Syllabus/achievement requirements

Pensum/l?ringskrav autumn 2019




The Anglo-Saxons, ed. James Campbell (Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1991)

The Ecclesiastical History of the English People; The Greater Chronicle; Bede’s Letter to Egbert, ed. Judith McClure and Roger Collins (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2008).





Sims-Williams, Patrick. ‘Gildas and the Anglo-Saxons’, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies 6 (1983), 1-30 (30 pages)


Selections from Eddius Stephanus, ‘Life of Wilfrid’ in The Age of Bede, trans. by J. F. Webb (Penguin Books: Middlesex, 1998), pp. 131-146, 150-167, 169-172 (35 pages)


Mayr-Harting, Henry. ‘Bede's Patristic Thinking as an Historian', in Historiographie im fru?heren Mittelalter, ed. A. Scharer and G. Scheibelreiter (Oldenbourg: Vienna, 1994), pp. 367-374 (7 pages).


Selections from Beowulf: A Verse Translation, trans. Seamus Heaney and ed. Daniel Donoghue (W. W. Norton & Company: London, 2002), pp. 3-23 (20 pages).


Picard, Jean- Michel.  ‘Bede, Adomnan and the writing of history’, Peritia 3 (1984), 50-70 (20 pages).


Selections from Bede, On the Reckoning of Time, trans. Faith Wallis (Liverpool University Press: Liverpool, 1999), pp. xv-xvii, 9-18 (13 pages).


Selections from Bede, On the Temple, trans. Sean Connolly (Liverpool University Press: Liverpool, 1995), pp. 1-14 (prologue and chapters 1-3) (14 pages).


Murray, Alexander. ‘Bede and the Unchosen Race’, in Power and Identity in the Middle Ages: Essays in Memory of Rees Davies, ed. Huw Pryce and John Watts (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2007), pp. 52-67 (15 pages).


Williams, Rowan. ‘Theology and the Paschal Controversy: Bede’s Case Against the British Church’ in Prayer and Thought in Monastic Tradition: Essays in Honour of Benedicta Ward, SLG, ed. Santha Bhattacharji, Rowan Wiliams, Dominic Mattos (Bloomsbury: London, 2014), pp. 31-44 (13 pages).


Morrish, Jennifer. ‘King Alfred’s Letter as a Source on Learning in England’ in Studies in Earlier Old English Prose, ed. Paul E. Szarmach (State University of New York Press: Albany, 1986), pp. 87–108 (21 pages).

Mayr-Harting, Henry. ‘St. Boniface: Mirror of English History’ in Religion and Society in the Medieval West, 600-1200: Selected Papers (Ashgate: Burlington, 2010), pp. 262-273, 322-324 (13 pages).

Brown, Michelle P. ‘Female Book-Ownership and Production in Anglo-Saxon England: the Evidence of the Ninth-Century Prayerbooks’ in Lexis and Texts in Early English: Studies Presented to Jane Roberts, ed. Christian J. Kay and Louise M. Sylvester (Rodopi: Amsterdam, 2001), pp. 45–67 (22 pages).

Foot, Sarah. ?thelstan: The First King of England (Yale University Press: New Haven, 2011), pp. 1-28, 212-226 (42 pages).

Charles-Edwards, T.M. Early Christian Ireland (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2000), pp. 391-415 (24 pages).



Online Sources:


Gildas, Concerning the Ruin of Britain (De Excidio Britanniae). Provided by the Fordham Medieval Sourcebook, chapters 23-26: (approx. 3 pages)


Selections from Bede, The Life of St Cuthbert. Provided by the Fordham Medieval Sourcebook:


Preface to the Pastoral Care. Provided by Bucknell University: (approx 2 pages).


Selections from the Letters of Boniface.  Provided by the Fordham Medieval Sourcebook:


Selections from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Provided by the Medieval & Classical Literature Library:


Annals of the Reign of Alfred the Great, translated by J. A. Giles

Medieval Latin Series: Cambridge, Ontario, 2000). Provided by York University: (43 pages).


Selections from the Anglo-Saxons Laws. Provided by the Fordham Medieval Sourcebook: (approx.. 3 pages)


O’Reilly, Jennifer. ‘Islands and Idols at the Ends of the Earth: Exegesis and Conversion in Bede’s Historia Ecclesiastica’ in Bède le Vénérable: Entre Tradition et Posterité. The Venerable Bede: Tradition and Posterity, ed. S. Lebecq, M. Perrin, and O. Szwerwiniack  (Université de Lille, Lille, 2005), pp. 119-145 (26 pages). Provided by Open Edition Books:


Church, S. D. ‘Paganism in Conversion-Age Anglo-Saxon England: The Evidence of Bede’s Ecclesiastical History Reconsidered’, History 93 (2008), 162-180 (18 pages) [available via Oria].


Goffart, Walter. ‘Bede’s History in a Harsher Climate’ in Innovation and Tradition in the Writings of the Venerable Bede, ed. Scott DeGregorio (West Virginia Univeristy Press: Morgantown, 2006), pp. 203-226 (23 pages) [book available online through Oria].


Frank, Roberta. ‘A Scandal in Toronto: ‘The Dating of Beowulf’ a Quarter Century On’, Speculum 82 (2007), 843-864 (21 pages) [available though Oria].


Foot, Sarah. ‘The Making of Angelcynn: English Identity before the Norman Conquest’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 6 (1996), 25-49 (24 pages) [available through Oria].


Nelson, Janet. ‘Women and the Word in the Earlier Middle Ages’, Studies in Church History 27 (1990), 53-78.  (25 pages) Available through Cambridge Core:





Published May 28, 2019 1:29 PM - Last modified June 5, 2019 1:55 PM