

Tekster merket med * er i kompendium som f?s kj?pt p? GnistAkademika.

A) Allmenne temaer:

* C.Vaughn Findley og J.A. Rothney: “The Twentieth Century in World History”, i Twentieth Century World, 1998. Houghton-Mifflin. s 4-25 (20 sider).

* D.K.Fieldhouse: The West and the Third World, 1999. Blackwell. s 1-5, 348-355 (11 sider).

* Embree: "Imperialism and Decolonization" (23 sider).

* Boahen: "The Colonial Impact" (7 sider).

B) Regionale oversikter:

Jarle Simensen: Afrikas historie, s 42-49, 220-302, 312-318, 340-344, 353-355, 397-416 (120 sider).

* Thomas E. Skidmore & Peter H. Smith: Modern Latin America, 5. utg. s 26-66 (40 sider).

* J. Ward: Latin-America. Development and conflict since 1945, s 1-17, 32-62 (49 sider).

Knut S. Vik?r: Ei verd bygd p? islam, s 177-189, s 221-262 (52 sider) MERK: 1993-UTGAVEN.

Rhoads Murphey: A history of Asia, 3.utgave: s. 260-263, 269-298, 301-337, 344-392 og 419-443. 4. utgave: s. 268-271, 277-306, 308-345, 352-403 og 431-457(144 sider).

* Carl N. Degler: Out of Our Past. The Forces That Shaped Modern America, s. 135-59, 273-303, 414-465 (105 sider).

Sum: 571 sider



Pensumlister s?remner HIS1330

S?remnet "Avkoloniseringsprosessen i det franske Afrika s?r for Sahara, 1940-1960" (sem 1)

*Ralph A. Austen og Rita Headrick: "Equatorial Africa under colonial rule", i David Birmingham og Phyllis M. Martin (eds.): History of Central Africa, Longman 1983, s. 27-94 (bare s. 82-94 = 12 eff. sider)

*Mervyn Brown: Madagascar Rediscovered. A history from early times to independence, Hamden, Conn. 1979, s. 262 (siste avsnitt)-272 (10 sider).

Tony Chafer: The End of Empire in French West Africa. France's Successful Decolonization?, Oxford, Berg 2002 (235 sider).

*F.Fuglestad: A History of Niger 1850-1960, Cambridge U.P. 1983, s. 147-54 (siste avsnitt) og 187-8 (10 sider)

*F. Fuglestad: "Problemer i nyere afrikansk historie. Noen personlige betraktninger", Samtiden 2, 1982 , s. 67-71 (5 sider)

*Else Johanne M?kleby: "Meiganga distrikt i Nord-Kamerun under fransk kolonistyre. Kontinuitet og endring i et afrikansk lokalsamfunn", hovedoppgave i historie, UiO 1999, s. 153-81 (28 sider)

*Marte Bogen Sinderud: "'Forsl?tte, elendige og syke kom de'. Avviklingen av slaveriet i Nord-Kamerun 1945-60", Historie. Popul?rhistorisk magasin, 4, 1995, s. 46-58 (8 eff. sider)

Totalt: 302 sider

Litteratur merket med * er samlet i kopisamlinger til salgs p? Kopiutsalget i Akademika. Ved kj?p av kopisamlinger m? studentbevis og kvittering for betalt semesteravgift fremvises.


S?remnet "The British Colonial Period in India, 1750-1920"/"Det britiske imperiet i India, 1750-1920" (sem 2 )


Barbara Metcalf and Thomas Metcalf: A Concise History of India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2002, pp. 49- 173 (127 pages).

Pamela Price: “Ch.8: Imperial Rule and Indian Public Spheres, 1793-1920”, I (red.) Ruud, A . Upubliset manus 2003 (23 pages)

David Kopf, "British Orientalism and the Bengal Renaissance: Chapter II, 'The Orientalist in Search of a Golden Age", in T. R. Metcalf (ed.): Modern India: An Interpretive Anthology, London: The Macmillan Company 1971, pp. 131-142 (11 pages).

Partha Chatterjee: “The Nation and Its Women”, in Ranajit Guha (ed.): A Subaltern Studies Reader, 1986-1995, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press 1997, pp. 240-262 (22 pages).

Robert Frykenberg: “Elite Groups in a South Indian District: 1788-1858”, in The Journal of Asian Studies Vol. 24, No. 2, 1965, pp. 261-81 (20 pages).

