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Artikler merket * kan kj?pes som kompendium hos Kopiutsalget til Akademika.

€ August, Andrew. "A ¡®Culture of Consolation¡¯? Rethinking Politics in Working-class London". Historical Research 74 (2001): 193-219.

€ Peter Bailey, "Conspiracies of Meaning: Music-Hall and the Knowingness of Popular Culture". Past and Present 144, 1 (1994): 138-170.

€ Bakker, Gerben. "Building Knowledge about the Consumer: The Emergence of Market Research in the Motion Picture Industry". Business History 45, 1 (2003): 101-127.

 € Bennett, Andy. "Subcultures or neo-tribes? Rethinking the relationship between youth, style and musical taste". Sociology 33, 3 (1999): 599-617.

€ Christopherson, Susan. "Beyond the Self-Expressive Creative Worker: An Industry Perspective on Entertainment Media". Theory, Culture and Society 25, 7-8 (2008): 73-95.

* Clarke, Hall, Jefferson, Roberts. ¡°Subcultures, Cultures and Class¡± i Hall, Jefferson (red): Resistance through rituals: youth subcultures in post-war Britain. London 1975. ss. 9-17, 35-45, 47-57, 71-74

€ Cloonan, Martin. "The production of English rock stardom in the 1950s". Popular Music History 4, 3 (2009): 271-288.

€ Grazian, David. "The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity". Symbolic Interaction 30, 2 (2007): 221-243.

* Grazian, David. On the Make: The Hustle of Urban Nightlife. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press 2008, S. 198-223 (ch. 7: "Where the Action is").

* Havens, Timothy. ¡°Inventing Universal Television: Global Television Fairs as Tournaments of Value¡± i Moeran, Brian og Pedersen, Jesper Strandgaard (red.): Negotiating Values in the Creative Industries: Fairs, Festivals and Competitive Events. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012, S. 145-168.

* Horn, Adrian. Juke Box Britain: Americanisation and Youth Culture, 1945-60. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2009, S. 161-183.

€ Jackson, Jeffrey H. Making Jazz French. Music and Modern Life in Interwar Paris. Durham 2003, S. 123-153.

€ Johnson, Paul. "Conspicuous Consumption and Working-Class Culture in late-Victorian and Edwardian Britain". Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th ser., 38 (1988): 27-42.

€ Jones, Gareth Stedman. "Working-class Culture and Working-class Politics in London, 1870-1900: Notes on the Remaking of a Working Class". Journal of Social History 7 (1973/74): 460-508.

* Kealy, Edward R. ¡°From Craft to Art: The Case of Sound Mixers and Popular Music¡± i Frith, Simon og Goodwin, Andrew (red.): On Record: Rock, Pop, and the Written Word. London: 1990. S. 207-220.

 € Kraft, James P. "Musicians in Hollywood: Work and Technological Change in Entertainment Industries, 1926-1940". Technology and Culture 35, 2 (1994): 289-314.

€ Lawrence, Tim. "Disco and the Queering of the Dance Floor". Cultural Studies 25, 2 (2011): 230-243.

€ Maase, Kaspar. "¡®Americanisation¡¯, ¡®Americanness¡¯ and ¡®Americanisms¡¯: time for a change in perspective?". Paper presented at the conference on The American Impact on Western Europe: Americanization and Westernization in Transatlantic Perspective, German Historical Institute, March 1999.

€ Merziger, Patrick. "Americanised, Europeanised or nationalised? The film industry in Europe under the influence of Hollywood, 1927-1968". European Review of History 20, 5 (2013):793-814.

* Miller, Karl Hagstrom. Segregating Sound: Inventing Folk and Pop Music in the Age of Jim Crow. Durham: Duke University Press, 2010. S. 157-186.

* Napoli, Philip. Audience Evolution: New Technologies and the Transformation of Media Audiences. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010. S. 25-53.

€ Nathaus, Klaus. "Turning Values into Revenue: The Markets and the Field of Popular Music in the US, the UK and West Germany (1940s to 1980s)". Historical Social Research 36 (2011): 136-163.

€ Nathaus, Klaus. "Popular Music in Germany 1900-1930: A Case of Americanisation? Uncovering a European Trajectory of Music Production into the Twentieth Century". European Review of History 20, 5 (2013): 755-776.

€ Nathaus, Klaus. "'All dressed up and nowhere to go?' Spaces and Conventions of Youth in 1950s Britain". Geschichte und Gesellschaft 41, 1 (2015), S. 40-70.

* Osgerby, Bill. ¡°Youth Cultures in Contemporary Britain¡± i Addison, Paul og Jones, Harriet (red.): The Blackwell Companion to Contemporary British History. Oxford: 2005. S. 127-144.

* Peiss, Kathy. Cheap Amusements: Working Women and Leisure in Turn-of-the-Century New York. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1986, S. 88-114.

€ Peterson, Richard A. og Kern, Roger. "Changing Highbrow Taste: From Snob to Omnivore". American Sociological Review 61 (1996): 900-907.

€ Peterson, Richard A. "Why 1955? Explaining the Advent of Rock Music". Popular Music 9, 1 (1990): 97-116.

* Rasmussen, Chris. ¡°¡®The People¡¯s Orchestra¡¯: Jukeboxes as the Measure of Popular Musical Taste in the 1930s and the 1940s¡± i Suisman, David og Strasser, Susan (red.): Sound in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010. S. 181-198.

Ross, Corey. Media and the Making of Modern Germany: Mass Communications, Society, and Politics from the Empire to the Third Reich. Oxford: OUP, 2008. S. 303-340.

€ Schwarzkopf, Stefan. "From Fordist to creative economies: the de-Americanisation of European advertising cultures since the 1960s". European Review of History 20, 5 (2013): 859-880.

* Sewell jr., William. ¡°The Concept(s) of Culture¡± i Bonnell og Hunt (red.): Beyond the Cultural Turn: New directions in the Study of Society and Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press 1999. S. 35-61.

* Siegfried, Detlef. ¡°Understanding 1968: Youth Rebellion, Generational Change and Postindustrial Society¡± i Schildt, Axel og Siegfried, Detlef (red.): Between Marx and Coca-Cola: Youth Cultures in Changing European Societies, 1960-1980. New York: Berghahn 2006. S. 59-81.

* Stahl, Matt. Unfree Masters: Recording Artists and the Politics of Work, Durham, NC: Duke University Press 2013, S. 183-225.

* Ann Swidler, Talk of Love: How Culture Matters, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press 2001, S. 160-180

* Tebbutt, Melanie. Being Boys: Youth, Leisure and Identity in the Interwar Years. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2012. S. 201-232.

* Wald, Elijah. How the Beatles destroyed Rock ¡®n¡¯ Roll: An Alternative History of American Popular Music. Oxford: OUP, 2009. S. 230-247

€ West, Candace og Zimmerman, Don H. "Doing Gender". Gender and Society 1, 2 (1987): 125-151.

Published May 2, 2016 3:12 PM