Syllabus/achievement requirements

Course literature

The core literature of the course consists of three books plus a number of articles and chapters. You should borrow or buy the books. The books are:

Amdam, R.P. and Lange, E. (eds.), Crossing the Borders. Studies in Norwegian Business History, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press (1994). (164 pp)

Bruland, Kristine, British Technology and European Industrialization. The Norwegian textile industry in the mid-nineteenth century, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1989/2003). (135 pp)

Danielsen, R. (et al), Norway: a history from the Vikings to Our Own Times, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press (1995). (Part III 230 pp)

The syllabus also includes a number of articles and chapters. These are listed below. Texts marked with * are included in a Kompendium, for sale in the Akademika bookshop. Some literature will be handed out during the seminars.

*Aanstad, Siri, ‘Establishing Production Abroad: O.Mustad & Son in France in the Late Nineteenth Century’, ms., University of Oslo (2003). (11 pp)

Amdam, R.P., ’Norwegian Glass on Norwegian Tables: Attempts to Transform the Glass Industry into an Export Industry’, Amdam, R.P. and Lange, E. (eds.), Crossing the Borders. Studies in Norwegian Business History, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press (1994), pp. 85-99. (11 pp)

Andersen, H. W., ‘Safety or Economy? The Classification Concept and International Technological Competition’ Amdam, R.P. and Lange, E. (eds.), Crossing the Borders. Studies in Norwegian Business History, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press (1994), pp. 73-85. (11 pp)

*Bruland, K., ‘Skills, learning and the international diffusion of technology: a perspective on Scandinavian industrialisation’, Berg, M. and Bruland, K. (eds.), Technological Revolutions in Europe 1760-1860. Historical Perspectives, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (1998), pp. 161-188. (19 pp)

*Bruland, K., ‘The Norwegian Mechanical Engineering Industry and the Transfer of Technology, 1800-1900’, Bruland, K. (ed.), Technology Transfer and Scandinavian Industrialisation, New York, Oxford: Berg Press (1989). pp. 229-295. (28 pp.)

*Bruland, K. and Wicken, O., ‘Nordic Countries: Modern Norway’, Mokyr, J. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History Vol. 4, New York: Oxford University Press (2003), pp. 103-105. (2pp)

Espeli, H., ‘Diffusion of Mechanical Technology in Norwegian Agriculture 1875-1960: the Importance of Independent Importers and Dealers’, Amdam, R.P. and Lange, E. (eds.), Crossing the Borders. Studies in Norwegian Business History, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press (1994), pp. 161-176. (7 pp)

*Grytten, O.H., ’Norwegian Policy Response to the International Economic Disintegration During the Inter-War Years’, discussion paper, Bergen: Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (2002) (22 pp)

*Haarstad, K., ‘A Historiographical Survey of Det Store Hamskifte in Norwegian Agriculture’, Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol 8, No2 (1983), pp. 151-170. (19 pp)

*Hagemann, G., ‘Housewife or Citizen? The Dilemma of Twentieth Century Gender Politics’, in Sandvik, H., Telste, K. and Thorvaldsen, G. (eds), Pathways of the Past. Essays in Honour of S?lvi Sogner, Time and Thought, Oslo: Novus, pp. 152-161. (9 pp)

*Hjerppe, R., ‘Nordic Countries: Modern Finland’, Mokyr, J. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History Vol. 4, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 101-103 (2pp)

*Hodne, F., ‘Transfer Patterns of Technology: Theory and Evidence’, in Bruland, K. (ed.), Technology Transfer and Scandinavian Industrialisation, New York, Oxford: Berg Press (1991). pp. 157-185. (25 pp)

*Hodne, F., ‘Export-led Growth or Export Specialization?’, Scandinavian Economic History Review, Vol XLII, No 3, 1994, pp 296-310. (15 pp)

*Johansen, H. C., ‘Nordic Countries: ‘Modern Denmark’, Mokyr, J. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History Vol. 4, New York: Oxford University Press, (2003), pp. 100-101. (1 p)

*Knutsen, S. and Lie, E., ‘Financial Fragility, Growth Strategies and Banking Failures: The Major Norwegian Banks and the Banking Grisis, 1987-92’, Business History, Vol 44, No 2, (April 2002), pp. 88-111. (22 pp)