Merekith Borthwick, The Changing Role of Women in Bengal, 1849-1905 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984), pp. 3-25. (22 pages)

Gordon Johnson: “Chitpavan Brahmins and Politics in Western India in the late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries”, in Edmund Leach and S.N. Mukherjee: Elites in South Asia, Cambridge: Cambridge University press 1970, pp. 94-118 (24 pages).

Gordon, Leonard: “Ch. 3: The Swadeshi Movement”, I Bengal. The Nationalist Movement, 1876-1940, Manohar Book Service 1979 , pp 77-100 (23 pages)

Kenneth W. Jones: “Communalism in the Punjab: The Arya Samaj Contribution”, in T. R. Metcalf (ed.): Modern India: An Interpretive Anthology, London: The Macmillan Company 1971, pp. 206-220 (14 pages).

S.R. Mehrotra: ”The Early Indian National Congress, 1885-1918: Ideals, Objectives and Organization”, in B.R. Nanda (ed.): Essays in Modern Indian History, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1980, pp. 42-64 (22 pages)

Total: 308 pages


S.R. Ashton: Colonialism in India: A GCSE Source Book for Teachers, London: The British Library 1988, pp. 26-30, 37-45, 50-59, 67-75.

Total: 29 pages


S?remnet "Utviklingen av multinasjonale selskaper fra ca. 1850 til i dag" (sem 3)


Pensumlitteraturen er samlet i to kompendier som er til salgs i Gnist Akademika bokhandel p? Blindern. Kompendiet har samme navn som fordypningsemnet.

Pensum best?r i tillegg av et utvalg kilder (ca. 25 s.), som vil bli delt ut i forbindelse med undervisningen.

Amdam, Rolv Petter, Knutsen, Sverre og Thue, Lars: Bedrift og samfunn (kapitlet "Storbedriften – en overlegen organisasjonsform?"), Fagbokforlaget: Bergen, 1998, s.129-161 (32 s.)

Boyce, Gordon og Ville, Simon: The Development of Modern Business (kapitlet "International business"), London: Palgrave, 2002, s. 289-306 (17 s.)

Chandler, Alfred D.: "The United States: Seedbed of Managerial Capitalism", i Chandler, Alfred D. og Daems, Herman (red.): Managerial Hierarchies, Cambridge, Ma. og London, 1980, s. 9-40 (31 s.)

Franko, Lawrence G.: "The Origins of Multinational Manufacturing by Continental European Firms", i Wilkins, Mira (red.): The Growth of Multinationals, Aldershot og Brookfield, 1991, s. 192-217 (25 s.)

Hodne, Fritz: "The multinational companies of Norway", i Jones, Geoffrey og Schr?ter, Harm G.: The Rise of Multinationals in Continental Europe, Aldershot og Brookfield, 1993, s. 128-151 (23 s.)

Jones, Geoffrey: The Evolution of International Business, London og New York, 1996, s. 3-60 og 231-269 (95 s.)

Olsson, Ulf: "Securing the markets. Swedish multinationals in a historical perspective", i Jones, Geoffrey og Schr?ter, Harm G.: The Rise of Multinationals in Continental Europe, Aldershot og Brookfield, 1993, s. 99-127 (28 s.)

Sabel, Charles F.: "Flexible Specialisation and the Re-emergence of Regional Economies" (avsnittet "The Reorganisation of the Multinationals"), i Hirst, Paul og Zeitlin, Jonathan (red.): Reversing industrial decline?, Oxford, 1989 s. 31-40 (9 s.)

Schmitz, Christopher: The Growth of Big Business in the United States and Western Europe, 1850-1939, London, 1993 s. 12-27 (15 s.)

Wicken, Olav: "Teknologisk spionasje – en historie om et svensk-norsk industrielt ”澳门葡京手机版app下载”", i Polhem, 1984/2, Stockholm, 1984, s. 85-96 (11 s.)

Wilkins, Mira, "The History of European Multinationals: A New Look", i Wilkins, Mira (red.): The Growth of Multinationals, Aldershot og Brookfield, 1991, s. 24-51 (27 s.)

Totalt: 313 sider


S?remnet "N?r 'v?knet' egentlig Kina? - Kina som bilde og som akt?r de siste 200 ?r" (sem 4)


B?ckman, Harald: Nyere kinesisk historiografi. Manus 2003 (8 s.).

