ¡°The remake of Europe¡±

Kap. 7 ss. 288-334

Kap. 8 ss. 335-363

Kap. 9 ss. 364-387

100 sider


* Niall Ferguson Civilization. The West and the Rest. London: Allen Lane, 2011.

¡°Introduction¡± ss. 1-18

18 sider


* John Jeffries Martin (red.) The Renaissance. Italy and abroad. London and New York: Routledge, 2003.

John Jeffries Martin ¡°Introduction: The Renaissance: between myth and history¡± ss. 1-23

John M. Najemy ¡°The Dialogue of Power in Florentine Politics¡± ss. 45-65

50 sider


* Raino Malnes og Knut Midgaard Politisk tenkning. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2003.

¡°Niccol¨® Machiavelli¡± ss. 68-83

16 sider


* Else Marie Lingaas Vestens Id¨¦historie. Renessanse og Reformasjon. 1350-1600. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2013.

¡±Verdens ikke-stedene: utopiene¡± ss. 63-70

¡±Makt, rett og politikk¡± ss. 200-231

40 sider


* P. J. Jones ¡°Communes and Despotes: The City State in Late-Medieval Italy¡± in John E. Law og Bernadette Paton (red.) Communes and Despots in Medieval and Renaissance Italy. Farnham: Ashgate, 2010, ss. 3-24.

21 sider


* Prim?rkilde: ¡°An Anonymous Merchant of the 14th Century. How to Succeed in Business while Trying¡± in Anthony Molho Social and Economic Foundations of the Italian Renaissance. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1969, ss. 53-58.

5 sider


€ Jere Cohen ¡°Rational Capitalism in Renaissance Italy¡±. The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 85, nr. 6, The University of Chicago Press, 1980, ss. 1340-1355.

15 sider


€ R. J. Holton ¡°Max Weber, Rational Capitalism and Renaissance Italy: A Critique av Cohen¡±. The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 89, nr. 1, The University of Chicago Press, 1983, ss. 166-180.

15 sider


€ Gene Brucker ¡°Bureaucracy and Social Welfare in the Renaissance: A Florentine Case Study¡±. Journal of Modern History, Vol. 55, no. 1, The University of Chicago Press, 1983, ss. 1-21.

21 sider


Tot. sider 998



Publisert 3. juni 2015 09:26 - Sist endret 3. juni 2015 09:26