Syllabus/achievement requirements

ARK2120/4120-Hunters and Gatherers and Stone Age Technology

Spring 2016

Literature marked (*) will be available in compendiums. The rest of the publications can be bought or borrowed, or they are available as PDF files.


Stone technology

*Bodu, P. Karlin, C and Ploux, S. ¡°Who¡¯s Who? The Magdalenian Flintknappers of Pincevent, France¡± i : The big puzzle : International Symposium on Refitting Stone Artefacts, Monrepos, 1987 , red: E. Cziesla, S. Eickhoff, N.Arts and D. Winter, 1990. Monrepos. Studies in Modern Archaeology ; 1 , Bonn : Holos. s. 143-163.

*Dobres, Marcia-Anne ¡°Engendering the Cha?ne Op¨¦ratoire: Methodological Considerations¡± and ¡°A Future for Technology¡¯s Past¡± i: Technology and Social Agency: Outlining a Practice Framework for Archaeology, 2000. Oxford : Blackwell . s. 164-211.

* Dobres, Marcia-Anne and Christopher R. Hoffman ¡°Introduction: A Context for the Present and Future of Technology Studies¡± i: The Social Dynamics of Technology : Practice, Politics, and World Views, 1999. Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press. s. Pages 1-19.

*Cahen, D. and L. H. Keeley ¡°Not less than two, not more than three¡± i : World Archaeology Early Man. Volume 12 No. 2, 1980. s. 166-180.

* Edmonds, Mark ¡°Description, Understand and the Cha?ne Op¨¦ratoire¡± i : Technology in the humanities, Archaeological Review from Cambridge. Summer, 1990. Cambridge: Department of Archaeology. 9:1. s. 55-70.

* Hodder, Ian ¡°In Technology in the Humanities: A Commentary¡± i: Technology in the humanities, Archaeological Review from Cambridge. Summer, 1990. Cambridge: Department of Archaeology. 9:1 . s. 154-157.

* Luedtke, Barbara E. ¡°Altered Cherts¡± i : An Archaeologist¡¯s Guide to Chert and Flint, 1992. Archaeological Research Tools 7, Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles. s. 91-103.

* Pelegrin, Jacques ¡°Prehistoric Lithic Technology: Some Aspects of Research¡± i: Technology in the humanities, Summer, 1990. Archaeological Review from Cambridge. Cambridge: Department of Archaeology. 9:1 . s. 116-125.

* Fischer, A., 1990. On being a pupil of a flintknapper of 11,000 years ago. A preliminary analysis of settlement organisation and flint technology based on conjoined flint artefacts from the Trollegrave site, In: Cziesla, E. (Ed.), The Big Puzzle: International Symposium on Refitting Stone Artefacts, Monrepos, 1987. Holos, Bonn, pp. 447-464.



PDF available for free:

(€) Ambrose, S. H. 2001 Paleolithic Technology and Human Evolution. Science, (291):1748-1753.

(€) Ambrose, S. H. 2001 Middle and Later Stone Age Settlement Patterns in the Central Rift Valley, Kenya: Comparisons and Contrasts. In Conard, N. J. (Ed.) Settlement Dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age.21-43. T¨¹bingen, Kerns Verlag.

(€) Andrefsky, W. J. 2006 The application and misapplication of mass analysis in lithic debitage studies. Journal of Archaeological Science, (34):392-402.

(€)Andrefsky, W.J., 2009. The Analysis of Stone Tool Procurement, Production, and Maintenance. Journal of Archaeological Research 17, 65-103.

(€) Blumenschine, R. J., Masao, F. T., Tactikos, J. C. & Ebert, J. I. 2008 Effects of distance from stone source on landscape-scale variation in Oldowan artifact assemblages in the Paleo-Olduvai Basin, Tanzania. Journal of Archaeological Science, 35 76-86.

(€) Bo?da, E., Geneste, J. M., Griggo, C., Mercier, N., Muhesen, S., Reyss, J. L., Taha, A. & Valladas, H. 1999 A Levallois point embedded in the vertebra of a wild ass (Equus africanus): hafting, projectiles and Mousterian hunting weapons. Antiquity, 3 394-402.

(€) Bousman, C. B. 2005 Coping with risk: Later stone age technological strategies at Blydefontein Rock Shelter, South Africa. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 24 193-226.

(€) Baales, M. 2001 From Lithics to Spatial and Social Organization: Interpreting the Lithic Distribution and Raw Material Composition at the Final Palaeolithic Site of Kettig (Central Rhineland, Germany). Journal of Archaeological Science, 28 127-141.