Fitzgerald, John: Awakening China. Politics, Culture and Class in the Nationalist Revolution. Stanford U. P. 1996, s. 23-66 (43 s.)

Lowe, Donald M.: The Function of “China” in Marx, Lenin and Mao. University of California Press 1966, s. 82-92 og 100-106 (17 s.)

Teng, Ssu-yü and John King Fairbank, eds.: China’s Response to the West. A Documentary Survey 1839-1923. Harvard U.P. 1965, s. 1-21 (21 s.)


Townsend, James R.: “Reflections on the Opening of China”, i Lierberthal, Kenneth, et al., eds.: Perspectives on Modern China. Four Anniversaries. Sharpe 1991, s. 387-417 (30 s.).


Waley-Cohen, Joanna: The Sextants of Bejing: Global Currents in Chinese History. Norton 2000 eller seinere, s. 129-285, 289-92.


Westad, Odd Arne, ed.: Brothers in Arms. The Rise and Fall of the Sino-Soviet Alliance 1945-1963. Stanford U.P. 1998, s. 1-5, 20-33, 41-46 (25 s.)

Til sammen 303 sider

Waley-Cohen er ? f? kj?pt i Akademika. Resten, inkludert kildene, vil bli tilgjengelig i et blandingskompendium.


Cheng, Pei-kai og Michael Lestz, with Jonathan D. Spence (eds.): The Search For Modern China. A Documentary Collection. Norton, 1999, s. 198-202, 242-45 (9 s.)

Han, Minzhu (ed.): Cries for Democracy. Writings and Speeches from the 1989 Chinese Democracy Movement. Princeton U.P. 1990, s. 316-18 (2 s.)

Hanhim?ki, Jussi and Odd Arne Westad (eds.): The Cold War. A History in Documents and Eyewitness Accounts. Oxford U.P. 2003, s. 202-03 (2 s.)

Marx, Karl: “Revolution in China and in Europe”. Artikkel i New York Daily Tribune, 14. juni 1853 (utdrag), i Marx on China 1853-1860 (Dona Torr: Introduction and Notes) Lawrence and Wishart 1968, s. 1-4 (4 s.)

Smith, Arthur H: Chinese Characteristics. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co. 1894, s. 328-30 (3 s.)

Teng, Ssu-yü and John King Fairbank (eds.): China’s Response to the West. A Documentary Survey 1839-1923. Harvard U.P. 1965, s. 24-27, 76-79 (8 s.)

Zhang, Liang, comp., Andrew J. Nathan and Perry Link (eds.): The Tiananmen Papers. Public Affairs, New York, s. 420-24 (5 s.)

Totalt: 33 sider (en del sider er knapt halve sider)


S?remnet "Milj?historie" (sem 5)

Fernand Braudel: The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, Harper & Row, Publishers, New York 1972, side 168 – 191 + innholdsfortegnelsen (23 sider)

Sverker S?rlin og Anders Ockerman, Jorden en ?. En global milj?historia, side 7-9,141-161, 168-180, 190-200 + forside. (42 sider)

Hilde Ibsen: ”Den menneskelige dialogen med jorden. Milj?historiens r?tter og utvikling” i Richard Petterson og Sverker S?rlin Milj?n och det f?rflutna. Landskap, minnen, v?rden. Ume? 1998, side 168-185. (17 sider)

Kristin Asdal, Politikkens teknologier, Produksjoner av regjerlig natur, Universitetet i Oslo 2004, side 4-10 (6 sider)


Kristin Asdal, ”Arbeid”, kapittel II, i Kristin Asdal, Politikkens teknologier, Produksjoner av regjerlig natur, Universitetet i Oslo 2004, side 47 – 75. (28 sider)

Martin Byrkjeland, Forureining fra ?rdal Verk 1848-199, kapittel 1, side 4-25. (21 sider) [forel?pig ikke tilgjengelig]

Dan B?rge Aker? Norge i Brazil. Milit?rdiktatur, folkemord og norsk aluminium, Aschehoug, Oslo, 1979, side 9-10, 52-60 + illustrasjoner fram til side 70, 133-141 (18 sider)

Sidney W. Mintz, Sweetness and Power, The place of sugar in modern history, Penguin Books, 1985, side 32-73 (bakgrunn, ikke obligatorisk), 187-214. (68 sider)

John Soluri, ”Export Bananas, Mass Markets, and Panama Disease” i Environmental History, vol. 7 nr. 3 2002, side 386-410. (24 sider)

Henrik Treimo, I matskandalenes tid – Kugalskap som sosialt drama. TIK, arbeidsnotat 2002, side 1-27.

