Pensum merket med * finnes i kopisamlingen Globalhistorie HIS1130 i kopiutslaget GnistAkademika.
Jarle Simensen: Afrikas historie, s 19-151. (132 s)
*Randi og Gunnar H?land: Aschehougs verdenshistori bd 1, 1999, s 62-97, 118-131, 252-268. (64 s)
Finn Fuglestad: Fra Svartedauden til Wienerkongressen, s 216-232. (16 s)
*Niels Steensgaard: Verdensmarked og kulturm?ter. Aschehougs verdenshistorie bd 9, s 13-71, 177-190, 264. (72 s)
*Finn Fuglestad: "Anmeldelse av Niels Steensgaard", HT nr 2, 1986, s 236-244. (9 s)
*Arnved Nedkvitne: "Globalhistoriske problemstillinger", HT nr 2, 1985, s 183-195. (12 s)
*McKay etc: A history of world societies, s 244-274, 646-663. (47 s)
R. Murphey: A history of Asia (127 s):
- i 3. utgave: s 63-114, 132-167, 172-213.
- i 4. utgave: s 64-115, 134-171, 176-218.
Totalt: 479 sider
S?remnet "Inkvisisjonen i europeiske kolonier"
*Gustav Henningsen, The archives and the historiography of the Spanish Inquisition” i Gustav Henningsen og John Tedeschi (red.) The Inquisition in Early Modern Europe, Dekalb Ill. 1996, s. 54-78 Totalt 25 s.
*Charles Amiel, ”The archives of the Portuguese Inquisition: A brief survey” i Gustav Henningsen og John Tedeschi (red.) The Inquisition in Early Modern Europe, Dekalb Ill. 1996, s. 79-99 Totalt 21 s.
A.K. Priolkar, The Terrible Tribunal for the East: The Goa Inquisition, Bombay 1961, s. 22-34, 50-59, 87-113, 163-189 Totalt 77 s.
*Richard E. Greenleaf, The Mexican Inquisition of the Sixteenth Century, Albuquerque 1969, s. 1-6, 158-213 Totalt 62 s.
*Gustav Henningsen, ”The database of the Spanish Inquisition”, i Vortr?ge zur Justizforschung Band 2, s. 43-85 Totalt 43 s.
*Benzion Netanyahu, The Marranos of Spain, New York 1973, s. 1-4 Totalt 4 s.
*Teodoro Hampe-Martinez, ”Recent Works on the Inquisition and Peruvian Colonial Society, 1570-1820”, i Latin American Research Review nr. 2 vol. 31, 1996, s. 43-65 Totalt 23 s.
*Gustav Henningsen, ” The diffusion of European magic in colonial America”, i Clashes of Cultures: Essays in Honour of Niels Steensgaard, Odense 1992, s. 160-178 Totalt 19s.
*Stanley M. Hordes, ”The Inquisition and the Crypto-Jewish Community in Colonial New Spain and New Mexico”, i Anne J. Cruz og Mary Elizabeth Perry (red.), Cultural encounters. The impact of the Inquisition in Spain and the New World, Berkeley 1991, s. 207-217 Totalt 11 s.
*Margaret Mott, ”Leonor de Cáceres and the Mexican Inquisition”, i The Journal of the History of Ideas nr. vol. 62, 2001, s. 81-98 Totalt 18 s.
Totalt 303 s.
Deler av Dellons beskrivelse av hans fangenskap i Goa (i Priolkars bok). James Brodrick, Saint Francis Xavier 1506-1552, London 1952, s. 86-88, 239-240 Totalt 3 s.
*Tekstene finnes i kompendium som f?es kj?pt p? Akademika.
S?remnet "Akbar and Islamic State Formation in South Asia"
Litteratur merket med * vil v?re samlet i kompendium til salgs p? GnistAkademika.
John F. Richards, The Mughal Empire, The New Cambridge History of India, Vol. 1, Pt. 5 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), pp. 1-118. (total – 320). 119 p.
*Douglas, E. Streusand, The Formation of the Mughal Empire (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1989), pp 123-153. (total – 206). 30 p.
*Iqtidar Alam Khan, ”Akbar’s Personality Traits and World Outlook – A Critical Reappraisal”, in Irfan Habib, ed., Akbar and His India (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1997), pp. 79-96. (total—315). 17 p.
*M. Athar Ali, ”The Perception of India in Akbar and Abu’l Fazl”, in Habib, ed., Akbar and his India, pp. 215-224. 9 p.
*Stephen P. Blake, ”The Patrimonial-Bureaucratic Empire of the Mughals”, in Hermann Kulke, ed., The State in India, 1000-1700 (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1997), pp. 278-303.(total – 367). 25 p.
*Percival Spear, ”The Mughal ’Mansabdari’ System”, in Edmund Leach and S.N. Mukherjee, Elites in South Asia (Cambridge: The University Press, , 1970), 1-15 pp. (total – 266). 16 p.
