
Pensumliste ARK2021 –Klassisk arkeologi - h?st 2016



Artikler merket (*) er tilgjengelig som kompendium i kopiutsalget i underetasjen p? Akademika. (A) er boktitler som kan kj?pes p? Akademika eller l?nes p? biblioteket (UB og Sophus Bugge). Artikler med lenke er fritt tilgjengelige som pdf-filer via universitetets nett.



Lecture 1. Archaeology and written sources in Classical Archaeology 


(A) Alcock, S.E. & R. Osborne (red.) 2012. Classical archaeology. (2. udgave). Blackwell, London.  Introduction & Chapters 1-2, 1-90 (90 sider)

* Schaps, D.M. 2011. Handbook for Classical Research. Routledge.

Part I, 1-56. (56 sider)


Total = 146 sider


Utfyllende lesning:

(A) Grummond, N. T. de (red) 1996. An encyclopedia of the history of classical archaeology, Westport, Conn, Greenwood Press. (2 volumes).

(A) Dyson, S. L. 2006. In pursuit of ancient pasts. A history of classical archaeology in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. New Haven, Yale University Press.

(A) Shanks, M. 1996. Classical archaeology. Experiences of the discipline. London, Routledge.  


Lecture 2. Art and Artefact: Studies in Greek Pottery


* Rotroff, S. 2009. ?Early Red-Figure in Context?, i Oakley, J. H. & O. Palagia (red.). Athenian Potters and Painters, volume II. Oxford-Oakville, Oxbow Books. 2009. 250-260.

(10 sider)

(A) Boardman, J. 2006. The History of Greek Vases. Potters, Painters and Pictures. Thames and Hudson.

Kapitel 6, s. 189-243. (55 Sider)

Langdon, S. H. 2001. Beyond the Grave: Biographies from Early Greece. American Journal of Archaeology, vol. 105, 579-606. (27 pages) 

(A) Mee, C. 2011. Greek archaeology: A thematic approach. Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex.;jsessionid=12511C3A8B07B1057BCBB2F213358621.d03t02

Kapitel 6, s. 129-149. (20 sider)

* Turner, M. 2000. ?Attribution & Iconography?, Mediterranean archaeology 13, 55-66.
(11 pages)

* Turner, M. 2004. ?Iconology vs. Iconography: The Influence of Dionysos and the Imagery of Sarpedon?, Hephaistos 21/22 (2003/2004), 53-79.
(26 pages)


Total = 146 sider


Utfyllende lesning:

(A) Clark, A.J. et al. 2002. Understanding Greek Vases: A guide to terms, styles, and techniques. Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum.

(A) Rasmussen, T. & Spivey, N. (red.). 1991. Looking at Greek Vases. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

(A) Rouet, P. 2001. Approaches to the Study of Attic Vases. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

(A) Steiner, A. 2007. Reading Greek Vases. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

(A) Vickers, M. J. & Gill, D. W. J. 1994. Artful Crafts: Ancient Greek Silverware & Pottery. Oxford, Clarendon. 


Lecture 3. City and Country in the Ancient Mediterranean


* Margaritis, E. ?Cultivating Classical Archaeology: Agricultural activities, use of space and occupation patterns in Hellenistic Greece?, i Haggis, D., Antonaccio, C. (red.) 2015. Classical Archaeology in Context. Theory and Practice in Excavation in the Greek World. De Gruyter: Berlin, 333–354. (22 sider).

(A) Mee, C. 2011. Greek archaeology: A thematic approach. Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex.;jsessionid=12511C3A8B07B1057BCBB2F213358621.d03t02

Kapitel 2, 3, s. 8-68 & 5, s. 107-128 (81 pages)

* Foxhall, L. ?Small, rural farmstead sites in ancient Greece: a material cultural analysis?, i Kolb, F. (red.), Chora und Polis: Methoden und Ergebnisse der historische Landeskunde (Schriften des Historischen Kollegs 54). 2004. Oldenbourg. 249-270.

S. 249-270. (21 sider)


Total = around 124 pages.


Utfyllende lesning:

(A) Alcock, S.E. & R. Osborne (red.) 2012. Classical archaeology. (2. udgave). Blackwell, London. Kapitel 3-4.

Camp, J. M. 1992. The Athenian Agora: Excavations in the Heart of Classical Athens (2nd edition).

Camp, J.M. 2001. The Archaeology of Athens. New Haven; London: Yale University Press.

Camp, J.M. 2003. The Athenian Agora: A short guide to the excavations. - more of a handy guide/reference than an academic work)

(A) Coulston, J. & Dodge, H. (red.) 2000. Ancient Rome: The Archaeology of the Eternal City. Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology. Kapitel 4.

(A) Favro, D. G. 1996. The Urban Image of Augustan Rome, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

(A) Osborne, R. 1987. Classical landscape with figures: the ancient Greek city and its countryside. London, G. Philip.

