
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
26.08.2010Pamela Price? Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Introduction and Indus Valley Civilization? Avari, 38-59.?
02.09.2010Pamela Price? Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Vedic India? Avari, 60-85; Thapar (1995), 80-141?
07.09.2010Pamela Price? ? Continuing Vedic India? Avari, 86-104, 105-127; Thapar (2000), 422-438; Thapar (1981), 409-426; Heesterman, 128-140?
16.09.2010Pamela Price? Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Ancient Empires? Avari, 128-154, 155-180; Inden (1978), 131-36.?
23.09.2010Pamela Price? Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Introduction to Early Medieval Kingship? Kulke & Rothermund, 103-151


28.09.2010Pamela Price? Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Early Medieval Kingship ? Price (in Danish, English provided if needed), 30-44; Stein, (1990), 217-238; Inden (1998), 41-91?
07.10.2010Pamela Price? Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Early Medieval Kingship in the Tamil Country? Avari, 181-202; Dirks, 125-157; Ramanujan, 113-133, 137-142, 231-236, 286-296?
12.10.2010Pamela Price? Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Medieval Kingdoms The Cholas in Tamil Country? Heitzman (1997), 1-25; Heitzman (1987), 35-61; Shulman, 3-46?
19.10.2010Pamela Price? Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Medieval Kingdoms The Kakatiyas in Telugu Country? Talbot (2001), 126-173; Talbot (1995), 391-430; Kulke, 233-262; Asher and Talbot, 53-83; ?
26.10.2010Pamela Price? Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Medieval Temples and Lordship: Theory and Tamil Practice? Appadurai and Breckenridge, 187-211; Ogura, 119-141; Orr (2000), 3-36; Orr (1994), 107-141.?
02.11.2010? Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Medieval Temples and Lordship: Patterns in Telugu Country? Talbot (1991), 308-40.?
09.11.2010Pamela Price? Rom 410 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Late Medieval Islamic Governance? Stein (1998), 134-152, 160- 164; Eaton (2000), 245-281; Eaton (1993), 3-70; Eaton (2000), 203-224.


Published Aug. 10, 2010 3:40 PM - Last modified Aug. 25, 2010 2:42 PM