
Pensum h?sten 2014

ARK2021/ARK4020 - Klassisk arkeologi


The references directly under each lecture heading can either be found in the compendium (marked %), downloaded as PDF files (marked # - click on links) or borrowed from the library. Some may also be available for purchase at Akademika. References only appear under one heading, but some will be relevant for multiple themes in this course.


‘Further Reading’ is there to assist with a more detailed knowledge of the topics raised in the lectures and to provide potential assistance with the assessment. These extra references can be found either at the library, online, or, in some cases, at Akademika, but there is no guarantee of their availability.


In terms of page number counts, those without “ca.” include images and bibliographies in their total, so the actual pages of required reading will often be considerably less than indicated.


NOTE: Please do NOT copy and paste these references directly into your assessment bibliography. They do not necessarily adhere to the SAA guidelines that you are required to follow.


General References

Note: Chapters from these books that are relevant to a particular lecture have been listed under the lecture title.


Alcock, S.E. & R. Osborne (eds.) 2012. Classical archaeology. Blackwell, London. (2nd edition). (First edition can be used, but it is missing Chapter 11 on art as well as the other revisions).


Coulston, J. & Dodge, H. (eds.) 2000. Ancient Rome: The Archaeology of the Eternal City, Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology.


#Mee, C. 2011. Greek archaeology: A thematic approach. Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex. (Note: You do not necessarily need to read the Minoan and Mycenaean sections in each chapter for this course).;jsessionid=12511C3A8B07B1057BCBB2F213358621.d03t02


Further Reading - General References

Adam, J. P. 1994. Roman Building: Materials and Techniques. Bloomington, Indiana University Press


Grossman, J.B. 2003. Looking at Greek and Roman Sculpture in Stone: A Guide to Terms, Styles and Techniques.


Kamm, A. 2008. The Romans: An Introduction. Routledge (2nd edition).


Kleiner, D. E. E. 1992. Roman Sculpture. New Haven.


Lawrence, A.W. (rev. R.A.Tomlinson). 1996. Greek Architecture. Yale University Press, New Haven and London.


Mattusch, C. 1996. Classical Bronzes. The Art & Craft of Greek & Roman Statuary.


McGeough, K. M. 2009. The Romans: an introduction, Oxford, Oxford University Press.


Oleson, J. P. (ed.) 2008: The Oxford Handbook of Engineering and Technology in the Classical World. Oxford, Oxford.


Palagia, O. (ed.) 2006. Greek Sculpture: Function, Materials and Techniques in the Archaic and Classical Periods.


Potter, D. S. (ed.) 2010. A companion to the Roman Empire, Wiley-Blackwell.


Stewart, P. 2008. The Social History of Roman Art. Cambridge, Cambridge.


# Tanner, J. 2000. ‘Portraits, Power, and Patronage in the Late Roman Republic.’ Journal of Roman Studies 90, 18–50.


Taylor, R. M. 2003. Roman builders: a study in architectural process, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.


Whitley, J. 2001. The archaeology of Ancient Greece. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Zanker, P. 1988. The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus. University of Michigan Press, Michigan.


Zanker, P. 2010. Roman Art, Los Angeles, Calif., J. Paul Getty Museum.


Lecture 1. Course Introduction & A Short History of Classical Archaeology

Alcock and Osborne – Introduction, 1, 2 (= ca.70 pages)


Trigger, B. 2006. A history of archaeological thought, Ch. 2. (= 39 pages)


Total = around 109 pages


Further Reading

DeGrummond, N.T. (ed) 1996. An encyclopedia of the history of classical archaeology, 2 vol.


Dyson, S.L. 2006. In pursuit of ancient pasts. A history of classical archaeology in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.


#Shanks, M. 1996. Classical archaeology. Experiences of the discipline.



Lecture 2. Art and Artefact: Studies in Greek Pottery

Alcock and Osborne – Chapter 11 (= ca.30 pages) (Note: this chapter is not in the original 2007 edition)


# Langdon, S. H. 2001. Beyond the Grave: Biographies from Early Greece. American Journal of Archaeology, 105, 579-606. (= 27 pages)


# Mee - Chapter 6 (= ca.13 pages)


#Oakley, J.H. 1998. “Why study a Greek vase-painter?  A response to Whitley’s “Beazley as theorist”, Antiquity 72, 209-213. (= 4 pages)


%Oakley, J.H. 2004. ‘New vases by the Achilles Painter and some further thoughts on the role of attribution.’ In Greek Art in View: Studies in honour of Brian Sparkes, Ch. 5.


%Turner, M. 2000. “Attribution & Iconography”, Meditarch 13, 55-66. (= 11 pages)


%Turner, M. 2004. “Iconology vs. Iconography: The Influence of Dionysos and the Imagery of Sarpedon”,

Hephaistos 21/22 (2003/2004), 53-79. (= 26 pages)


#Whitley, J. 1997. “Beazley as Theorist”, Antiquity 71, 40-47. (= 7 pages)


Total = around 123 pages.

