Fernand Braudel: Civilization & Capitalism 15th ? 18th Century Vol II: The Wheels of Commerce, s. 21-457, 542-601 (495 sider).
Fernand Braudel: Civilization & Capitalism 15th ? 18th Century Vol III: The Perspective of the World, s. 175-276 (101 sider).
Carlo M. Cipolla:Before the Industrial Revolution, s. 205-273 (68 sider).
Nathan Rosenberg og L.E.Birdzell Jr: How the West Grew Rich, s. 71-96, 113-140 (52 sider).
Jacob Viner: Power versus Plenty as Objectives of Foreign Policy in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century, D.C. Coleman: Revisions in Mercantilism 1969, s. 61-91 (30 sider).
Ida Bull: De trondhjemske handelshusene p? 1700-tallet, Trondheim 1998, s. 1-90, 179-261, 301-311 (181 sider).
Ole Feldb?k: Danmarks ?konomiske historie, Viborg 1993, s. 28-30, 35-59, 71-106 (61 sider).
Even Lange: Merkantilisme, pax-leksikon (5 sider).
Gudmund Sandvik: Handelskapitalisme, pax-leksikon (3 sider).
Totalt: 996 sider