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Litteratur merket (*) er tilgjengelig i kompendium til salgs p? kopiutsalget og (F) i Fronter. De andre publikasjonene kan kj?pes p? Akademika, l?nes p? biblioteket (UB og Sophus Bugge) eller er tilgjengelige p? internett (se linker).

Technology and the social

* Appadurai, A. 1986. Introduction: Commodities and the politics of value. In A. Appadurai (ed.). The social life of things: Commodities in cultural perspectives, 3-63. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (61 pages)

* Gell, A. 1992. The technology of enchantment and the enchantment of technology. In Cooter, J & Shelton, A. (eds.). Anthropology, Art and Aesthetics, 40-63. Clarendon Press, Oxford (24 pages)

Gosden, C. & Marshall, Y. 1999. The Cultural Biography of Objects. World Archaeology 31 (2): 169-178 (10 pages)

* Olsen, B. 2010. Chapter 2. Brothers in Arms? Archaeology and Material Culture Studies. In Olsen, B. In Defense of Things. Archaeology and the Ontology of Objects, 21-38. AltaMira Press, New York (18 pages)

Non-ferrous metalwork

* Anfinset, N. 2000. Copper Technology in Contemporary Western Nepal. A Discussion of its Form, Function and Context. In Olausen, D. & Vandkilde, H. (eds.). Form, Function and Context. Material Culture Studies in Scandinavian Archaeology, 203-212. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia 31. Almquist & Wiksell, Lund (10 pages)

* Armbruster, B. 2004: Goldsmiths' Tools at Hedeby. In Hines, J.; Lane, A. & Redknap, M. (eds.): Land, Sea and Home. The Society for medieval Archaeology Monograph, vol. 20, s. 109–123. Maney, Leeds (15 pages)

Córdoba, R. et al. 2007. Technology, Craft and Industry. In Graham-Campbell, J. & Valor, M. (eds). The Archaeology of Early Medieval Europe. Vol. 1. Eight to Twelfth Centuries, 208-236 (29 pages)

* Fitzpatrick, A. 2009. In his hands and in his head: The Amesbury Archer as a metalworker. In Clark, P. (ed.). Bronze Age Connections. Cultural Contact in Prehistoric Europe, 176-188. Oxbow Books, Oxford (13 pages)

* Fuglesang, S.H. 1987: "The Personal Touch". On the identification of workshops. I: James E. Knirk (red.): Proceedings of the Tenth Viking Congress. Larkollen, Norway, 1985. Universitetets Oldsaksamlings skrifter. Ny rekke 9, 219–230. Universitetets Oldsaksamling, Oslo (12 pages)

Hauptmann, A. 2007. Chapter 2. Problems and Methods of Archaeometallurgy. In Hauptmann, A. The Archaeometallurgy of Copper. Evidence from Faynan, Jordan, 7-38. Springer, Berlin & Heidelberg (32 pages)

* Horne, L. 1995: Itinerant Brasscasters of Eastern India. In: Allchin, B. (ed.), Living Traditions. Studies in Ethnoarchaeology of South Asia: 265-280. Oxbow & IBH Publ. Co. Pvt. Ltd. Oxford/New Dehli (16 pages)

Inker, P. 2000. Technology as Active Material-Culture: The Quoit-brooch Style. Medieval Archaeology 44: 25-52 (28 pages) eller her

* Kristoffersen, S. 2000. Expressive objects. In Olausen, D. & Vandkilde, H. (eds.). Form, Function and Context. Material Culture Studies in Scandinavian Archaeology, 265-274. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia 31. Almquist & Wiksell, Lund (12 pages)

Ljungkvist, J. 2008. Handicrafts. In Brink, S. & Price, N. (eds). The Viking World, 186-192. Routledge: London & New York (6 pages). NB! STOR PDF

Lund, J. & Melheim, A.L. 2011. Heads and tails – minds and bodies. Reconsidering the Late Bronze Age Vestby hoard in light of symbolist and body perspectives. European Journal of Archaeology 15 (24 pages)

Nielsen, S. et al. 2005. The Gundestrup Cauldron. New Scientific and Technical Investigations. Acta Archaeologica 76: 1-58 (58 pages)

Ottaway, B.S. & Roberts, B. 2008. The Emergence of Metalworking. In Jones, A. (ed.). Prehistoric Europe. Theory and Practice, 193-225. Blackwell, Oxford (33 pages)

