
HIS2355/4355 Antisemittisme i Europa

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Trond Berg Eriksen, H?kon Harket og Einhart Lorenz: J?dehat. Antisemittismens historie fra antikken til i dag, Oslo 2005, s. 255-344, 361-458, 487-577 (+ noter til kapitlene) 268 s.

Shulamit Volkov: Germans, Jews, and Antisemites. Trials in Emancipation, New York 2006, s. 67-144 77 s.

Christhard Hoffmann, Werner Bergmann and Helmut Walser Smith (eds.): Exclusionary Violence. Antisemitic Riots in Modern German History, Michigan 2002, s. 1-92, 161-202 120 s.

Albert S. Lindemann: The Jew Accused, Cambridge 1991, s. 34-128 94 s.

* Theodor W. Adorno: Prejudice in the Interview Material, i: Theodor W. Adorno m.fl.: The Authoritarian Personality, New York 1950, s. 609-627 18 s.

* Otto Fenichel: Elements of a Psychological Theory of Anti-Semitism, i: The Collected Papers of Otto Fenichel, ed. By Hanna Fenichel and Davis Rapaport, New York 1954, vol. 1, s. 335-348 14 s.

* Saul Friedl?nder: Nazi-Germany and the Jews. The Years of Persecution, 1933-1939, London 1997, s. 73-112 (+ noter) 40 s.

* Daniel Jonah Goldhagen: Hitler’s Willing Excecutioners. Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust, London 1996, Kap. 2: The Evolution of Eliminationist Antisemitism in Modern Germany, s.49-79 (+ noter) 30 s.

* Werner Jochmann: Structure and Function of German Anti-Semitism 1878-1914, i: Herbert A. Strauss (ed.): Hostages of Modernization. Studies in Modern Antisemitism 1870-1933/39, Bd. 1, Berlin-New York 1993, s. 41-61 21 s.

* Nancy Green: Socialist Anti-Semitism. Defense of a Bourgeois Jew and Discovery of the Jewish Proletariat. Changing Attitudes of French Socialists before 1914, i: International Review of Social History, vol. 30, 1995, s. 374-399. 26 s.

* Michael Marrus und Robert O. Paxton: Vichy France and the Jews, Stanford 1981, s. 23-71 48 s.

* Ezra Mendelsohn: Jewish Historiography on Polish Jewry in the Interwar Period, i: Polin. Studies in Polish Jewry, vol. 8: Jews in Independent Poland 1918-1939, London-Washington 1994, s. 3-13 11 s.

* Yisrael Gutman: Poles and Jews between the Wars: Historic Overview, i: Herbert A. Strauss (ed.): Hostages of Modernization. Studies in Modern Antisemitism 1870-1933/39, Bd. 2, Berlin-New York 1993, s. 1038-1062 26 s.

* Ezra Mendelsohn: The Jews of East Central Europe between the World Wars, Bloomington 1983, s. 85-128 (+ noter) 44 s.

* William W. Hagen: Before the “Final Solution”. Towards a Comparative Analysis of Political Anti-Semitism in Interwar Germany and Poland, i: The Journal of Modern History, vol. 68, 1996, s. 351-381 31 s.

* Heinz-Dietrich L?we: Anti-Semitism at the Close of the Czarist Era, i: Herbert A. Strauss (ed.): Hostages of Modernization. Studies in Modern Antisemitism 1870-1933/39, Bd. 2, Berlin-New York 1993, s. 1188-1207 19 s.

* Stefan T. Possony: The Ukrainian Jewish-Problem, i: Herbert A. Strauss (ed.): Hostages of Modernization. Studies in Modern Antisemitism 1870-1933/39, Bd. 2, Berlin-New York 1993, s. 1312-1341 30 s.

* Michael A. Meyer: German-Jewish History in Modern Times, bind 3, kap.7, New York 1998, s. 196-251 (+ noter s. 394-399) 55 s.

* Michael A. Meyer: German-Jewish History in Modern Times, bind 4, kap. 9, New York 1998, s. 197-230 (+ noter s.411) 34 s.

* Rainer Erb: The Ritual Murder Legend; from the Beginning Until the 20 th Century, I: Susanna Buttaroni and Stanis?aw Musia?: Ritual Murder. Legend in European History, Kraków 2003, s. 11-19 9 s.

Totalt: 1015 s.

Publisert 2. apr. 2009 14:12 - Sist endret 25. mai 2009 12:39