
?n bok m? kj?pes eller l?nes:

R.Floud og P.Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, Cambridge: CUP, 2004.

Dertil m? Kompendium kj?pes, der litteraturen markert med stjerne inng?r. Noe litteratur vil bli utdelt p? seminarene.

R.C.Allan, “Agriculture during the Industrial Revolution”, i R.Floud og P.Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, Cambridge: CUP, 2004, s. 96-117 (20 sider).

*R.P.Amdam, “Industrial Espionage and the Transfer of Technology to the Early Norwegian Glass Industry” i K.Bruland, Technology Transfer and Scandinavian Industrialisation, New York, Oxford: Berg, 1991, s. 73-93. (20 sider)

*R.P.Amdam, “Industriell virksomhet under statlig beskyttelse” i R.P.Amdam, T.J.Hanisch, I.Pharo, Vel Bl?st! Christiania Glassmagasin og norsk glassindustri 1739-1989, Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1989, s. 9- 22. (12 sider)

*M.Berg, “The textile industries: technologies”, i M.Berg, The Age of Manufactures 1700-1820, Industry, Innovation and Work in Britain, London, New York: Routledge, 1994, s. 235-254 (18 sider).

*M.Berg, “Birmingham trades”, i M.Berg, The Age of Manufactures 1700-1820, Industry, Innovation and Work in Britain, London, New York: Routledge, 1994, s. 264-269 (4 sider)

*K.Bruland, “Industrial conflict as a source of technical innovation: the development of the automatic mule”, i D.MacKenzie og J.Wajcman (red.), The Social Shaping of Technology, Milton Keynes; Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1985, s. 84-92. (7 sider)

*K.Bruland, ”The transformation of work in European industrialization”, i P.Mathias og J.A.Davis (red.), The First Industrial Revolutions, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989, s. 154-196. (15 sider)

*K.Bruland, Levevilk?r under det industrielle gjennombrudd, Arbeidsnotat-Working paper, Oslo: TMV, Universitetet I Oslo, 1992. (25 sider)

K.Bruland, “Industrialisation and technological change”, i R.Floud og P.Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, Cambridge: CUP, 2004, s. 117-147 (29 sider).

*D.Bythell, “Women in the work force”, i P.K.O’Brien og R.Quinault, The Industrial Revolution and British Society, Cambridge: CUP, 1993, s. 31-53. 22 sider)

*D.Ch.Christensen, “”Den Industrielle Revolution i England” og ”Teknologispionage” Det Moderne Projekt, K?benhavn: Gyldendal, 1996, s. 255-264, s. 507-524 ( 6 og 15 = 21 sider)

S.Engerman og P.K.O’Brien, “The industrial revolution in global perspective”, i R.Floud og P.Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, Cambridge: CUP, 2004, s. 451-465. (13 sider)

R.Floud og P.Johnson (ed.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, Cambridge: CUP, 2003. (460 sider)

*R.Fox, “Science, Practice and Innovation in the Age of Natural Dyes, 1750-1860”, i M.Berg og K.Bruland, Technological Revolutions in Europe. Historical Perspectives, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA, 1998, s. 86-95. (8 sider)

P.Hudson, “Industrial organisation and structure”, i R.Floud og P.Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, Cambridge: CUP, 2004, s. 28-57 (28 sider).

*D.Landes, “The Nature of Industrial Revolution” og “Britain and the Others”, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations, London: Little Brown & Co, 1998, s. 186-199, 213-230 (11 og 16= 27 sider)

*C.MacLeod, ”James Watt, Heroic Innovation and the Idea of the Industrial Revolution”, i M.Berg og K.Bruland, Technological Revolutions in Europe. Historical Perspectives, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA, 1998, s. 96-115. (15 sider)

*J.Mokyr, “The Years of Miracles: The Industrial Revolution 1750-1830”, i The Lever of Riches. Technological Creativity and Economic Progress, New York, Oxford: OUP, 1990, s. 81-112. (25 sider)

*J.Mokyr, “Industrial Revolution”, i J.Mokyr (red.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Vol. 3, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2003, s. 49-56. (8 sider)

J.Mokyr, “Accounting for the Industrial Revolution”, i J.Mokyr (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, Cambridge: CUP, 2004, s. 1-28 (26 sider)

*I.Pinchbeck, “Textile industries: factory workers” og “The smaller domestic industries”, Women Workers and the Industrial Revolution 1750-1850, London: Virago, 1981, s. 183-237. (15 og 35 = 50 sider)

*A.Randall, “Reinterpreting ‘Luddism’: resistance to new technology in the British Industrial Revolution”, i M.Bauer (red.), Resistance to new technology, nuclear power, information technology and biotechnology, Cambridge: CUP, 1997, s. 57-79. (19 sider)

*R.Samuel, “Mechanization and Hand Labour in Industrializing Britain”, i L.R.Berlanstein, The Industrial Revolution and Work in Nineteenth Century Europe, London: Routledge, 1992, s. 26-44. (14 sider)

*P.N.Stearns, “Britain’s Revolution: New Processes and Economic Transformation” og “New Causes: Why Did the Industrial Revolution Happen, and Why Did It Happen in Eighteenth-Century Britain?”, i The Industrial Revolution in World History, Boulder, San Francisco, Oxford: Westview Press, 1993, s. 17-31 og 33-40. (14 og 7 = 21 sider)

*E.P.Thompson, “Time, Work Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism”, I M.W.Flinn og T.C.Smout (red.), Essays in Social History, Oxford: OUP, 1974, s. 39-78. (31 sider)

*K.T?nnesson, ”Den industrielle revolusjon”; ”’Forbedringer’ i landbruket”; ”?konomi og politikk” og ”Samfunnsomformingen” , Aschehougs Verdenshistorie, Oslo: Aschehoug & Co, 1985, s. 61-71 (7 sider); 70-77 (5 sider); 78-97 (15 sider); 98-113 (11 sider). (43 sider)

Publisert 25. okt. 2005 00:52 - Sist endret 6. des. 2005 12:33