Litteratur merket med * vil v?re tilgjengelig i kompendium til salgs p? GnistAkademika.
Outram, Dorinda: The Enlightenment, Cambridge University Press 1996
Melton, James van Horn, The Rise of the Public in Enlightenment Europe, Cambridge University Press 2001. Side 1-15, 81-157, 197-275.
*T?nnesson, K?re, Revolusjonen som rystet Europa, Aschehoug 1989, s. 11 – 40.
* T?nnesson, K?re, Aschehougs verdenshistorie bind 10, Aschehoug 1985, Regjeringsmakt og reform s.178- 191.
*Tocqueville, Alexis de, Det gamle regime og revolusjonen, Oslo, Aschehoug 1988. (Bok 3, kap 1 og 2)
*Palmer, R. R., The Age of Democratic Revolution I, Princeton University Press 1971, s. 3-82.
*Chartier, Roger, The Cultural Origins of the French Revolution, Duke University Press 1992. Side 3-37 og s. 67-110.
*Charlton, D. G. , New Images of the Natural in France, Cambridge university press 1984, s. 87- 104. *Darnton, Robert, The Literary Underground of the Old Regime, s. 1-40, Harvard University Press 1982. .
* Symcox, Geoffrey, “The Wild Man?s Return: The Enclosed Vision of Rousseau?s Discourses” i Edward Dudley og Maximillian E. Novak (ed) The Wild Man Within, Pittsburgh 1972, side 223-247.
* Ellis, Markman, The Politics of Sensibility. Race gender and commerce in the sentimental novel. Cambridge University Press 1996, side 5- 48.
* Riskin, Jessica, Science in the Age of Sensibility. The sentimental Empiricists of the French enlightenment. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 2002, Kapittel 1, 4 og 8, s. 1-17, 105-137, 283-287.
* Munck, Thomas, The Enlightenment. A comparative social history 1721-1794, Arnold, London 2000, Kapittel 6 og 7, s. 132 – 192.
* Vovelle, Michel (ed), Enlightenment Portraits, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1997. Introduction, kap. 3 og 10, s. 1-29, 122-141, 393-426.
*Steinbrügge, Lieselotte, The Moral Sex. Woman`s Nature in the French Enlightenment. Oxford University Press. Oxford 1995. Kap.2, 4 og 6, s. 21-34, s. 41-53, s. 83-89s, s. 115-120, s.122-125, s. 135-138.
* Jacob, Margaret C.: The Enlightenment. A Brief History with Documents, Diderot: Supplement to Bougainvilles Voyage s. 160-176, Voltaire: Letters Concerning The English Revolution, Brev VIII, X, XIV, XXIII, s. 121-124, s. 131-137. Rousseau, The Social Contract, s. 177-201.
Immanuel Kant, What is Enlightenment?,
The Encyclopedia of Diderot and d`Alembert. Collaborative Translation Project.
Marquis de Condorcet, On the Admission of Women to theRights of Citizenship,
Marquis de Condorcet, Advice To My Daughter,