*Krantz, O., ‘Nordic Countries: Modern Sweden’, Mokyr, J. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History Vol. 4, New York: Oxford University Press (2003), pp. 105-107. (2pp)

*Lange, E., ’The Concession Laws of 1906-09 and the Norwegian Industrial Development’, Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol. 16, No. 3 (1991), pp. 311-330. (19 pp)

Lange, E., ‘The Rise and Fall of Borregaard: a Corporate History’, Amdam, R.P. and Lange, E. (eds.), Crossing the Borders. Studies in Norwegian Business History, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press (1994), pp. 21-49. (25 pp)

*Lange, E. and Pharo, H., ‘Planning and Economic Policy in Norway, 1945-1960’, Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol 16, No 3 (1991), pp 215-235. (14 pp)

*Ljungberg, J., ‘Nordic Countries: General Overview’, Mokyr, J. (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History Vol. 4, New York: Oxford University Press (2003), pp. 95-99. (4pp)

*Nerheim, G., ‘The Development and Diffusion of European Water Turbines, 1870-1920’, The Norwegian Mechanical Engineering Industry and the Transfer of Technology, 1800-1900’, Bruland, K. (ed.), Technology Transfer and Scandinavian Industrialisation, New York, Oxford: Berg Press (1991). pp. 333-363. (23 pp).

*Nordvik, H.W. and Grytten, O.H., ‘The Labour Market, Unemployment and Economic Growth in Norway, 1920-1939’, Scandinavian Economic History Review, (12 pp)

Nordvik, H., ‘Conflict and Cooperation: Competitive Strategies and the Struggle for Control over the Norwegian Tobacco Market, 1905-1930’, Amdam, R.P. and Lange, E. (eds.), Crossing the Borders. Studies in Norwegian Business History, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press (1994), pp. 131-161. (16 pp)

(hand-out) Pharo, H., ‘The Marshall Plan and the modernization of the Norwegian economy’, Extrait du colloque “Le Plan Marshall et le relevement economique de l’Europe (21 au 23 mars 1991), CHEFF (1993), pp. 591-605. (14 pp)

*Sejersted, F., ‘A Theory of Economic Development in Norway in the Nineteenth Century’, Scandinavian Economic History Review, Vol. XL, No. 1 (1992), pp (30 pp)

*Sejersted, F., ‘Science and Industry. Modernisation Strategies in Norway 1900-1940’, Caron, F., Erkert, P, Fischer, W. (eds.), Innovations in the European Economy between the Wars, Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter (1995) (22 pp)

*Sogner, S., ‘A Case Study of Women’s Role and Infant Mortality’, in Sogner, S. and Hagemann, G. (eds.), Women’s Politics and Women in Politics. In Honour of Ida Blom, Bergen: Cappelens Akademiske Forlag (2000), pp. 45-67. (19 pp)

Sogner, K., ‘The Norwegian Consumer Electronics Industry: the Rise and Fall of Tandberg’, Amdam, R.P. and Lange, E. (eds.), Crossing the Borders. Studies in Norwegian Business History, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press (1994), pp. 111-131. (16 pp)

*Sogner, K., ‘A Pharmaceutical Innovation. Business Environment and Scientific Endeavour in Nyegaard & Co’, History and Technology, Vol 13 (1996), pp 115-131. (14 pp)

*Stang, Gudmund, ‘A Measure of Relative Development? A note on the education and dispersion of Scandinavian engineers 1870-1939’, in Basberg, B.L., Nordvik, H.W. and Stang, G. (eds.), I det lange l?p. Essays I ?konomisk historie tilegnet Fritz Hodne, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget (1997), pp 87-142. (9 pp)

Thue, L., ‘Barriers to Trade: the History of the Norwegian Power Export’, Amdam, R.P. and Lange, E. (eds.), Crossing the Borders. Studies in Norwegian Business History, Oslo: Scandinavian University Press (1994), pp. 49-73. (22 pp)

*Wicken, O., ‘Industrial Change in Norway during the Second World War. Electrification and Electrical Engineering’, Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol 8, No 2 (1983), pp. 119-150. (29 pp)

Total: 1022 pp.

Published Mar. 6, 2005 8:45 AM