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Elliott, Andrew B.R.  Remaking the Middle Ages (2011): s. 1-222


Leach, Norman. Passchendaele: Canada¡¯s Triumph and Tragedy on the Fields of Flanders. An Illustrated History (2008). Hele boken (56 sider).


Rosenstone, Robert A.  History on Film / Film on History (2012 [2006]). Hele boken (207 sider).

?vrig litteratur:

Litteratur merket med * kan kj?pes i eget kompendium.  € er tilgjengelig online. Ved kj?p av kompendier m? studentbevis og kvittering for betalt semesteravgift fremlegges.


Beowulf, kapittel 1 til og med 4 (Merk at det finnes mange ulike oversettelser av Beowulf-kvadet).


* Boswell, Matthew. ¡°Downfall: The Nazi Genocide as a Natural Disaster¡±, i Holocaust Studies. A Journal of Culture and History,17:2-3 (2011) [Special Issue: Representing Perpetrators in Holocaust Literature and Film], s. 165-184.


* Chambers II, John Whiteclay. ¡°All Quiet on the Western Front: The Antiwar Film and the Image of Modern War¡±, i John Whiteclay Chambers II (Red.) World War II, Film, and History. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996, s. 13-30.


€ Classen, Christoph. ¡°Balanced Truth: Steven Spielberg¡¯s Schindler¡¯s List among History, Memory, and Popular Culture¡±, i History and Theory 47 (2009), s. 77-102.


€ Cox, David. ¡°Inglourious Basterds is cinema's revenge on life¡±, i Guardian 20. august 2009.


* Day, David D.  ?Monthy Pyton and the Holy Grail: Madness with a Definite Method?, i Excalibur, i Cinema Arthuriana ed. Kevin J. Harty (rev. ed 2010), s. 127-134.


€ Englund, Peter. ?Vestfronten nu och d??, i Tidsskriftet Vi, v?ren 1997, 9. oktober 2012.


€ Fadlan, Ibn. Brev om Vikingene.


€ Georgescu, Tudor. ¡°Hitler¡¯s Downfall Revisited¡°, i Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions, 7:3 (2006), s. 371-377.


€ Grodzinski, John R. ¡°The Use and Abuse of Battle: Vimy Ridge and the Great War over the History of the First World War¡±, i Canadian Military Journal, 10:1 (2009), s. 83-86.


€ Haase, Christine. ¡°Ready for his close-up? Representing Hitler in Der Untergang (Downfall, 2004)¡°, i Studies in European Cinema 3:3, s. 189-199.


* Hoffman, Donald L. ?Not Dead Yet: Monthy Python and the Holy Grail?, i Excalibur, i Cinema Arthuriana ed. Kevin J. Harty (rev. ed 2010), s. 136-147.


* Kelly, Andrew. ¡°The Greatness and Continuing Significance of All Quiet on the Western Front¡±, i Robert Eberwein (Red.) The War Film. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2004, s. 23-29.


* Kelly, Kathleen C. ?The Trope of the Scopic in The Vikings?, i The Vikings on Film, ed. Kevin J. Harty (2011), s. 9-21.


* Kerner, Aaron. Film and the Holocaust. New Perspectives on Dramas, Documentaries, and Experimental Films. New York: Continuum Books, 2011, s. 1-58 (intro. + kap. 1 + 2).


* Kershaw, Ian. ¡°Historians and the Problem of Explaining Nazism¡± i Kershaw, The Nazi Dictatorship. Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation. London: Arnold, 2000 [1985], s. 1-19.


€ Krimmer, Elisabeth. ¡°More War Stories. Stalingrad and Downfall¡°, i Jaimey Fisher og Brad Prager (Red.) The Collapse of the Conventional.German Film and its Politics at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2010, s. 81-108. Vil v?re tilgjengelig som PDF i Fronter.


* Lacy, Norris J. ?Mythopoeia in Excalibur?, i Cinema Arthuriana ed. Kevin J. Harty (rev. ed 2010), s. 34-41.


€ Malory, Thomas. King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table, Book 1 (ca. 35 sider).


€ Mendelsohn, Daniel. ¡°Inglourious Basterds: When Jews Attack¡±, i Newsweek, 13. august 2009, s. 72-73.


€ Utdrag fra Ragnar Lodbroks Saga, kapittel 9 til og med 19.


* Reading, Anna. ¡°Young people¡¯s viewing of Holocaust films in different cultural contexts¡±, i Toby Haggith og Joanna Newman (Red.) Holocaust and the Moving Image. Representations in Film and Television since 1933. London: Wallflower, 2005, s. 211-216.


* Reimer, Robert C. ¡°Picture-Perfect War. An Analysis of Jospeh Vilsmaier¡¯s Stalingrad (1993)¡±, i Randall Halle og Margaret McCarthy (Red.) Light Motives: German Popular Film in Perspective. Wayne State University Press, 2003, s. 304-325.


* Sklar, Elisabeth. ?Call of the Wild: Culture Shock and Viking Masculinities in The 13th Warrior?, i The Vikings on Film, ed. Kevin J. Harty (2011), s.121-132.


€ Steinmetz, John, ¡°¡®As Close as We Get to Going to the Movies¡¯: The Problem of Evil in Schindler's List and Inglourious Basterds¡±, i Western Political Science Association 2011 Annual Meeting Paper. 13 sider.


* Stevenson, David. ?Conclusion: The War Becomes History?, i Stevenson 1914-1918. The History of the First World War. London: Penguin, 2005 [2004], s. 587-601.


* Vance, Jonathan F.  Death So Noble: Memory, Meaning, and the First World War. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2000 [1997], s. 3-11.


€ Walters, Ben. ¡°Debating Inglourious Basterds¡±, i Film Quarterly, 63:2 (2009), s. 19-21.


€ Wildt, Michael. ¡° The Invented and the Real: Historiographical Notes on Schindler's List¡±, i History Workshop Journal 41 (1996), s. 240-249.


* Zelizer, Barbie. ¡°Every Once in a While. Schindler¡¯s List and the Shaping of History¡±, i Yosefa Loshitzky (Red.) Spielberg's Holocaust: Critical Perspectives on Schindler's List. Bloomintgton: University of Indiana Press, 1997, s. 18-39.


=Totalt ca. 922 sider


Vil bli vist under forelesningene.


  • Excalibur (John Boorman 1981)
  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones 1975)
  • The Vikings (Richard Fleischer 1958)
  • The 13th Warrior (John McTiernan 1999)
  • The Return of Martin Guerre (Daniel Vigne 1982)
  • All Quiet on the Western Front (Lewis Milestone, 1930)
  • Passchendaele (Paul Gross, 2008)
  • Stalingrad (Joseph Vilsmaier, 1993)
  • Schindler's List (Steven Spielberg, 1993)
  • Inglourious Basterds (Quentin Tarantino, 2009)
  • Der Untergang (Oliver Hirschbiegel, 2004)






Publisert 19. des. 2013 13:15 - Sist endret 5. feb. 2014 15:05