
Pensum/l?ringskrav ARK4040 ¨C fordypning i arkeologisk teori og metode- h?st 2016

Pensum merket med * er samlet i kompendium som kan kj?pes p? kopiutslaget i Akademika. Studentbevis m? fremvises ved kj?p av kompendium.


Arkeologi som vitenskap

*Mithen, S. 2012 Archaeological Theory and the Theories of Cognitive Evolution. I: Archaeological Theory Today,2. utgave, redigert av I. Hodder, s. 98-121. Polity Press, Cambridge. (19 s.)

€ Kristiansen, K. 2004 Genes versus agents. A discussion of the widening theoretical gap in archaeology. Archaeological Dialogues 11, No. 2, 77-99. (22 s.)

€ Veit, U. 2004 ¡°Mission impossible¡±! Comments on Kristian Kristiansen, ¡°Genes versus agents. A discussion of the widening theoretical gap in archaeology¡±. Archaeological Dialogues 11, No. 2, 99-103. (4 s.)

*Bintliff, J., 2011 The death of archaeological theory? I: J. Bintliff and M. Pearce, eds. The death of archaeological theory? Oxford: Oxbow Books, 7¨C22. (16 s).

€ Snekkestad, P. 2011 Darwinistisk arkeologi. Primitive Tider 13: 155-166. (12 s)

€ Fahlander, F., F. Riede, J. Apel & P. Snekkestad 2011 Kommentarer og svar til ¡°Darwinistisk arkeologi¡±. Primitive Tider 13: 167-185 (18 s)

€ Johnsen, H. & B. Olsen 1992 Hermeneutics and Archaeology. On the philosophy of contextual archaeology American Antiquity 57(3): 419-436 (16 s.)

*Hodder, Ian 2004 The ¡°Social¡± in Archaeological Theory: An Historical and Contemporary Perspective. In A Companion to Social Archaeology, edited by Lynn Meskell and Robert W. Preucel, s. 23¨C43. Blackwell, Malden, Mass (15 s).

€ Thomas, Julian 2015 The future of archaeological theory. Antiquity 89 (348): 1287 ¨C 1296 (7 s.)

€ Gosselain, Olivier P. 2008. Mother Bella was not a Bella. Inherited and transformed traditions in Southwestern Niger. I Stark et al. Cultural transmisson and material culture, 150-177. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson (ca 22 s).


Materialitet, nettverk, og symmetri

*Olsen, B. 2006 Ting-mennesker-samfunn. Introduksjon til en symmetrisk arkeologi. Ark?ologisk Forum 14:13-18. (5 s.)

*Ingold, T. 2008 When ANT meets SPIDER: Social Theory for Arthropods. I: L. Malafouris and C. Knappett (eds.) Material Agency: Towards a Non-Anthropocentric Approach. New York: Springer. s. 209-216 (7 s.)

*Witmore T. & C.L. Webmoor 2008 Things are Us! A Commentary on Human/Things Relations under the Banner of a ¡®Social¡¯ Archaeology. Norwegian Archaeological Review 41 (1): 53-70. (18 s.)

*Boivin, Nicole 2004 Mind over Matter? Collapsing the Mind-Matter Dichotomy in Material Culture Studies. In Rethinking materiality. The engagement of mind with the material world, edited by Elizabeth DeMarrais, Chris Gosden and Colin Renfrew, pp. 63¨C71. McDonald institute monographs. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge (10 s.).

*Hodder, Ian 2012 Entangled: an archaeology of the relationships between humans and things. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester: Chapter 1: Thinking about things differently, s. 1-14 (13 s.).

€ Sindb?k, S?ren M. 2007 Networks and nodal points: the emergence of towns in early Viking Age Scandinavia. Antiquity 81 (2007): 119¨C132 (8 s.)


Struktur og handling: Menneske og samfunn

*Giddens, A. 1984 The Constitution of Society. Outline of the Theory of Structuration. Polity Press. Cambridge. Utgave 2010. s. 297-304 (The duality of structure) (7 s.)

*Dobres, M. A. and J. E. Robb 2000 Agency in Archaeology: Paradigm or platitude? I: Agency in archaeology, redigert av M. A. Dobres og J. E. Robb, s. 3-17. Routledge, London. (12 s.)

*Nygaard, T. 2001 Den lille sosiologiboka. Innf?ring i sosiologisk handlingsteori. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo. S. 102-146: Jean-Paul Sartre, Pierre Bourdieu, Anthony Giddens (45 s.)

