


Det forutsettes at studentene er kjent med hovedlinjene i verdens nyere historie, s?rlig fra 1789 og frem til 1989.




Payne, Stanley G. A history of Fascism. 1914-1945. London: UCL, 1995.

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Artikler tilgjengelig p? nettet eller p? Fronter:


Ignazi, Piero. ?The Silent Counter-Revolution. Hypotheses on the Emergence of Extreme Right-Wing Parties in Europe?, European Journal of Political Research, 1992, 22:1, 3-34.


?Fascism? av Seymour Martin Lipset i Lipset, Seymour Martin. Political man: the social bases of politics. Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981, 127-179.

Finnes i boken:

Political man : the social bases of politics

Seymour Martin Lipset


Pdf vil bli tilgjengelig p? Fronter for oppmeldte studenter.


?Introduction: Fascism as an Alternative Political Culture? av Zeev Sternhell, Mario Sznayder og Maia Asheri i Sternhell, Zeev, Mario Sznayder og Maia Asheri. The birth of fascist ideology: from cultural rebellion to political revolution. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1994, 3-35.

Finnes i boken:

The birth of fascist ideology : from cultural rebellion to political revolution

Zeev Sternhell


Pdf vil bli tilgjengelig p? Fronter for oppmeldte studenter


Eatwell, Roger. ?Towards a New Model of Generic Fascism?. Journal of Theoretical Politics, April 1992 4(2): 161-194.


Eatwell, Roger. ?On defining the ‘’Fascist Minimum’: the centrality of ideology?.  Journal of Political Ideologies, 1996 1(3): 303-319.


Paxton, Robert O. ?The Five Stages of Fascism?, The Journal of Modern History, 1998, 70: 1, 1-23.


Kj?stvedt, Anders Gran?s. ?The Dynamics of Mobilisation: The Nazi Movement in Weimar Berlin?.  i  Politics, Religion & Ideology.  2013, 14(3), 338- 354.


?Ten Theories of the Extreme Right? av Roger Eatwell i Merkl, Petter H. og Leonard Weinberg. Right-Wing Extremism in the TwentyFirst Century. London: Frank Cass, 2003, 47-73.

Finnes i boken:

Right-wing extremism in the twenty-first century

Cass series on political violence [10]


Pdf vil bli tilgjengelig p? Fronter for oppmeldte studenter


Prowe, Diethelm. ?'Classic' Fascism and the New Radical Right in Western Europe Comparisons and Contrasts?, Contemporary European History, 1994, 3: 3, 289-313.


?Caught in its own Net: Post-war fascism outside Europe? av Roger Griffin i Larsen, Stein Ugelvik (red) Fascism outside Europe. The European Impulse against Domestic Conditions in the Diffusion of Global Fascism. New York: Columbia University Press, 2001, 46-70.

Finnes i denne boken:

Fascism outside Europe : the European impulse against domestic conditions in the diffusion of global fascism


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?En ensom ridder mot den moderne verden. Julius Evola og h?yreradikalisme i etterkrigstidens Europa? av Elisabetta Cassina Wolff i S?rensen, ?ystein, Bern Hagtvet og Bj?rn Arne Steine. H?yreektremisme. Ideer og bevegelser i Europa. Oslo: Dreyer Forlag, 2012, 161-191.

Pdf vil bli tilgjengelig p? Fronter for oppmeldte studenter


Lipset, Seymour Martin. ?The Radical Right: Problem for American Democracy??, The British Journal of Sociology, 1955, 6: 2, 176-209.


Bar-On, Tamir. ?The Ambiguities of the Nouvelle Droite, 1968-1999?, The European Legacy, 2001, 6:3, 333-351.


Griffin, Roger. ?Between metapolitics and apoliteia: The Nouvelle Droite’s strategy for conserving the fascist vision in the 'interregnum'?, 2000, Modern & Contemporary France, 8:1, 35-53.


Mammone, Andrea. ?The Transnational Reaction to 1968: Neo-fascist Fronts and Political Cultures in France and Italy?, Contemporary European History, 2008, 17: 2, 213-236.


?The Strategy of Tension: Background and Precedents? av Franco Ferraresi i Ferraresi, Franco. Threats to Democracy. The Radical Right in Italy after the War. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1996, 69-83.

?The Strategy of Tension: A Case Study? av Franco Ferraresi i Ferraresi, Franco. Threats to Democracy. The Radical Right in Italy after the War. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1996, 84-115

Pdf vil bli tilgjengelig p? Fronter for oppmeldte studenter


?Xenophobia, identity politics and exclusionary populism in Western Europe? av Hans-Georg Betz i Griffin, Roger og Matthew Feldman (red). Fascism. Critical Concepts in Political Science. Vol V. Post-war Fascisms. London og New-York: Routledge, 2004, 51-68.

Pdf vil bli tilgjengelig p? Fronter for oppmeldte studenter


Spektorowski, Alberto. ?The New Right: Ethno-regionalism, ethno-pluralism and the emergence of a neo-fascist 'Third Way'?, Journal of Political Ideologies, 2003, 8:1, 111-130.


Mammone, Andrea. ?The Eternal Return? Faux Populism and Contemporization of Neo-Fascism across Britain, France and Italy?, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 2009, 17:2, 171-192.



Publisert 23. mai 2016 15:15 - Sist endret 31. mai 2016 15:40