
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
25.08.2004Yngve Nilsen? Grupperom 8 Georg Sverdrups hus (nye UB)? Introduksjon? T.S. Ashton, The Industrial Revolution, kapittel 1, “Introduction”, s. 1-17.

S. Beaudoin, The Industrial Revolution, Seksjon I, “Defining the Industrial Revolution”, s. 7-46.

K.Bruland, ”The transformation of work in European industrialisation” (i kompendiet)

David Cannadine, ”The present and the past in the English Industrial Revolution”, L.R.Berlanstein (red.), The Industrial Revolution and Work in Nineteenth Century Europe

J. Mokyr, “Industrial revolution” (i kompendiet)?

01.09.2004Yngve Nilsen? Rom 300 Niels Henrik Abels hus? Landbruk og demografiske perspektiver? T.S. Ashton, The Industrial Revolution, Kapittel 2, “The earlier forms of industry”, s. 18-47

Robert C.Allen, “Agriculture during the industrial revolution 1700-1850”, R. Floud og P. Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, s. 96-116

E.A.Wrigley, ”British population during the long eighteenth century”, R.Floud og P.Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, s. 57-95 ?

08.09.2004Yngve Nilsen? Norsk Teknisk Museum? Ekskursjon? ?
15.09.2004Yngve Nilsen? Rom 300 Niels Henrik Abels hus? Kapital og ?konomisk organisering? T.S. Ashton, The Industrial Revolution, kapittel 4, ”Capital and labour”, s. 76-101 + kapittel 5, “Individualism and Laissez-Faire”, 102-113

Robert S. DuPlessis, “Transitions to Capitalism in Early Modern Europe”, S. Beaudoin (red.), The Industrial Revolution, s. 71-80

Ron Harris, “Government and economy”, R. Floud og P. Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, s. 204-237

Nathan Rosenberg, L. E. Birdzell Jr., ”How the West Grew Rich”, S. Beaudoin (red.), The Industrial Revolution, s. 61-71

Stephen Quinn, ”Money, finance and capital markets”, R. Floud og P. Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, s. 147-174 ?

22.09.2004Yngve Nilsen? Rom 300 Niels Henrik Abels hus? Kunnskapsperspektiver? David Landes, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations, kapittel 14, ”Why Europe? Why then?”, kap 18, “The Wealth of knowledge” (deles ut)

David Mitch: “Education and skill of the British labour force”, R. Floud og P. Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, s. 332-356?

29.09.2004Yngve Nilsen? Rom 300 Niels Henrik Abels hus? Organisering av arbeidskraft? Pat Hudson, ”Industrial organisation and structure”, R. Floud og P. Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, s. 28-56

Theresa McBride: “Women?s work and industrialisation”, L. R. Berlanstein (red.), The Industrial Revolution and Work in Nineteenth Century Europe, s. 63-80

James S. Roberts, “Drink and industrial discipline”, L. R. Berlanstein (red.), The Industrial Revolution and Work in Nineteenth Century Europe, s. 102-124

Raphael Samuel, “Mechanisation and hand labour in industrializing Britain”, L. R. Berlanstein (red.), The Industrial Revolution and Work in Nineteenth Century Europe, s. 26-43

E. P. Thompson, “Time, Work-Discipline and Industrial Capitalism”, S. Beaudoin, The Industrial Revolution, s. 162-173?

06.10.2004Yngve Nilsen? Rom 300 Niels Henrik Abels hus? Nye m?nstre innen forbruk og ettersp?rsel? Maxine Berg, “Consumption in eighteenth and early nineteenth century Britain”, R.Floud og P.Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, s. 357-387

Jane Humpries, ”Household economy”, R.Floud og P.Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, s. 238-267

Jan De Vries, ”The Industrial Revolution and the Industrious Revolution”, S.Beaudoin (red), The Industrial Revolution, s. 81-88 ?

13.10.2004Yngve Nilsen? Rom 300 Niels Henrik Abels hus? Innovasjonens vesen? T.S. Ashton, The Industrial Revolution, kapittel 3, ”The technical innovations”, s. 48-75

K. Bruland, “Industrialisation and technological change”, R. Floud og P. Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, s. 117-146

David Landes, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations, kapittel 4, “The invention of invention” (deles ut)

Joel Mokyr, “The lever of riches”, S.Beaudoin (red), The Industrial Revolution, 50-60?

20.10.2004Yngve Nilsen? Rom 300 Niels Henrik Abels hus? Sosiale forhold og arbeidsorganisering? Elinor Accampo: “Industrialization, family Life, and Class Relations, Saint Chamond 1815-1914”, S. Beaudoin (red.), The Industrial Revolution, s. 198-205

Ira Katznelson: “Working-Class Formation”, S. Beaudoin (red.), The Industrial Revolution, s. 141-149

Stephen Nicholas, Richard H. Steckel, “Heights and Living Standards of English Workers”, S. Beaudoin (red.), The Industrial Revolution, s. 149-161

William H. Sewell Jr., “Uneven development, the autonomy of the politics and the radicalisation of workers”, L.R.Berlanstein (red.), The Industrial Revolution and Work in Nineteenth Century Europe, s. 148-162

Peter N. Stearns, “The limits of labour protest”, L.R.Berlanstein (red.), The Industrial Revolution and Work in Nineteenth Century Europe, s. 127-147

Hans-Joachim Voth, ”Living standards and the urban environment”, R. Floud og P. Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, s. 268-294 ?

27.10.2004Yngve Nilsen? Rom 300 Niels Henrik Abels hus? Den industrielle revolusjon i et globalt perspektiv? Stanley L. Engerman og Patrick O?Brien, “The industrial revolution in a global perspective”, R. Floud og P. Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, s. 451-464

A. Gerschenkron, “Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective” S. Beaudoin (red.), The Industrial Revolution, s. 115-127

David Landes, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations, kap15, ”Britain and the others”, kap 16, “Pursuit of Albion” (deles ut)

Kenneth Pomeranz, ”The Great Divergence”, S. Beaudoin (red.), The Industrial Revolution, s. 103-115 ?

03.11.2004Yngve Nilsen? Rom 300 Niels Henrik Abels hus? Den industrielle revolusjon og ?konomisk endring? T.S. Ashton, The Industrial Revolution, kapittel 6, “The Course of Economic Change”, s. 114-129

David Landes, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations, kapittel 13, “The Nature of Industrial Revolution” (deles ut)

Joel Mokyr, “Accounting for the Industrial Revolution”, R.Floud og P.Johnson (red.), The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, s. 1-27?

10.11.2004Yngve Nilsen? Rom 300 Niels Henrik Abels hus? Diskusjon av aktuelle temaer fra forelesningen og kvalifiseringspr?ven? ?
Publisert 7. mars 2005 15:13