* R?nne, P. 1989: Early Bronze Age Spiral Ornament - the Technical Background. Journal of Danish Archaeology 8: 126-143 (18 pages)

S?derberg, A. & Gustafsson, N.B. 2006: A Viking Period silver workshop in Fr?jel, Gotland. Fornv?nnen: 101: 29–31 (3 pages)

In the quarry

* Barber, M. 2003. Chapter 4. The Work of Time: People, Processes and Places. In Barber, M. Bronze and the Bronze Age. Metalwork and Society in Britain c 2500 – 800 BC, 109-134. Tempus Publishing, Stroud (26 pages)

* Engedal, ?. 2010. Chapter 7: Transformation (sub-chapters 7.1-7.3). In Engedal, ?. The Bronze Age of Northwestern Scandinavia, 142-162. Dissertation Dr. Philos, University of Bergen (20 pages)

* Shennan, S. 1998. Producing copper in the eastern Alps during the second millennium BC. In Knapp, A.B., Piggott, V.C. & Herbert, E.W. (eds.). Social Approaches to an Industrial Past. The Archaeology and Anthropology of Mining, 191-204. Routledge, London & New York (14 pages)

* Timberlake, S. 2009. Copper mining and metal production at the beginning of the British Bronze Age. In Clark, P. (ed.). Bronze Age Connections. Cultural Contact in Prehistoric Europe, 94-121. Oxbow Books, Oxford (28 pages)

Tylecote, R. F. 1992: Chapter 2: The technique and development of early copper smelting & Chapter 3: The early Bronze Age. In Tylecote, R.F. A history of metallurgy (2nd ed.), 7-17 & 18-46. Institute of Materials, London (40 pages)

Making iron

Haaland, R. 2004. Technology, Transformation and Symbolism. Ethnographic Perspectives on European Iron Working. Norwegian Archaeological Review 37 (1): 2-19 (18 pages)

* Larsen, J.H. & Rundberget, B. 2009. Raw material, iron extraction and settlement in Southeastern Norway, 200 BC – AD 1150, 38-50. Vitark – Acta Archaeologica Nidronsiensia 7, Trondheim (13 pages)

* Serning, I. 1979. Prehistoric iron production, In Clarke, H. (ed.) Iron and Man in Prehistoric Sweden, 50-98. Jernkontoret, Stockholm (49 pages)

Svensson, E, Bodin, S., Hulling, H. & Pettersson, S. 2009. The Crofter and the Iron Works: The Material Culture of Structural Crisis, Identity and Making a Living on the Edge. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 13: 183-205 (23 pages)

In the smithy

Gansum, T. 2004. Role the Bones – From Iron to Steel. Norwegian Archaeological Review 37 (1): 41-57 (17 pages)

* Th?li-Bergman, L. 1979. Blacksmithing in Prehistoric Sweden. In Clarke, H. (ed.). Iron and Man in Prehistoric Sweden, 99-133. Jernkontoret, Stockholm (35 pages)


Arnold, D.E. 2000. Does the Standardization of Ceramic Pastes Really Mean Specialization?. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 7 (4): 333-375 (43 pages)

Fredriksen, P.D. 2006. Moving Closer to the Fire: Heat Transformations and Bucket-Shaped Pots in Burials. Norwegian Archaeological Review 39 (2): 126-137 (12 pages)

Gosselain, O. 2000. Materializing Identities: An African Perspective. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 7 (3): 187-217 (31 pages)

Hulthén, B. 2006. Helg?: Moulds and Routes. Ceramological Investigations of Distribution, Ceramics Craft and Raw Materials. Monographs on Ceramics 3. Laboratory of Ceramics Research, Dept. of Quaternary Geology, Institute of Geology, Lund University (50 pages)

* Kleppe, E.J. & Simonsen, S.E. Bucket-Shaped Pots – A West-Norwegian Ceramic Form. Experiments with Production Methods. AmS-Skrifter 10. Arkeologisk museum i Stavanger (40 pages)

* Sinopoli, C.M. 1991. Chapter 2. Defining Ceramics. In Sinopoli, C.M. Approaches to Archaeological Ceramics, 9-42. Plenum Press, London & New York (34 pages)

Sofaer, J. 2006. Pots, Houses and Metal: Technological Relations at the Bronze Age Tell at Százhalombatta, Hungary. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 25 (2): 127-147 (21 pages)

Published Nov. 23, 2011 8:43 A