S?remne: Kald krig i Europa

Fagl?rer: Robin Allers


David Williamson, Europe and the Cold War, 1945-91 London (Hodder& Stoughton) 2001, (144 sider)


Saki R. Dockrill, Geraint Hughes (red.), Palgrave Advances in Cold War History, Houndmills (Palgrave) 2006, kap. 1 (Wolfgang Krieger, “The International System”), s. 19-51 (32 sider)

Arne Hofmann, The Emergence of Détente in Europe. Brandt, Kennedy and the formation of Ostpolitik, London (Routledge) 2007, kap. 3 (‘Essentials’), 4 (Mending Wall), s. 20-42 (22 sider).

Wilfried Loth, Overcoming the Cold War. A History of Détente, Houndmills (Palgrave), kap. 5 (The Time of the Treaties), s. 102-127 (25 sider)

Andrzej Paczkowski, “Playground of Superpowers, Poland 1980-89: A View from Inside”, I Olav Nj?lstad (red.), The Last Decade of the Cold War. From Conflict Escalation to Conflict Transformation, London (Frank Cass) 2004, s. 373-401 (28 sider)

Geir Lundestad, “The European Role at the Beginning and Particularly the End of the Cold War”, I Olav Nj?lstad (red.), The Last Decade of the Cold War. From Conflict Escalation to Conflict Transformation, London (Frank Cass) 2004, s. 60-79. (19 sider)

I tillegg:

Csaba Bekes, The 1956 Hungarian Revolution and World Politics
CWIHP Working Paper No. 16 (online: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/index.cfm?topicid=1409&fuseaction=topics.publications&groupid=11901) (30 sider)

Tilsammen 303 sider.

Publisert 5. jan. 2007 12:09 - Sist endret 10. des. 2007 15:14