Further Reading

Clark, A.J. et al. 2002. Understanding Greek Vases: A guide to terms, styles, and techniques.


Moignard, E. 2006. Greek Vases: An Introduction.


Rasmussen, T. & Spivey, N. (eds.). 1991. Looking at Greek Vases.


Rouet, P.   2001. Approaches to the Study of Attic Vases.


Steiner, A. 2007. Reading Greek Vases.


Vickers, M.J. & Gill, D.W.J. 1994. Artful Crafts: Ancient Greek Silverware & Pottery.



Note: Don’t forget the various pottery handbooks by John Boardman in the ‘World of Art’ series. Very handy for collected images of Greek pottery (and sculpture)



Lecture 3. City and Country

Alcock and Osborne – Chapter 3, 4, 5 (= ca. 83 pages)


Mee – Chapter 2, 3, 5 (= ca. 42 pages)


Total = around 125 pages.


Further Reading

Camp, J.M. 1992. The Athenian Agora: Excavations in the Heart of Classical Athens (2nd edition).


Camp, J.M. 2001. The Archaeology of Athens.


#Camp, J.M. 2003. The Athenian Agora: A short guide to the excavations. (Download: - more of a handy guide/reference than an academic work)


Coulston and Dodge – Chapter 4


Favro, D. G. 1996. The Urban Image of Augustan Rome, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.


Osborne, R. 1987. Classical landscape with figures: the ancient Greek city and its countryside, London, G. Philip.


# Papadopoulos, J. K. 2003. Ceramicus Redivivus: The Early Iron Age Potter's Field in the Area of the Classical Athenian Agora, Princeton/Athens, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, especially Ch. 5.


# Robertson, N. 1998. “The city centre of Archaic Athens”, Hesperia 67.3, 282-302.


Robinson, O. F. 1992. Ancient Rome: city planning and administration, London; New York, Routledge.


Thommen, L. 2012. An environmental history of Ancient Greece and Rome, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.


Wells, B. 1992. Agriculture in ancient Greece: proceedings of the seventh international symposium at the Swedish Institute of Athens, 16-17 May 1990, Stockholm.


Note: The excavation monographs and handbooks from the Athenian Agora and Corinth excavations are all available online (JSTOR and some at



Lecture 4. Pompeii - Portrait of a Roman City?

Beard, M. 2009. Pompeii. The life of a Roman town.


Further Reading

Berry, J. 2007. The Complete Pompeii.


Laurence, R. & D.J. Newsome (ed.). 2011. Rome, Ostia, Pompeii: Movement and Space.


Lazer, E. 2009. Resurrecting Pompeii.


Ling, R. 2005. Pompeii: History, Life & Afterlife.


Zanker, P. 1998: Pompeii: Public and Private Life. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.





Lecture 5. The dead do tell tales: Death, burial and memory

Note: These references cover both the lecture and seminar on death.


# Bodel, J. 2000. Dealing with the Dead: Undertakers, Executioners, and Potter’s Fields in Ancient Rome. I: Death and disease in the ancient city (Red: V.M. Hope & E. Marshall), London & New York, 128-151. (= 23 pages)


Coulston and Dodge – Chapter 10 (= ca. 22 pages)


% Graham, E.–J.?2006. ‘Discarding the destitute: ancient and modern attitudes towards burial practice and memory preservation amongst the lower classes of Rome.’ In TRAC 2005: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Birmingham 2005, edited by Croxford, B. et al., 57–72. Oxford. (= 15 pages)


# Hope, V.M. 2003. ‘Trophies and tombstones: commemorating the Roman soldier.’ In World Archaeology 35:1, 79-97 (ca. 17 pages)


% Hopkins, K. 1983. ‘Death in Rome.’ In Death and Renewal, 201–56. Cambridge. (= 51 pages)


# Mee - Chapter 9 (= ca. 13 pages)


Total = around 140 pages.


Further Reading

Carroll, M. 2011. ‘Memoria and Damnatio Memoriae. Preserving and erasing identities in Roman funerary commemoration.’  In Living through the Dead: Burial and Commemoration in the Classical World, edited by M. Carroll & J. Rempel, Oxbow, Oxford, 65-90.


Garland, R. 2001, The Greek way of death, 2nd ed. Duckworth, London.


Morris, I. 1996. Death ritual and social structure in classical antiquity, Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield.


Scott, M. 2013. ‘Spaces of alienation: street-lining Roman cemeteries.’ In Space and Society in the Greek and Roman Worlds, Ch. 3.



Lecture 6. Cult, religion and festivals

Alcock and Osborne – Chapter 7 (= ca. 30 pages)


Coulston and Dodge – Chapter 11 (= ca. 10 pages)


Kamm – Chapter 4 (= ca. 21 pages)


# Mee - Chapter 10 (= ca. 13 pages)


Total = around 103 pages


Further Reading

Alcock, S.E. and R. Osborne, Placing the Gods. Sanctuaries and Sacred Space in Ancient Greece, 1994.


