
HIS2113 - Demokrati eller p?belvelde? Politikk og borgerrollen og i antikkens Hellas og Roma


M.H. Hansen: The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demostenes (2. utg. 1999, el. seinere).

Eric W. Robinson (ed.): Ancient Greek Democracy: Readings and Sources (2004). ss. 45-63, 76-122, 152-79, 201-09, 248-307:

  • I. Morris “Equality and the origins of Greek democracy”
  • J. Ober “The Athenian revolution of 508/7”
  • L.J. Samons II “Revolution or compromise?”
  • M. Ostwald “Shares and rights: ‘Citizenship’ Greek style and American style”
  • M.H. Hansen “The ancient Athenian and the modern liberal view of liberty as a democratic ideal”
  • P.J. Rhodes “Who ran democratic Athens?”
  • R. Osborne “The economics and politics of slavery at Athens”
  • M.H. Jameson “Women and democracy in fourth-century Athens”
  • M. Katz “Women and democracy in Ancient Greece”

* J. Ober: “Public speech and the power of the people in democratic Athens” (s. 18-31) og “The nature of Athenian democracy” (s. 107-122) i idem The Athenian Revolution: Essays on Ancient Greek Democracy and Political Thought (Princeton, 1996


Andrew Lintott: The Constitution of the Roman Republic (2004)

* F. Millar: “Politics, persuasion, and the people, before the Social War (150-90 B.C.)” og “Popular politics at Rome in the late Republic”, i Rome, the Greek World, and the East. Volume 1: The Roman Republic and the Roman Revolution (London 2002); s. 143-182

* R. Syme: “Introduction: Augustus and history”, i The Roman Revolution (1939); s. 1-9.

* J.E. Skydsgaard: Det romerske clientelasamfund eller revolutionen der blev v?k; s. 5-37.

* B.Qviller: “I. Den romerske bystat”, i Romersk politisk kultur og sosiologisk historie (Oslo 1999); s. 15-45

* P.B. Ravn?: “Bokanmeldelse: Bj?rn Qviller Romersk politikk” med p?f?lgende debatt mellom Bj?rn Qviller og Per Bjarne Ravn? i Klassisk Forum 2000:2, s. 102-108; 2001:2, s. 82-109; 2002:1, s. 74-81; 2003:1, s. 82-90; 2003:2, s. 105-106.

Sammenfatning, historiografi og resepsjon

* I.B. M?hle “Det politiske spill i antikkens bystater”, i J.C.Meyer Antikkens historie (Oslo 2002); s. 128-165.

P.J. Rhodes: Ancient Democracy and Modern Ideology. (London 2003)


* R. Thomsen: Historiske Kilder: Antikens styreformer til debat s. 22-100


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Publisert 7. mars 2005 15:05