
Fast pensum for alle:

Karen Offen: European Feminisms 1700-1950, Standford University Press 2000 (395 sider).

Hilde Sandvik: Kvinners rettslige handleevne p? 1600- og 1700-tallet med linjer fram til gifte kvinners myndighet i 1888, 2002, s. 217-256 (40 sider).

Barbara Taylor: Eve and the New Jerusalem: Socialisme and Feminism in the Nineteenth Century, New York: Panthenon books 1983, s. 1-56, 183-287 (160 sider).

Leonore Davidoff: "Regarding some ?Old Husbands?s Tales?: Public and Private in Feminist History", i Worlds Between: Historical Perspectives on Gender and Class, Polity Press 1995, s. 227-276 (49 sider).

Linda Kerber: ??A Constitutional Right to be Treated like American Ladies?: Women and the Obligation of Citizenship?, i Kerber m.fl. (eds.): US History as Women?s History, Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press 1995, s. 17-35 (19 sider).

Nancy Cott: ?Giving Character to our Whole Civil Polity: Marriage and the Public Order in the Late Nineteenth Century?, i Kerber m.fl. (eds.): US History as Women?s History, Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press 1995, s. 107-121 (15 sider).

Carole Pateman: Democratization and Citizenship in the 1990s: the Legacy of T.H. Marshall, Vilhelm Aubert Memorial Lecture 1996, Oslo: Institute for Social Research 1996 (24 sider).

Jane Lewis: ?Women and Social Citizenship in Twentieth Century Welfare States?, i S?lvi Sogner og Gro Hagemann (red.): Women?s Politics and Women in Politics: In Honour of Ida Blom, Oslo: Cappelen 2000, s. 217-241 (20 sider).

Gro Hagemann og Klas ?mark: ?Fra ?husmorkontrakt? til ?likestillingkontrakt?: Yvonne Hirdman?s genusteori? i Fredrik Engelstad (red.): Om makt: Teori og kritikk, Ad Notam Gyldendal 1999, s. 174-207 (33 sider).

Totalt: 755 sider

Varierende, tematisk litteratur:

Alternativ 1: 1750-1850

K?re T?nnesson: ?Kvinnene i den franske revolusjon? i Kvinnenes kulturhistorie, bd. 1, Oslo: Universitetetsforlaget 1985, s. 289-294 (5 sider).

Harriet B. Applewhite og Darline G. Levy: ?Introduction? i H.A. Applewhite og D.G. Levy: Women and Politics in the Age of the Democratic Revolution, The University of Michigan Press 1990, s. 1-20 (20 sider).

Dominique Godineau: ?Masculine and Feminine Political Practice during the French Revolution, 1793 - Year III? i H.A. Applewhite og D.G. Levy: Women and Politics in the Age of the Democratic Revolution, The University of Michigan Press 1990, s. 61-80 (20 sider).

Darline G. Levy og Harriet B. Applewhite: ?Women, Radicalization and the Fall of the French Monarchy? i H.A. Applewhite og D.G. Levy: Women and Politics in the Age of the Democratic Revolution, The University of Michigan Press 1990, s. 81-108 (28 sider).

Gary Kates: ??The Powers of Husbands and Wife Must Be Equal and Seperate?: The Cercle Social and the Rights of Women, 1790-91? i H.A. Applewhite og D.G. Levy: Women and Politics in the Age of the Democratic Revolution, The University of Michigan Press 1990, s. 163-181 (18 sider).

Joan Landes: ?The Performance of Citizenship: Democracy, Gender and Difference in the French Revolution? i S. Benhabib (ed.): Democracy and Difference. Contesting the Boundaries of the Political, s. 295-313 (18 sider).

Olwen Hufton: "Women in the Revolution 1789-1796", Past & Present 1971, s. 90-108 (18 sider).

Karen Klitgaard Poulsen: ?Den litter?re salons historie og genrer?,i Anne Scott S?rensen (red): Nordisk Salonkultur: En studie i nordiske sk?n?nder og salonmilj?er 1780-1850, Odense universitetsforlag 1998 (22 sider).

Leonore Davidoff: Family Fortunes. Men and Women of the English middle class 1780-1850, London: Hutchinson 1987, Innledning + kap. 5, 8, 9 (130 sider).

Totalt: 279 sider

Alternativ 2: 1945-2000

Alice Kessler-Harris: In pursuit of equity: women, men, and the quest for economic citizenship in 20th-century America, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2001, s. 170-290 (kap 4, 5, 6) (120 sider).

Ruth Rosen: The World split open: How the Moderen Women?s Movement changed America, Penguin 2000, s. 3-94 (88 sider).

Jane Lewis: ?Women?s Two Roles and Post-war Feminism? i Harold L. Smith (red.): British Feminism in the Twentieth Century, London: Edward Elgar 1990 (22 sider).

Amy Black og Steven Brooke: ?The Labour Party, Women and the Problem of Gender, 1951-1966?, i Journal of British Studies, nr. 4, 1997, s. 419-452 (33 sider).

Gro Hagemann: ?Det feminine dilemma: Kvinnens to roller og etterkrigstidens norske likestillingsdebatt?, under publisering i Arbetarhistoria (svensk) (25 sider).

Christina Florin og Bengt Nilsson: ?N?got som liknar en oblodig revolution?: j?mst?lldhetens politisering under 1960- och 70-talen, Ume?: J?mst?lldhetskommittén, Ume? Universit?t 2000 (98 sider) (et utdrag, ca. 30 sider).

Totalt: 320 sider

Publisert 6. mars 2005 08:58