Papadopoulos, J. K. 2003. Ceramicus Redivivus: The Early Iron Age Potter's Field in the Area of the Classical Athenian Agora. Princeton/Athens, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens.

(A) Rich, J. & A. Wallace-Hadrill (red.) 1991. City and Country in the Ancient World. (Leicester-Nottingham Studies in Ancient Society volume 2). London-New York, Routledge.   

Robertson, N. 1998. The city centre of Archaic Athens, Hesperia 67.3, 282-302.

(A) Robinson, O. F. 1992. Ancient Rome: city planning and administration. London, Routledge.

(A) Thommen, L. 2012. An environmental history of Ancient Greece and Rome. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

(A) Wells, B. 1992. Agriculture in ancient Greece: proceedings of the seventh international symposium at the Swedish Institute of Athens, 16-17 May 1990, Stockholm.


Note: The excavation monographs and handbooks from the Athenian Agora and Corinth excavations are all available online (JSTOR and some at


Lecture 4. Pompeii - Portrait of a Roman City?


(A)  Beard, M. 2008. Pompeii. The life of a Roman town. London.

Utfyllende lesning:

(A) Berry, J. 2007. The Complete Pompeii. Lodon, Thames & Hudson.

(A) Laurence, R. & D.J. Newsome (red.). 2011. Rome, Ostia, Pompeii: Movement and Space. Oxford University press.

(A) Lazer, E. 2009. Resurrecting Pompeii. Lonon, Routledge.

(A) Ling, R. 2009. Pompeii: History, Life & Afterlife. (2. udgave). Stroud, History Press.

 (A) Zanker, P. 1998: Pompeii: Public and Private Life. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.


Lecture 5. The dead do tell tales: Death, burial and memory


Graham, E.–J. ?Discarding the destitute: ancient and modern attitudes towards burial practice and memory preservation amongst the lower classes of Rome?, i  Croxford, B., H. Goodchild, J. Lucas & N. Ray (red.). TRAC 2005: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Birmingham 2005, 57–72. Oxford, Oxbow Books.

s. 57-72 (16 sider)

* Hopkins, K. 1983. Death and Renewal. (Sociological Studies in Roman History volume 2). Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Kapitel 4, s. 201–338. (37 sider)  

(A) Mee, C. 2011. Greek archaeology: A thematic approach. Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex.;jsessionid=12511C3A8B07B1057BCBB2F213358621.d03t02

Kapitel 9, s. 223-254 9 (32 sider)

Morris, I. 1989. Attitudes towards Death in Archaic Greece, Classical Antiquity, vol. 8. No. 2, 269-320. (52 sider)

* Wees, H. van. ?A brief history of tears: gender differentiation in archaic Greece. ? i  In: Foxhall, L and Salmon, J, (red.). When Men Were Men. Masculinity, power and identity in classical antiquity. 1998. London-New York, Routledge. 10-53.

S. 10-47 (38 sider)


Total = 171 sider.


Utfyllende lesning:

(A) Carroll, M. 2011. ‘Memoria and Damnatio Memoriae. Preserving and erasing identities in Roman funerary commemoration.’  i Carroll, M. & J. Rempel (red.). Living Through the Dead. Burial and Commemoration in the Classical World. Oxford: Oxbow, 2011, 65-90.

(A) Garland, R. 2001. The Greek way of death. (2. udgave). London, Duckworth/Bristol Classical Press.

(A) Morris, I. 1996. Death ritual and social structure in classical antiquity. Cambridge University Press.

Patterson, J. 2000. ?Living and Dying in the city of Rome: houses and tombs?, i Coulston, J. & Dodge, H. (red.) 2000. Ancient Rome: The Archaeology of the Eternal City. Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology, 259-289.

(A) Scott, M. 2013. Space and Society in the Greek and Roman Worlds. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Kapitel 3 (Spaces of alienation: street-lining Roman cemeteries).




Lecture 6. Cult, religion and festivals


 (A) Alcock, S.E. & R. Osborne (red.) 2012. Classical archaeology. (2. udgave). Blackwell, London. Kapitel 7, s. 249-292 (44 sider)

(A) Coulston, J. & Dodge, H. (red.) 2000. Ancient Rome: The Archaeology of the Eternal City. Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology. Kapitel 11, s. 290-305 (16 sider)

Kindt, J. 2009. Polis Religion – A Critical Appreciation Kernos, vol. 22 (2009), 9-34.

(25 sider)

(A) Mee, C. 2011. Greek archaeology: A thematic approach. Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex.;jsessionid=12511C3A8B07B1057BCBB2F213358621.d03t02

Kapitel 10, s. 255-297 (43 sider)


Total = 123 sider


Utfyllende lesning

(A) Alcock, S.E. & R. Osborne 1994. Placing the Gods. Sanctuaries and Sacred Space in Ancient Greece. Oxford, Clarendon Press.

