Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur, HIS2371 (seminargr. 1 og 2):

Stormaktene, Europa og verdensherred?mme fra 1900 til i dag.


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Andrews, David M. The Atlantic Alliance Under Stress. US-European Relations After

Iraq. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2005).

Black, Jeremy. Introduction to Global Military History. 1775 to the present day.

(London: Routledge 2005).

Boyce, Robert & Joe Maiolo (eds). The Origins of World War Two. The Debate

Continues. (Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan 2003).

Buchanan, Tom. Europe?s Troubled Peace, 1945-2000. (Oxford: Blackwell Publ.


Dinan, Desmond. Europe Recast. A History of the European Union. (Basingstoke:

Palgrave MacMillan 2004).

Ferguson, Niall. Paper and Iron. Hamburg Business and German Politics in the Era of

Inflation, 1897-1927. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1995).

Ferguson, Niall. The Pity of War. (London: Penguin 1999).

Ferguson, Niall. The War of the World. History?s Age of Hatred. (London: Allen Lane


Fortescue, William. The Third Republic in France, 1870-1940. (London: Routledge


Fullbrook, Mary & John Breuilly (eds.). German History Since 1800. (London: Arnold


Hobson, Rolf. Imperialism at Sea: Naval Strategic Thought, The Ideology of Sea

Power and the Tirpitz Plan 1875-1914. (Boston: Brill 2002).

Kershaw, Ian. Hitler 1889-1936: Hubris. (London: Penguin 2001).

Kershaw, Ian. Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis. (London: Penguin 2001).

Kissinger, Henry. Diplomacy. (New York: Simon & Schuster 1994).

Lundestad, Geir. The United States and Western Europe since 1945. From ?Empire?

by Invitation to Transatlantic Drift. (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2003).

Milward, Alan S. The European Rescue of the Nation-State. (London: Routledge


Nye, Joseph S. Understanding International Conflicts. An Introduction to Theory and

History. (New York: Pearson/Longman 2007).

Reynolds, David. Britannia Overruled. British Policy and World Power in the

Twentieth Century (2. ed.). (London: Longman 2000).

Schulze, Hagen. Germany: A New History. (New Ed.) (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard

University Press 2001).

Smith, Helmut Walser. German Nationalism and Religious Conflict: culture, ideology,

politics. (Princeton: Princeton University Press 1995).

Speirs, Ronald & John Breuilly. Germany?s Two Unifications. Anticipations,

Experiences, Responses. (London: Palgrave MacMillan 2005).

Strachan, Hew. The First World War, Vol. 1. To Arms. (Oxford: Oxford University

Press 2001).

S?rensen, Nils Arne. Den store krig. Europ?ernes f?rste verdenskrig. (K?benhavn:

Gads 2005).

Urwin, Derek. A Political History of Europe Since 1945. (London: Longman 1997).

Wawro, Geoffrey. The Austro-Prussian War. Austria?s War with Prussia and Italy in

1866. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1996).

Wawro, Geoffrey. Warfare and Society in Europe, 1792-1914. (London: Routledge


Wawro, Geoffrey. The Franco-Prussian War. The German Conquest of France in

1870-1871. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2003).

Williamson, David. Europe and the Cold War, 1945-1991. 2nd Ed.? (London: Arnold


Zubok, Vladislav og Constantine Pleshakov. Inside the Kremlin?s Cold War. From

Stalin to Khruschev. (London: Harvard University Press 1996).