
Forelesningene til Rasmus Brandt vil bygge p? mer eller mindre egen aktiv forskning. En del av pensum vil derfor best? av hans egne artikler, publiserte eller i trykken (figurer til upubliserte artikler ligger p? fronter). Pensumlisten inneholder ca. 350 s. n?dvendig lesning. I tillegg kan studentene velge fritt ca. 150 sider fra Fordypende lesning i et eller to temaer.

#-merket er b?ker som finnes p? Akademika og biblioteket. Den fordypende lesningen m? studentene selv finne frem (med unntak av Brandt i trykken, som kan l?nes i ekspedisjonskontoret).

1. Arkeologisk forspill: Raritas et curiositas – samlervirksomhet som grunnlag for moderne arkeologi og museumsvirksomhet

* Brandt, J.R. 1992: I Winckelmanns fotspor, eller...?, Klassisk Forum, Hefte 1, s. 32-39 = 8 s.

* Foucault, M. 1995: The order of things. An archaeology of the human sciences (eng. oversett.), New York, kap. 5: “Classifying”, s. 125-165 = 41 s.

* Kristensen, J.E. 1993: Det kuri?se og det klassifiserende blikk. I: Museum Europa. Om tingenes orden (Den jyske historiker 64, 1993), s. 31-44 = 14 s.

Forelesningen vil delvis fylle ut B. Trigger 2006: A history of archaeological thought, kap. 2.

Fordypende lesning:

DeGrummond, N.T. (red.) 1996: An encyclopedia of the history of classical archaeology, 2 vol., Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers: London & Chicago.

Dyson, S.L. 2006: In pursuit of ancient pasts. A history of classical archaeology in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Yale University Press: New Haven & London.

Shanks, M. 1996: Classical archaeology. Experiences of the discipline, Routledge: London.

2. Gravarkeologi i medelhavsomr?det. 澳门葡京手机版app下载shistoria med exempel.

* Arcini, C., 2009: Losing face. The worldwide phenomenon of ancient prone burial. I: D?da personers s?llskap. Gravmaterialens identiteter och kulturella uttryck (Red: Back Danielsson, I.-M. m.fl.), (Stockholm Studies in Archaeology, 47). Stockholms universitet, Stockholm, 187-202.

* Morgan, C., 2010: Archaeology in Greece 2009-2010 (Trypes, Kladeos), Archaeological reports 56 (2009-2010) (The Society for the promotion of Hellenic studies… ), 54-55.

# Morris, I., 1996: Death ritual and social structure in classical antiquity (Key themes in ancient Aegean archaeology, 1), Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield . (Ca. 100-125 sidor l?ses.)

* Ucko, P., 1968: Ethnography and archaeological intrerpretation of funerary remains, I: World Archaeology 1, 262-280.

3. Klassisk arkeologi fra kulturhistorie til postprosessualisme. Den gang Roma ble by – et stykke moderne forskningshistorie om urbanisering og urbaniseringsprosesser.

* Bartolini, G. 1980: Gravskikke i Latium i jernalderen. I: Ficana – en milesten p? veien til Roma (Red: J.R. Brandt & A. Rathje), K?benhavn, s. 123-128 = 6 s.

* Cornell, T. 1978: The foundation of Rome in ancient literary tradition. I: Papers in Italian Archaeology: The Lancaster Seminar. Recent research in prehistoric, classical and medieval archaeology (Red: H.K. Mc Blake, T.W. Potter & D.B. Whitehouse) (British Archaeological Reports 41(i)), Oxford, s. 131-140 = 10 s.

* Meyer, J.C. 1983: Pre-republican Rome. An analysis of the cultural and chronological relations 1000 – 500 BC, Odense, s. 9- 29 = 21 s.

* Rathje, A. 1980: Urbaniceringsprocessen i Latium og Roma til 7. ?rh. f. Kr. I: Ficana – en milesten p? veien til Roma (Red: J.R. Brandt & A. Rathje), K?benhavn, s. 23-31 = 9 s.

Fordypende lesning:

Ross Holloway, R. 1994: The archaeology of early Rome and Latium, Routledge, London & New York.

Smith, C.J. 1996: Early Rome and Latium, Clarendon Press, Oxford.

4. Do ut des – jeg gir for at du skal gi. Utveksling av gaver og etablering av sosiale b?nd i antikke samfunn (om peer polity funksjonen i greske prehistoriske samfunn og euergetisme i senrepublikkens Roma).

* Lomas, K. 2003: Public building, urban renewal and euergetism in early Imperial Italy. I: Bread and circuses: Euergetism and municipal patronage in Roman Italy(Red: K. Lomas & T. Cornell), Routledge, London & New York, s. 28-45 = 13 s.

