Pensumliste HIS1300INTER (med varianter) fellesdel, v?ren 2019
Andresen, Astri; Sissel Rosland, Teemu Ryymin og Svein Atle Sk?lev?g. ? gripe fortida: Innf?ring i historisk forst?ing og metode. 2. utg. (Oslo: Samlaget, 2012)
Palmer, R.R.; Joel Colton og Lloyd Kramer: A History of Europe in the Modern World, 11. utgave (New York, McGraw Hill, 2014), kap. 2 – 26, s. 49-1072
Tignor, Robert; Jeremy Adelman, Stephen Aron et al.: Worlds together. Worlds apart. A History of the World from the beginnings of humankind to the present, 4. utg., (New York/ London: W.W. Norton, 2014), kap. 12 - epilog, s. 440-847
Waage, Hilde Henriksen, Rolf Tamnes og Hanne Hagtvedt Vik (red.), Krig og fred i det lange 20. ?rhundre (Oslo: Cappelen Damm, 2013), kap. 2-5, 7-8, 10-12, 14-15, s. 43-138, 165-208, 257-307, 333-382
Pensum for s?remnet
Pensum for s?remnet US and the VIetnam War
Pensum for s?remnet Humanitarianism as history - international aid in the 20th century