*?sterberg, D. 2003 Sosiologiens n?kkelbegreper og deres opprinnelse. Capellen, Oslo. S. 12-17 (6 s.)

*Bourdieu, P. 2006 Strukturer, habitus og praksiser. Agora: Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 1-2: 53-73 (20 s.)

*Olsen, B. 2006 Scenes from a Troubled Engagement. Post-Structuralism and Material Culture Studies. I Handbook of Material Culture, redigert av C. Tilley, W. Keane, S. K¨¹chler, M. Rowlands, and P. Spyer, s. 85-103. Sage Publishers, London. (19 s.)

€ Pauketat, Timothy R. and Susan M. Alt 2005 Agency in a Postmold? Physicality and the Archaeology of Culture-Making. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 12(3):213-236. (21 s.)

€ Kosiba, Steve and Andrew M. Bauer 2013               Mapping the Political Landscape: Toward a GIS Analysis of Environmental and Social Difference. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 20(1):61-101 (ca. 22 s.)


Subjekt, kropp og livsverden

*Kyvik, G. 2002 Hjemmeverden, fremmedverden og arkeologisk refleksivitet. Primitive tider 5. s. 127-132 (4 s.)

*Gansum, T., G. B. Jerp?sen, C. Keller 1997 Arkeologisk landskapsanalyse med visuelle metoder. AmS-Varia 28. Arkeologisk museum i Stavanger, Stavanger. Kap. 1, Kap. 2, Kap. 3, Kap. 4, s. 10-22. (10 s.)

€ Br¨¹ck, J. 2005 Experiencing the past? The development of a phenomenological archaeology in British prehistory Archaeological Dialogues 12 (1): 45¨C65 (ca 17 s.)

*Thomas, J. 2006 Phenomenology and Material Culture. I Handbook of Material Culture, redigert av C. Tilley, W. Keane, S. K¨¹chler, M. Rowlands, and P. Spyer, s. 43-59. Sage Publishers, London. (12 s.)

€ Hamilakis, Yannis 2008 Time, performance, and the production of a mnemonic record: From feasting to an archaeology of eating and drinking. In DAIS: The Aegean Feast. Proceedings of the 12th International Aegean Conference, University of Melbourne, Centre for Classics and Archaeology, 25-29 March 2008, Vol. 29, edited by Louise A. Hitchcock, Robert Laffineur and Janice Crowly. Aegaeum. Peeters publishers, Leuven. (ca. 13s)

*Mauss, Marcel 2006 [1935]: Techniques of the Body. In: Schlanger, Nathan (ed.): Marcel Mauss. Techniques, Technology and Civilization. Oxford: Durkheim Press / Berghahn Books, ss. 77-95 (19 sider)


Analogi, biografi og metafor

€ Jones, A. 1998 Where eagles dare: landscape, animals and the Neolithic of Orkney , Journal of Material Culture 3(3): 301-324. (23 s.)

€ Gosden, C. & Y. Marshall 1999 The cultural biography of objects World Archaeology 21(2): 169-178. (8 s.)

*Porr, M. 1999 Archaeology, Analogy, Material Culture, Society: An Exploration. I: Ethno-Analogy and the reconstruction of Prehistoric Artefact Use and Production, redigert av L. Owen og M. Porr. Urgeschichtliche Materialhefte 14. Mo Vince Verlag. T¨¹bingen. S. 3-15 (8 s.)

*Tilley, C. 1999 Metaphor and Material Culture. Oxford: Blackwell s.36-76 (35 s.)

€ Joy, Jody 2009 Reinvigorating object biography: reproducing the drama of object lives. World Archaeology 41(4):540-556 (11 s.)


Anbefalt litteratur/ bakgrunnslitteratur ARK4040:

Hastrup, K. 1999 Viljen til viden. En humanistisk grundbog. Gyldendal: K?benhavn.

Olsen, B. 2002 [1997] Fra ting til tekst. Teoretisk perspektiv i arkeologisk forskning. Oslo. Universitetsforlaget. 2. opplag.

Renfrew, C. and Bahn, P. (red.) 2005 Archaeology. The Key Concepts. Routledge Key Guides. Oxon/New York. Routledge.

Aakvaag, G. C. 2010 [2008] Moderne sosiologisk teori. Oslo. Abstrakt forlag AS. 2. opplag.

Hodder, I. 2012 (red.) Archaeological Theory Today. Second Edition. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Trigger, Bruce 1989 A history of archaeological thought. Cambridge University Press, Cambri


Publisert 24. mai 2016 10:38 - Sist endret 23. aug. 2016 13:16