S?remne "Den andre industrielle revolusjon"

Fagl?rere: Kristine Bruland og Yngve Nilsen

Pensum er ? f? kj?pt i et kompendium. Dette kan kj?pes p? kopiutsalget i underetasjen p? Akademika bokhandel.


Aanstad, S., ’Establishing Production Abroad: Mustad in France in the late 19th century’, i K.Bruland (red.), Essays on Industrialisation in France, Norway and Spain, Oslo 2005, s 81-92. (8 sider)

Bruland, K., ‘The Babcock & Wilcox Company: Strategic Alliance, Technology Development, and Enterprise Control, circa 1860-1900’, i K.Bruland og P.O’Brien (red.), From Family Firms to Corporate Capitalism, Oxford 1998, s. 219-43. (20 s)

Bruland, K., ‘Managing Foreign Operations: Babcock & Wilcox in Europe, c. 1870-1920’, i K.Bruland (red.), Essays on Industrialisation in France, Norway and Spain, Oslo 2005, s. 93-113. (6 s.)

Bruland, K. og Mowery, D., ’The Second Industrial Revolution’, i Fagerberg, J., Nelson, R.. og Mowery, D. (red), The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, London, New York: OUP, s. (10s.)

Chandler, A./ Daems, H. (red.), Managerial Hierarchies. Comparative Perspectives on the Rise of Modern Industrial Enterprise, Cambrige Mass., 1980, s. 9-76 (63 s.)

Lange, E., ‘Industrien bak det moderne Norge’, i Lange, E. (red), Teknologi i Virksomhet. Verkstedindustrien i Norge etter 1840, Oslo:1989, s. 11-31. (12 s.)

Goodman, J. og Honeyman, K., ’The Problems of Industrial Europe and the International Economy Before 1914’, i Gainful Pursuits. The Making of Industrial Europe 1600-1914, London, New York: 1988, s. 214-223. (8 s.)

Hareven, T., ‘Adaptation to industrial work’, i Family Time & Industrial Time, Cambridge, New York: CUP, 1982, s. 120-154. (33 s)

Hounshell, D., From the American System to Mass Production, 1800-1932, Baltimore og London, 1987, s. 217-302 (54 s.)

Hughes, T. P., Edison and electric light, i D. MacKenzie og J. Wajcman (red.), The Social Shaping of Technology, Philadelphia 1985 s. 39-52 (11 s.)

Kemp, T., ‘The Rise of Industrial Germany’, i Industrialization in Nineteenth-Century Europe, London og New York: 1990, s. 78-113 (29 s.)

Kjeldstadli, K., ‘Storindustrien – et eventyr?’, i Et Splittet Samfunn, 1905-35, Aschehoughs Norges Historie, Bind 10, Oslo: 1994, s. 38-51. (9 sider)

Sejersted, F., ‘Veien mot ?st. Et norsk bidrag til den ?konomiske imperialisme’, og ’Moderniseringsstrategier i Norge 1900-1940’, i Demokratisk Kapitalisme, Oslo: 1993, s. 107-163. (55s.)

I tillegg kommer 25 sider kildemateriale.

Publisert 25. apr. 2005 16:48 - Sist endret 14. juni 2005 16:00