*J.F. Richards, ”The Formulation of Imperial Authority under Akbar and Jahangir”, in J.F. Richards, ed., Kingship and Authority in South Asia (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1998), pp. 285-326. (total – 375). 41 p.
*Abdur Rashid, ”The Treatment of History by Muslim Historians in Mughal Official and Biographical Works”, in C.H. Philips, ed., Historians of India, Pakistan and Ceylon (London: Oxford University Press, 1961), 139-151pp. (total – 504). 12 p.
*Shireen Moosvi, Episodes in the Life of Akbar (New Delhi: National Book Trust, 1994), pp. 28-38, 42-73, 80-83. 44 p.
Total: 313 p.
S?remnet "De store kinesiske sj?reisene p? 1400-tallet"
Pensum vil forligge som et kompendium med f?lgende artikler:
Brook, Timothy: “Maritime Trade”, i Brook: The Confusions of Pleasure. Commerce and Culture in Ming China. U of California Press, 1998, s. 119-24 5 s
Dreyer, Edward L.: Early Ming China. A Political History 1355-1435. Stanford U P, 1982, s. 1-11 11 s
Duyvendak: “The True Dates of the Chinese Maritime Expeditions in The Early Fifteenth Century”, in T’oung Pao, vol. 36 (1938), s. 341-399) 58 s
Hall, Kenneth R.: Maritime Trade and State Development in Early Southeast Asia. University of Hawaii Press, 1985, s. 222-31 og 334-36 12 s
Mills, J.V.G. “Introduction” i Ma Huan: Ying-yai sheng-lan – ‘The Overall Survey of the Ocean’s Shores’. Cambridge U. Press, 1979, s. 1-66 66 s
Needham, Joseph: “Scientific Cartography: The Continuous Chinese Grid Tradition, (iv) Climax in Yuan and Ming”, i Needham: Science and Civilization in China, vol 3. Cambridge U P, 1959, s. 551-61 10 s.
Needham, Joseph: “The Chinese Ship in Philology and Archaeology”, del (3) og (4), i Science and Civilization in China, Vol. 4, Part III, Cambridge U P, 1971, s. 477-553 76 s Ptak, Roderich: “China and Portugal at Sea - The Early Ming Trading System and the Estado da ?ndia Compared”, i Ptak: China and the Asian Seas. Trade, Travel and Visions of the Other (1400-1750), Ashgate, 1998, Del I (s. 21-38) 18 s
Tsai, Shi-shan Henry: The Eunuchs in Ming Dynasty. State University of New York Press, 1996, s. 141-64 23 s
Wang, Gungwu: “Early Ming Relations with Southeast Asia: A Background Essay”, i Fairbank, John King, ed.: The Chinese World Order: Traditional China’s Foreign Relations. Harvard UP 1968, s. 36-62 og 294-99 36 s
?Til sammen 315 sider
Noen av artiklene i pensumet inneholder en del prim?rkilder. Resten av kildene, ca. 10 sider, vil bli distribuert p? f?rste forelesning.
B?r leses ekstempor?rt, og vil bli ? f? k?pt i Akademika: Menzies, Gavin: 1421 – The Year The Chinese Discovered the World. Bantam Press, 2003 eller seinere.
Nyttig som ekstempor?r lesning er ogs? f?lgende bok, som ogs? vil bli ? f? kj?pt i Akademika: Levathes, Louise: When China Ruled the Seas. The Treasure Fleet of the Dragon Throne, 1405-1433. Oxford UP paperback, 1996 eller seinere.
S?remnet "Kulturkollisjon: Kongo-riket og europeerne (fra 1482 til begynnelsen av 1700-tallet)"
Joseph C. Miller, "The paradoxes of impoverishment in the Atlantic zone", in D. Birmingham & P.M. Martin (eds), History of Central Africa, Vol.I (Longman, 1983), 118-59 (kun 118-46) (= 25 eff. sider)
Georges Balandier, Daily Life in the Kingdom of Congo from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century (London, 1968), 27-63, 244-63 (= 55 sider)
John K. Thornton, The Kingdom of Kongo. Civil War and Transition 1641-1718 (Un. of Wisconsin Press, 1983), 3-68 (= 65 sider)
John K. Thornton, "Early Kongo-Portuguese relations: a new interpretation", i History in Africa. A Journal of Method, b.8 (1981), 183-204 (= 21 sider)
John K. Thornton, The Kongolese Saint Anthony. Dona Beatriz Kimpa Vita and the Antonian Movement, 1684-1706 (CUP, 1998), 10-35 (24 eff.s), 59-81 (23s), 105-98 (93 s.) (= 140 sider).
Totalt: 306 sider
Et utvalg p? 25 sider fra enten
Louis Jadin (red), L'ancien Congo et Angola d'après les archives romaines, portugaises, néerlandaises et espagnoles 3 bind (Roma, 1975)
Louis Jadin & Mireille Dicorato, Correspondance de Dom Afonso, roi du Congo, 1506-1543 (1974)
(dette utvalget vil forh?pentligvis foreligge i engelsk eller norsk oversettelse i l?pet av den f?rste uken med undervisning)