Fagl?rer: J?rn Holm-Hansen
?smund Egge, Fra Aleksander II til Boris Jeltsin. Russlands og Sovjetunionens moderne historie, kap. 3-6, s. 47-133 (89 s.)
*Edward Acton, Rethinking the Russian Revolution, ch. 2: ”The three traditions and revisionism”, s. 28-48 (21 s.)
Daniel H. Kaiser (red.), "The Workers’ Revolution in Russia 1917. The View from Below": http://wgate.bibsys.no/gate1/SHOW?objd=890306990&bibl=UHS&lang=N&bibk=o Ronald G. Suny, ”Revising the old story: the 1917 revolution in light of new sources” (s. 1-19) (19 s.)
Steve A. Smith, ”Petrograd in 1917: the view from below” (s. 59-79) (21 s.)William G. Rosenberg, ”Conclusion: understanding the Russian Revolution” (s. 132-141) (20 s.)
Martin Miller (red.), The Russian Revolution. The Essential Readings Orlando Figes, ”The Russian Revolution of 1917 and its Language in the Village” ( s. 73-102) (30 s.)Alexander Rabinowitch, ”The Bolsheviks Come to Power” (s. 104-139) (36 s.)
William G. Rosenberg, ”Russian labor and Bolshevik power: social dimensions of protest in Petrograd after October” (s. 149-179) (29 s.) Barbara Evans Clements, ”Bolshevik Women” (s. 180-203) (24 s.) Ronald G. Suny, ”State-Building and Nation-Making: The Soviet Experience” (s. 236-255) (20 s.)
”Ordre nr. 1”, Lenins ”Aprilteser”, Lenin om maktovertakelsen medio september, Kamenev og Zinovjev opponerer mot maktovertakelse, Dekretet om jord, Oppl?sningen av den grunnlovgivende forsamling. (14 s.)
Til sammen 323 s.