Morten B??s og Audun Ruud, “Handel og milj?” i Hanne Svarstad og Tor. A Benjaminsen (red) Samfunnsperspektiver p? milj? og utvikling, Tano Aschehoug, Oslo 1998, side 140-163. (23 sider)

J. Karliner, The Corporate Planet: Ecology and Politics in the Age of Globalization, San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1997. Kapittel 1 (“Environment and the Crisis of Globalization”), side 1-29. (29 sider)

Susan Strasser: Waste and want. A Social History of Trash, Metropolitan Books, 1999, side 265-293 (28 sider)

Christine Myrvang: ”Tingenes uutholdelige d?gnvillhet: Design og konsum i maskinalderen” i Volund, Teknisk Museum 2002, side 29-42. (13 sider)

Carolyn Merchant, “Shades of Darkness: Race and Environmental History” i Environmental History, vol. 8 nr. 3 2003, side 386-410. (24 sider) (evt. Noe fra oversiktsboka) side 380-394 (14 sider)

Donna Haraway, Primate Visions, Routledge, New York/London, 1989, side133-156.


Lars Slagsvold, “Fluorforgiftning. Meddelelse fra Statens Veterin?rklinikk”, Norsk Veterin?rtidsskrift nr. 1, XLVI ?rg. (Januar 1934). (11 sider)

Innstilling fra r?ykskadekomiteen. Oppnevnt ved Kronprinsregentens resolusjon av 17. februar 1956 om tiltak mot luftforurensning fra industrianlegg m.v. Avgitt til Departement for industri og h?ndverk den 19. mai 1958 (6 sider)

Industrial Fluorosis. A study of the Hazard to Man and Animals near Fort William, Scotland. A Report to the Fluorosis Committee, Medical Research Council, Memorandum No. 22, London 1949. (6 sider)



S?remnet "Culture wars: kamp om moral, rettigheter og identitet i USA siden 1960" (sem 6)


Appleby, Joyce og Lynn Hunt og Margaret Jacob: Telling the truth about history. New York : Norton, 1994. Kap 8. (39 s)

Buzzanco, Robert: Vietnam and the transformation of American life. Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishers, 1999. Kap 8. (18 s)

Chafe, William H.: The Unfinished Journey. America since World War II. New York : Oxford University Press, 1995. s. 141-145, 430-469. (43 s) (OBS! Sidetall fra 3.utgaven)

Hunter, James Davison: Culture wars: the struggle to define America. New York: Basic Books, 1991. Kap 1, 4 (s.107-116), 6, 7, 8, 10, 11. (126 s)

Kjeldstadli, Knut: ”Nasjonale kulturer. Finnes de? Kan de studeres?” i B?rtnes, Jostein: Kulturperspektiver i fremmedspr?kfagene. Bergen: Program for kulturstudier, Norges forskningsr?d ; Kristiansand: H?yskoleforl., 1999. s.49-59 (10 s)

Martin, William: With God on our side. The rise of the religious right in America. New York: Broadway Books, 1996. Kap 4, 5. (43 s)

Morone, James A.: ”The Corrosive Politics of Virtue” i The American Prospect, vol.7 nr 26, 1.mai-1.juni 1996. (13 s)

Seller, Maxine Schwartz: To seek America: a history of ethnic life in the United States. Englewood, N.J. : Jerome S. Ozer, 1988. s.282-291 (10 s)

Williams, Rhys H.: ”Is America in a Culture War? Yes – No – Sort of.” i The Christian Century, 12.november 1997, s.1038-1043. (7 s)

(Pensum totalt: 308 s.)

Kilder (25 s):

Offentlige tekster: Utvalgte grunnlovstillegg, Equal Rights Amendment, Pledge of Allegiance, Declaration of Independence. (2 s)

Jesse Jacksons tale til demokratenes landsm?te 1988 (8 s)

Pat Buchanans tale til republikanernes landsm?te 1992 (4 s)

Dinesh D’Souza: ”Why are there poor people?” (National Public Radio ca 2000) (1 s)

National Organization of Women: NOW Statement of Purpose 1966 (4 s)

Roe v Wade, utdrag fra h?yesterettsdommen, 1973 (3 s) (utdrag gjengitt i Griffith, Robert: Major Problems in American History since 1945. Lexington, Mass.: D.C: Heath, 1992.)

