Brown, P. The World of Late Antiquity, London 1971, s. 11-136. 125 s.
Halsall, G. Barbarian Migrations and the Roman West, Cambridge 2007, s. 1-34, 63-111, 138-162, 320-370, 455-498. 198 s.
Heather,P. J. The Fall of the Roman Empire, Oxford 2006. 459 s.
Ward-Perkins, B. The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization, Oxford 2005, 187 s.
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* Corbier, M. ¡°Coinage, society and economy¡±, Cambridge Ancient History (2nd ed.), vol. 12 The Crisis of Empire AD 193-337, Cambridge 2005, s. 393-439. 46 s.
* Christiansen, E. ¡°Edward Gibbon og hans Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire¡±, i O. S. Due, J. Isager (red), Imperium Romanum. Realitet, id¨¦, ideal, II, s. 459-472. 13 s.