
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
31.08.2006Pamela Price? Rom 301 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Introduction? Thapar, Early India (EA), 37-68. ?
07.09.2006Pamela Price? Rom 301 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Vedic India? Thapar, EA, 98-164. (Skim Thapar, EA, 69-97) [relevant pages in Ruud, Mageli, Price, Indias historie(IH), 21-51.]?
14.09.2006Pamela Price? Rom 301 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? The Mauryans and their Empire? Thapar, EA, 164-208; Thapar, “Asoka and Buddhism…”. [Ruud, Mageli, Price, IH, 52-65.]?
21.09.2006Pamela Price? Rom 301 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Another Empire Emerges – the Guptas? Thapar, EA, 209-326; Inden. [Ruud, Mageli, Price, IH, 65-80.]?
28.09.2006Pamela Price? Rom 301 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Early Medieval State Formation in South India? Thapar, EA, 326-362; Dirks. [Ruud, Mageli, Price, IH, 81-83, 101-105, 110-114.]?
05.10.2006Pamela Price? Rom 301 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Talking about the Segmentary State – the Chola Kingdom? Thapar, EA, 363-404; Price; Stein; Heitzman; Champakalakshmi. [Ruud, Mageli, Price, IH, 88-95.]?
12.10.2006Pamela Price? Rom 301 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Other Views of Medieval State Formation – In Andhra and Orissa? Talbot, Precolonial India in Practice; Talbot, “Rudrama-devi, the Female King…”; Kulke. [Ruud, Mageli, Price, 96-98.]?
19.10.2006Pamela Price? Rom 301 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Political Meanings of South Indian Temples? Appadurai and Breckenridge; Talbot, “Temples, Donors and Gifts…”; Appadurai. [Ruud, Mageli, Price, 99-101, 105-109.]?
26.10.2006Pamela Price? Rom 301 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? North Indian Political Development? Thapar, EA, 405-489. [Ruud, Mageli, Price, 84-88.]?
02.11.2006? ? ? AVLYST pga arbeidslivsseminar for studenter p? historieprogrammet, AKK-programmet, VMS-programmet og NVMC-programmet.?
09.11.2006Pamela Price? Rom 301 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Islamic Kingdoms? Kulke and Rothermund; Eaton, The Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier.?
10.11.2006Pamela Price? Room 201, Harriet Holter? ? Extra lecture

NB! Different time and place for the lecture.?

16.11.2006Pamela Price? Rom 301 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Sufism in Islamic State Formation? Eaton, “The Political and Religious Authority of the Shrine of Baba Farid.”?
23.11.2006Pamela Price ? Rom 301 Niels Henrik Abels hus ? Conclusion ? Thapar, EA, 1-36. ?
Published Aug. 9, 2006 10:56 AM - Last modified Oct. 31, 2006 5:05 PM