
Pensum merkert med (*) finnes i kompendium som kan kj?pes p? kopiutsalget i underetasjen til Akademika.

?Fast pensum (692 sider):

Ida Blom m.fl. (2005): Kvinner i den vestlige verden fra 1500 til i dag, Oslo: Cappelen akademisk forlag, s. 153-390 (237 sider).

* Hilde Sandvik: Kvinners rettslige handleevne p? 1600- og 1700-tallet med linjer fram til gifte kvinners myndighet i 1888, 2002, s. 217-256 (40 sider).

* Barbara Taylor: Eve and the New Jerusalem: Socialisme and Feminism in the Nineteenth Century, New York: Panthenon books 1983, s. 1-56, 183-287 (160 sider).

* Leonore Davidoff: "Regarding some ‘Old Husbands’s Tales’: Public and Private in Feminist History", i Worlds Between: Historical Perspectives on Gender and Class, Polity Press 1995, s. 227-276 (49 sider).

* Linda Kerber: ”’A Constitutional Right to be Treated like American Ladies’: Women and the Obligation of Citizenship”, i Kerber m.fl. (eds.): US History as Women’s History, Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press 1995, s. 17-35 (19 sider).

* Nancy Cott: “Giving Character to our Whole Civil Polity: Marriage and the Public Order in the Late Nineteenth Century”, i Kerber m.fl. (eds.): US History as Women’s History, Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press 1995, s. 107-121 (15 sider).

* Carole Pateman: Democratization and Citizenship in the 1990s: the Legacy of T.H. Marshall, Vilhelm Aubert Memorial Lecture 1996, Oslo: Institute for Social Research 1996 (24 sider).

* Jane Lewis: ”Women and Social Citizenship in Twentieth Century Welfare States”, i S?lvi Sogner og Gro Hagemann (red.): Women’s Politics and Women in Politics: In Honour of Ida Blom, Oslo: Cappelen 2000, s. 217-241 (20 sider).

* Anne Hilde Nagel (1995): “Politisering av kj?nn – et historisk perspektiv” i Nina Raaum (red.): Kj?nn og politikk, Oslo, Tano, s. 31-88 (57 sider).

* H?kon W. Andersen m.fl.: Fabrikken, kap. 21: “Kvinnene ved porten – det kj?nnsdelte fabrikkarbeidets historie”, Oslo, Spartacus forlag, s. 485-513 (28 sider).

* Gro Hagemann: “Housewife of Citizen?” The Dilemma of Twentieth-Century Gender Politics” i Pathways to the Past: Essays in Honour of S?lvi Sogner, Oslo: Tid og tanke 2002, s. 152-162 (10 sider).

* Gro Hagemann og Klas ?mark: ”Fra ’husmorkontrakt’ til ’likestillingkontrakt’: Yvonne Hirdman’s genusteori” i Fredrik Engelstad (red.): Om makt: Teori og kritikk, Ad Notam Gyldendal 1999, s. 174-207 (33 sider).

Fordypning: 1750-1850 (310 sider)

*Karen Offen: "Reclaiming the enlightenment for Feminism" og "Beyond France: Emanicipationist initiatives and the European backlash" i European Feminisms 1700-1950, 2000, Stanford University Press, 27-49, 68-76 (31 sider)

*K?re T?nnesson: ”Kvinnene i den franske revolusjon” i Kvinnenes kulturhistorie, bd. 1, Oslo: Universitetetsforlaget 1985, s. 289-294 (5 sider).

*Harriet B. Applewhite og Darline G. Levy: ”Introduction” i H.A. Applewhite og D.G. Levy: Women and Politics in the Age of the Democratic Revolution, The University of Michigan Press 1990, s. 1-20 (20 sider).

*Dominique Godineau: ”Masculine and Feminine Political Practice during the French Revolution, 1793 - Year III” i H.A. Applewhite og D.G. Levy: Women and Politics in the Age of the Democratic Revolution, The University of Michigan Press 1990, s. 61-80 (20 sider).

*Darline G. Levy og Harriet B. Applewhite: ”Women, Radicalization and the Fall of the French Monarchy” i H.A. Applewhite og D.G. Levy: Women and Politics in the Age of the Democratic Revolution, The University of Michigan Press 1990, s. 81-108 (28 sider).

*Gary Kates: ””The Powers of Husbands and Wife Must Be Equal and Seperate”: The Cercle Social and the Rights of Women, 1790-91” i H.A. Applewhite og D.G. Levy: Women and Politics in the Age of the Democratic Revolution, The University of Michigan Press 1990, s. 163-181 (18 sider).

*Joan Landes: ”The Performance of Citizenship: Democracy, Gender and Difference in the French Revolution” i S. Benhabib (ed.): Democracy and Difference. Contesting the Boundaries of the Political, s. 295-313 (18 sider).

*Olwen Hufton: "Women in the Revolution 1789-1796", Past & Present 1971, s. 90-108 (18 sider).

*Karen Klitgaard Poulsen: ”Den litter?re salons historie og genrer”,i Anne Scott S?rensen (red): Nordisk Salonkultur: En studie i nordiske sk?n?nder og salonmilj?er 1780-1850, Odense universitetsforlag 1998 (22 sider).

Leonore Davidoff: Family Fortunes. Men and Women of the English middle class 1780-1850, London: Hutchinson 1987, Innledning + kap. 5, 8, 9 (130 sider).

Totalt: 1002 sider

Publisert 24. okt. 2006 10:11 - Sist endret 14. des. 2006 14:37