# Mauss, M. 1990[1950]: The gift. Forms and functions of exchange in archaic societies. Routledge: London & New York, 1-59 = 59 s.

* Renfrew, C. 1986: Introduction: peer polity interaction and socio-political change. I: _Peer polity interaction and socio-political change (Red: C. Renfrew & J.F. Cherry), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, s. 1-18 = 18 s.

* Renfrew, C. 1986. Varna and the emergence of wealth in prehistoric Europe. I: The social life of things. Commodities in cultural perspective (Red: A. Appadurai), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, s. 141-168 = 28 s.

Fordypende lesning:

Favro, D. 1996: The urban image of Augustan Rome, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, kap. 3-4, s. 42-142

Veyne, P. 1976: Le pain et le cirque: Sociologie historique d’un pluralisme politique, Editions Seuill, Paris

Zanker P. 1997: Der Kaiser baut fürs Volk (Gerda Henkel Vorlesung), Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen.

5. “Over alle grenser.” Mentale, fysiske og sosiale grensesettinger i antikke samfunn – om overgangsriter, renselse og liminalitet I: med eksempler fra greske og romerske gravforordninger og religi?se fester.

* Bodel, J. 2000: Dealing with the Dead: Undertakers, Executioners, and Potter’s Fields in Ancient Rome. I: Death and disease in the ancient city (Red: V.M. Hope & E. Marshall), London & New York, s. 128-151 = 24 s.

* Brandt, J.R., i trykken: From sacred space to holy places. The christianization of the Roman cityscape: some reflections, en festskrift-artikkel levert til trykking, ms. 7 s.

* Brandt, J.R., i trykken: Blood, boundaries, and purification. On the creation of identities between memory and oblivion in ancient Rome, I: Attitudes towards the past in antiquity: Creating identities (Red: C. Scheffer & B. Alroth),(Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis/Stockholm Studies in Classical Archaeology), Stockholm, ms. 9 s.

* Lindsay, H. 2000: Death pollution and funerals in Rome. I: Death and disease in the ancient city (Red: V.M. Hope & E. Marshall), London & New York, s. 152-173 = 22 s.

* Meneghini, R. & Santangeli Valenzani, R. 2000: Intra-mural burials at Rome between the fifth and the seventh centuries AD. I: Burial, society and context in the Roman world (Red: J. Pearce, M. Millet & M. Struck), Oxford, 263-269 = 7 s.

* Turner, V.W. 1967: Forest of symbols, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y., s. 198-213 = 16 s. (kapitlet med tittel: “Betwixt and between: the liminal period in rites de passage”).

Van Gennep, A. 1999[1909]: Rites de passage. Overgangsriter, Pax Forlag, Oslo, 58-84 = 27 s. (Kap 6 med tittel: “Initiasjon”). Engelsk utgave finnes p? Google books

Fordypende lesning:

Brandt, J.R. 2003: Krigere og veversker. Om Parthenonfrisen, Panatheneerfesten og initiasjon, I: Antikke samfunn i krig og fred. Festskrift til Johan Henrik Schreiner (Red: J.W. Iddeng), Novus forlag, Oslo 2003, s. 59-75.

Brandt, J.R. 2008: Luperkalet p? Palatinen, Klassisk Forum, Hefte 1, s. 62-80.

Brandt, J.R. 2008: Oktavians hus p? Palatinen, Klassisk Forum, Hefte 2, s. 38-58.

Cantino Wataghin, G. 1999: The ideology of urban burials. I:The idea and ideal of the town between late antiquity and the early middle ages (Red: G.P. Brogiolo & B. Ward-Perkins), Brill: Leiden, s. 147-80.

Costambeys, M. 2001: Burial topography and the power of the church in fifth and sixth century Rome, Papers of the British School at Rome 69, s. 169-189.

Costambeys, M. 2002: The culture and practice of burial in and around Rome in the sixth century. I: Ecclesiae Urbis, Atti del congresso internazionale di studi sulle chiese di Roma (IV-X secolo), Roma, 4-10 settembre 2000, I-III (Red: F. Guidobaldi & A. Guiglia Guidobaldi)(Studi di antichità cristiana pubblicati a cura del Pontificio istituto di archeologia cristiana 59), Vatican City, vol. I, s. 721-731.

Douglas, M. 1966 [2005]: Purity and danger. An analysis of concept of pollution and taboo, Routledge: London & New York.

Jonsson, K. 2005: Intra-mural graves in Rome. Social dimensions in early medieval burial practices, Opuscula Romana. Annual of the Swedish Institute in Rome 30, s. 85-95.

6. Form og innhold. Myter, ritualer og det arkeologiske gjenstandsmateriale i kontekst – om overgangsriter, renselse og liminalitet II: med eksempler fra greske religi?se fester og etruskiske gravforordninger.