Cosmopoulos, M.B. 2003. ed. Greek Mysteries: The Archaeology & Ritual of Ancient Greek Secret Cults.


de Polignac, F. 1995. Cults, Territory and the Origins of the Greek City-State.


Dillon, M. 2000. Did Parthenoi Attend the Olympic Games? Girls and Women Competing, Spectating, and Carrying out Cult Roles at Greek Religious Festivals. Hermes, 128, 457-480.


Gradel, I. 2002 Emperor Worship and Roman Religion. Oxford.


H?gg, R. 1998 (ed.). Ancient Greek Cult Practice from the Archaeological Evidence.


Hurwit, J. 2004. The Acropolis in the Age of Pericles.


MacDonald, W. L. 2002. The Pantheon: design, meaning, and progeny, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Univ. Press.


Morgan, C.  1990. Athletes & Oracles.


Pedley, J. 2006. Sanctuaries and the sacred in the Ancient Greek world. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York & Melbourne.


Raschke, W.J. (ed). 1988. The Archaeology of the Olympics.


Schmid, S. 2001. ‘Worshipping the emperor(s),’ Journal of Roman Archaeology 14, 113–142.


Spawforth, A. 2006. The Complete Greek Temples.




Lecture 7. It’s all fun and games…: Public leisure and spectacle

Coulston and Dodge – Chapter 9 (= ca. 29 pages)


% Yegül, F. 1992. Baths and Bathing in Classical Antiquity. New York, Ch. 2 (Bathing and Baths in the Roman World), 30-47. (= ca. 16 pages)


Total = around 44 pages


Further Reading

Bomgardner, D. L. 2000. The Story of the Roman Amphitheatre. London and New York.


Fagan, G.G. 1999a. Bathing in Public in the Roman World. Michigan.


Fagan G.G. 1999b ‘Did Slaves Bathe at the Baths?’ in J. DeLaine and D.E. Johnston (eds) Roman Baths and Bathing. Part I: Bathing and Society. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series Number 37, 25–34.


Fagan, G.G. 2010. Leisure. In D.S. Potter (ed.) A companion to the Roman Empire, Wiley-Blackwell, Ch. 19, 369-384.


Green, J.R. & Handley, E. 1995. Images of the Greek Theatre.


Green, J.R. 1994. Theatre in Ancient Greek Society.


Hopkins, K. and M. Beard. 2005. The Colosseum. London.


Kyle, D. G. 1998. Spectacles of death in ancient Rome, London; New York, Routledge.


Nielsen, I. 1990. Thermae et Balnea: The Architecture and Cultural History of Roman Public Baths. 2 vols. ?rhus.


Potter, D.S. 2010. Spectacle. In D.S. Potter (ed.) A companion to the Roman Empire, Wiley-Blackwell, Ch. 20, 385-408.


Toner, J.P. 1995. Leisure and Ancient Rome. Cambridge.


# Ward, R.B. 1992. ‘Women in Roman Baths’, The Harvard Theological Review 85, 2, 125–147


Welch, K. 2007. The Roman Amphitheatre: From its Origins to the Colosseum. Cambridge.


Yegül, F. 2010 Bathing in the Roman World. New York.




Lecture 8. Home is where the hearth is: The archaeology of the household

Alcock and Osborne – Chapter 6 (= ca. 29 pages)


# Mee - Chapter 4 (= ca. 10 pages)


% Nevett, L.G. 2010. Domestic Space in Classical Antiquity. Cambridge, Cambridge. Ch. 5 (Seeking the domus behind the dominus in Roman Pompeii: artifact distributions as evidence for the various social groups).

Note: Ch. 3 (A space for ‘hurling the furniture’? Architecture and the development of Greek domestic symposia) is also of interest, but due to copyright laws I am not allowed to also have that chapter in the compendium.


Total = less than 80 pages.


Further Reading

Allison, P. 2004. Pompeian Households: An Analysis of the Material Culture.


Donahue, J. F. 2004. The Roman Community at Table during the Principate. Ann Arbor.


Dunbabin, K. M. D. 2003. The Roman Banquet: Images of Conviviality. ‘Chapter 1: Romans, Greeks and Others on the Banqueting Couch.’ Cambridge; New York, 11–35.


Nevett, L.G. 1999. House and Society in the Ancient Greek World.


Scobie, A. 1986. ‘Slums, Sanitation and Mortality in the Roman World’. Klio 68: 399-433.


Wallace-Hadrill, A. 1994. Houses and Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum.


# Westgate, R., Fisher, N. & Whitley, J. (eds) 2007. Building Communities: house, settlement and society in the Aegean and beyond; proceedings of a conference held at Cardiff University, 17 - 21 April 2001, London, British School at Athens. Several chapters of potential interest (


Published July 7, 2014 10:34 AM - Last modified Aug. 4, 2014 10:57 AM