(€)Carr, P.J., Bradbury, A.P., 2011. Learning From Lithics: A Perspective on the Foundation and Future of the Organization of Technology. PalaeoAnthropology, 305-319.

(€) Dibble, H. L., Philip G. Chase, Shannon P. McPherron & Tuffreau, A. 1997 Testing the Reality of a 'Living Floor' with Archaeological Data. American Antiquity, 62 (4):629-651.

(€) Eren, M.I., Roos, C.I., Story, B.A., von Cramon-Taubadel, N., Lycett, S.J., 2014. The role of raw material differences in stone tool shape variation: an experimental assessment. Journal of Archaeological Science 49, 472-487.

(€) Merrick, H. V. & Brown, F. H. 1984 Obsidian sources and patterns of source utilization in Kenya and northern Tanzania: some initial findings. African Archaeological Review, 2 129-152.

(€) Minichillo, T. 2006 Raw material use and behavioral modernity: Howiesons Poort lithic foraging strategies. Journal of Human Evolution, 50 359-364.

(€) Pargeter, J., 2013. Rock type variability and impact fracture formation: working towards a more robust macrofracture method. Journal of Archaeological Science 40, 4056-4065.

(€) Shott, M. J. 1992 On Recent Trends in the Anthropology of Foragers: Kalahari Revisionism and Its Archaeological Implications. Man, New Series, 27 (4):843-871.

(€) Shott, M. J. & Sillitoe, P. 2005 Use life and curation in New Guinea experimental used flakes. Journal of Archaeological Science, 32 653-663.

(€) Shott, M. J. & Weedman, K. J. 2007 Measuring reduction in stone tools: an ethnoarchaeological study of Gamo hidescrapers from Ethiopia. Journal of Archaeological Science, 34 1016-1035.

(€) Sillitoe, P. & Hardy, K. 2003 Living Lithics: ethnoarchaeology in Highland Papua New Guinea. Antiquity, 77 555-566.

(€) Soressi, M., Geneste, J.-M., 2011. The History and Efficacy of the Cha?ne Op¨¦ratoire Approach to Lithic Analysis: Studying Techniques to Reveal Past Societies in an Evolutionary Perspective. PaleoAnthropology 334-350

(€) Ta?on, P. S. C. 1991 The power of stone: symbolic aspects of stone use and tool development in western Arnhern Land, Australia. Antiquity, 65 192-207.

(€) Tostevin, G.B., 2011. Special Issue: Reduction Sequence, Cha?ne Op¨¦ratoire, and Other Methods: The Epistemologies of Different Approaches to Lithic Analysis. Introduction. PalaeoAnthropology, 293-296.

(€) Tostevin, G.B., 2011. Levels of theory and social practice in the reduction sequence and cha?ne op¨¦ratoire methods of lithic analysis. PaleoAnthropology 2011, 351-375.

(€) Villa, P., Delagnes, A. & Wadley, L. 2005 A late Middle Stone Age artifact assemblage from Sibudu (KwaZulu-Natal): comparisons with the European Middle Paleolithic. Journal of Archaeological Science, 32 399-422.

(€) Wadley, L. 2005 A Typological Study of the Final Middle Stone Age Stone Tools from Sibudu Cave, Kwazulu-Natal. South African Archaeological Bulletin, 60 (182):51¨C63.

(€) Wiessner, P. 1983 Style and Social Information in Kalahari San Projectile Points. American Antiquity, 48 (2):253-276.

(€) Wiessner, P. 2002 Hunting, healing, and hxaro exchange A long-term perspective on !Kung (Ju/¡¯hoansi) large-game hunting. Evolution and Human Behavior, 23 407¨C436.


Additional reading:

Crabtree, Don E.: An Introduction to Flintworking. , Second Edition. 1982. Occasional Papers of the Idaho Museum of Natural History, No. 28.

Helskog, Knut, Svein Indrelid og Egil Mikkelsen : ¡±Morfologisk klassifisering av sl?tte steinartefakter¡± , Oslo 1976. Universitetets Oldsaksamlingens ?rbok, 1972-1974. s. 9-40.

Inizan, M.-L., Reduron-Ballinger, M., Roche , H. & Tixier, J. 1999 Technology and Terminology of Knapped Stone, Nanterre, CREP.

Whittaker, John C. ¡°Flintknapping: Basic Principles¡±, ¡°Raw Materials¡±, ¡°Hard hammer Percussion¡±, ¡°Pressure Flaking¡± and ¡°Using Stone Tools¡± i: Flintknapping : making and understanding stone tools, 1994. Austin, Texas : University of Texas Press, Austin. ss. 11-21, 65-78, 85-176, 243-257


Published Dec. 14, 2015 8:49 AM