* Brandt, J.R. 2006: Votives and veneration. Athena, Hellotis, and Europa at Gortyna, I: Common ground: Archaeology, art, science and humanities. Proceedings of the XVIth international congress of classical archaeology (Red: C.C. Mattusch, A.A. Donohue & A. Brauer), Boston, Aug. 23-26, 2003, Oxbow, Oxford, s. 44-48 = 5 s.

* Brandt, J.R. i trykken: Passage to the Underworld. Continuity or change in Etruscan funerary ideology and practices? I: Death and changing rituals. Function and meaning in ancient funerary practices (Red: J.R. Brandt, M. Prusac Lindhagen & H. Ingvaldsen), University of Exeter Press, Exeter, ms. 43 s.

Torelli, M. 1999: Funera etrusca: Reality and representation in archaic Tarquinian painting. I: The Art of ancient spectacle (Red: B. Bergmann & C. Kondoleon), Studies in the History of Art 56, Center for Advanced Study in Visual Arts. Symposium Papers 34, National Gallery of Art, Washington, s. 147-161 = 15 s.

Fordypende lesning:

* Brandt, J.R. i trykken: Content and form. Some considerations on Greek festivals and archaeology. I: Greek and Roman festivals. Content, practice and meaning (Red: J.R. Brandt & J.W. Iddeng), Oxford University Press, Oxford, ms. 30 s.

De Grummond, N.T. 2006: Etruscan myth, sacred history, and legend, University of Pennsylvania, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia.

Jannot, J.-R. 1998: Devins, dieux et demons. Regards sur la religion de l’?trusque antique, Antiqva e Picard, Paris (English translation by Jane Whitehead: Religion in ancient Etruria, The University of Wisconsin press: Madison 2005).

Krauskopf, I. 2006: The Grave and Beyond in Etruscan Religion. I: The religion of the Etruscans (Red: N.T. de Grummond & E. Simon), University of Texas: Austin, s. 66-89.

Leighton, R. 2004: Tarquinia. An Etruscan city, Duckworth: London.

Spivey, N & S. Stoddart 1990: Etruscan Italy, B.T. Batsford Ltd.: London.

Steingr?ber, S. (ed.) 1985: Etruskische Wandmalerei, Belser Verlag: Stuttgart & Zürich (Italian translation: Catalogo ragionato della pittura etrusca, Jaca Books: Milan 1985). – Her fines en katalog med bilder over alle bemalte etruskiske graver kjent frem til 1985.

* Bloch, M., 1982: Death, Women and Power, I: Death and the regeneration of life(Red: Maurice Bloch og Jonathan Parry) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. s. 211-230.

Sahlins, M.D. 1963: Poor man, rich man, big-man, chief: Political types in Melanesia and Polynesia. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 5(3):285-303 .

7. M?nniskan som arkeologisk k?lla f?r kunskap om den enskilde och samh?llet: bioarkeologi m.fl. inriktningar med exempel.

* Charlier, P., 2008: The value of palaeoteratology and forensic pathology for the understanding of atypical burials: two Mediterranean examples from the field. I: Deviant burial in the archaeological record (Red: Murphy, E.M.), Studies in funerary archaeology 2, Oxbow, Oxford, 57-70.

# Morris, I. 1996: Death ritual and social structure in classical antiquity (Key themes in ancient Aegean archaeology, 1), Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield, Kap. 3. (Ca. 25 s.)

* Triandaphyllou, S. 2010: (Recension av) A. Ingvarsson-Sundstr?m: Children lost and found. A bioarchaeological study of Middle Helladic children in Asine with a comparison with Lerna, Stockholm, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.04.26. (2 s.)

* ?str?m, P. 2009: Two cases from Hala Sultan Tekke: the man with a gold necklace and earrings and the Egyptian female N ebuwy, I: Finds and results from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition 1929-193: A gender perspective (=Medelhavsmuseet: Focus on the Mediterranean 5), 18-23.

8. “I ditt anletes svett”. Slaveriet i den antika v?rlden ur m?nskligt och samh?llsekonomiskt perspektiv.

* Christiansen , E., 2002: The Moses Finley approach to slavery and to slave societies, I: Ancient history matters. Studies presented to Jens Erik Skydsgaard on his seventieth birthday (Red: Ascanti, K., et al.), Analecta Romana, Suppl. 30, L’Erma di Brettschneider, Roma, 23-27.

# Finley, M. and B. Shaw, 1998: Ancient slavery and modern ideology, Penguin, Princeton, N.J. (Max. ca. 200 s.)

Published Apr. 5, 2011 9:21 AM - Last modified Aug. 24, 2011 5:47 PM