Jerry Falwell Sees a Threat to the American Family, 1980 (3 s) (ogs? utdrag gjengitt i Griffith (1992))


S?remnet "Global befolkningsutvikling: fra befolkningsvekst til eldreb?lge" (sem 7 og 8)

McFalls, Joseph A., Population: A lively introduction; 4th Edition, Population Bulletin Vol. 58, No. 4 (2003). 39s

Population Reference Bureau Staff, Transitions in World Population, Population Bulletin Vol. 59, No. 1 (2004). 43s

*Livi-Bacci, Massimo, A concise history of world population, chapter 5: The population of poor countries, 2003, s.128-174, 47s

*Kravdal, ?ystein, “Global befolkningsvekst – fremdeles et problem”, i ?konomisk forum, nr. 4, 2002, s. 4-6, 3s.

*Malthus, Thomas Robert, Om befolkningslova, 1975, s. 15-28, 14s

*Dyrvik, St?le, ”Malthus og ettertida” i Malthus, Thomas Robert, Om befolkningslova, 1975, s. 161-184, 24s.

Fredrico, Giovanni, "Review of Ester Boserup The Conditions of Agricultural Growth: The Economics of Agrarian Change under Population Pressure" Economic History Services, Apr 16, 2001,  3s.

Carvalho, José Alberto de Carvalho, Where are we heading? Some demographic trends during the twenty-first century, President’s opening address: XXIVth IUSSP general conference,  3s.

Kibridge, Joachim S. "Population Growth, Poverty and Health” in Trovato, Frank (Ed): Population and Society, (2001), s. 72-88, 17s.

Caldwell, John C. and Pat Caldwell, ”The African AIDS Epidemic”, Trovato, Frank (Ed): Population and Society, (2001), s. 89-96, 8s.

*Brunborg, Helge “Aids i Afrika”, i Samfunnsspeilet, nr. 7(1) 1993, 6s

*Goody, Jack, “Comparing Family Systems in Europe and Asia: Are There Different Sets of Rules?” in Population and Development Review, Vol. 22, No. 1. (Mar., 1996), pp. 1-20, 20s

*Das Gupta, Monica, Lifeboat versus Corporate Ethic: social and demographic implications of stem and joint families, Social Science and Medicine 49 (1999):173-184. 12s

*Boserup, Ester, Economic and Demographic Interrelationships in sub-Saharan Africa, Population and Development Review, Vol. 11, No. 3 (1985), 16s

Coale, Ansley J., ”How a population ages or grows younger”, in Trovato, Frank (Ed): Population and Society, (2001), s.241-246 6s.

Castles, Stephen and Mark J. Miller, “The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World”, in Trovato, Frank (Ed): Population and Society, (2001), s. 285-297, 13s


Kilder blir delt ut p? kurset.


S?remnet "Meiji restaurasjonen i 1868 – Japans modernisering p? slutten av 1800-tallet" (sem 9)

L.M.Cullen 2003. A History of Japan, 1582-1941. Internal and External Worlds. New York: Cambridge U. Press. s. 1-17 og s. 175-238 (kap. 1,6,7)

Mikiso Hane 2003 2nd edition. Peasants, Rebels, Women and Outcastes. The Underside of Modern Japan. New York: Rowland and Littlefield Publishers. s. 3-50 (“Modernisation and the Peasants”).

Richard Sims 2000. Japanese Political History since the Meiji Renovation 1868-2000. London: Hurst & Company. s. 1-39 (kap).

Marius B. Jansen 2000. The Making of Modern Japan. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. s. 96-126 (kap 4) og s. 257-294 (kap 9).

S.N. Eisenstadt 1996. Japanese Civilization, A Comparative View. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. s. 1-49 (kap 1,2).

Irokawa Daikichi, The Culture of the Meiji Period (Princeton 1985): kap II "The Impact of Western Culture" s 51- 75 og kap VIII "The Emperor System as a Spiritual Structure," s. 245-311.

Til sammen 317 sider


?The records of the legitimate succession of the divine sovereigns: Japanese uniqueness.? World Civilization I, s. 160-161

?The way of the samurai.? World Civilization II, s. 55-56

Publisert 7. mars 2005 15:03 - Sist endret 31. okt. 2013 15:27