(A) Connelly, J. B. 2014. The Parthenon Enigma: A New Understanding of the World’s Most Iconic Building and the People Who Made It. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

(A) Cosmopoulos, M. B. 2003 (red.). Greek Mysteries: The Archaeology & Ritual of Ancient Greek Secret Cults. London, Routledge.

(A) Polignac, F. de 1995. Cults, Territory and the Origins of the Greek City-State. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.

Dillon, M. 2000. Did Parthenoi Attend the Olympic Games? Girls and Women Competing, Spectating, and Carrying out Cult Roles at Greek Religious Festivals. Hermes. Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie 128, 457-480.

(A) Gradel, I. 2002. Emperor Worship and Roman Religion. Oxford, Clarendon Press.

(A) H?gg, R. 1998 (red.). Ancient Greek Cult Practice from the Archaeological Evidence. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska institutet i Athen 8° ). Stockholm.

(A) Hurwit, J. 2004. The Acropolis in the Age of Pericles. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

(A) MacDonald, W. L. 2002. The Pantheon: design, meaning, and progeny, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ. Press.

(A) Morgan, C.  1990. Athletes and oracles: the transformation of Olympia and Delphi in the eighth century BC. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

(A) Pedley, J. G. 2006. Sanctuaries and the sacred in the Ancient Greek world. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York & Melbourne.

(A) Raschke, W.J. (red). 1988. The Archaeology of the Olympics : the Olympics and other festivals in antiquity. Madison, Wis., University of Wisconsin Press.

Schmid, S. 2001. Worshipping the emperor(s), Journal of Roman Archaeology 14, 113–142.


(A) Spawforth, A. 2006. The Complete Greek Temples. London, Thames & Hudson.



Lecture 7. What is it all worth? Social status and material values in the ancient Greek world


Morris, I 1986. Gift and Commodity in Archaic Greece, Man volume 21, no. 1, 1-17.

(17 sider)

* Morris, I. ?The art of citizenship.? i Langdon, S. (red.). New Light on a Dark Age. Exploring the Culture of Geometric Greece. 1997. Columbia and London, University of Missouri Press, 9-43.

S. 9-43. (35 Sider)

* Pritchard, D. 1999. ?Fool's Gold and Silver: Reflections on the Evidentiary Status of Finely Painted Attic Pottery?, Antichthon 33 (1999), 1-27.

(27 sider)


Total: 79 sider

Utfyllende lesning:

(A) De Ste. Croix, G. E. M. 1981. The class struggle in the ancient Greek world. London, Duckworth.

(A) Donlan, Walter. 1980. The Aristocratic Ideal in Ancient Greece: Attitudes of Superiority from Homer to the End of the Fifth Century B.C. Lawrence, Kan: Coronado Press.

(A) Hodkinson, S. 2000. Property and Wealth in Classical Sparta. London, Duckworth and the classical press of Wales.

(A) Morris, I. 1996. Death ritual and social structure in classical antiquity. Cambridge University Press.

(A) Ober, J. (1989) Mass and elite in democratic Athens: rhetoric, ideology, and the power of the people. Princeton N. J., Princeton University Press.

(A) Rose, P.W. 2012. Class in Archaic Greece. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

(A) Nicholson, N. 2011. Aristocracy and Athletics in Archaic and Classical Greece. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.


Lecture 8. Home is where the hearth is: The archaeology of the household



 (A) Alcock, S.E. & R. Osborne (red.) 2012. Classical archaeology. (2. udgave). Blackwell, London.

Kapitel 6, s. 207-247 (41 sider)

Foxhall, L. ?House clearance: Unpacking the ?kitchen?in Classical Greece? I Westgate, R., Fisher, N. & Whitley, J. (red.). Building Communities: house, settlement and society in the Aegean and beyond; proceedings of a conference held at Cardiff University, 17 - 21 April 2001. 2000, 233-242.  London, British School at Athens.

(10 sider)

* Jameson, M. 1990. ?Private Space in the Greek City?, i Murray, O. & S. Price (red.). The Greek City from Homer to Alexander. Oxford, 171-195.

(25 sider)


 Total = 81 sider


Utfyllende lesning:

(A) Allison, P. 2004. Pompeian Households: An Analysis of the Material Culture. Los Angeles, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at University of California, Los Angeles.

Donahue, J. F. 2004. The Roman Community at Table during the Principate. Ann Arbor.

(A) Donahue, J. F. 2004. The Roman Community at Table during the Principate. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press.

Scobie, A. 1986. ?Slums, Sanitation and Mortality in the Roman World?, Klio 68, 399-433.

(A) Wallace-Hadrill, A. 1994. Houses and Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum. Princeton N. J. Princeton University Press.

Westgate, R., Fisher, N. & Whitley, J. (red.). Building Communities: house, settlement and society in the Aegean and beyond; proceedings of a conference held at Cardiff University, 17 - 21 April 2001. 2000, 233-242.  London, British School at Athens. 


Published May 24, 2016 10:28 AM - Last modified Oct. 25, 2016 1:19 PM