
Tema: Det romerske byrom, mellom symbol og dagligliv



Favro, D. 1996: The urban image of Augustan Rome, CUP, Cambridge = 220 lesesider.

Laurence, Ray 1994 (og senere opptrykk): Roman Pompeii: space and society, Routledge, London = ca. 150 lesesider.

Patterson, J.R. 2000: Political life in the city of Rome (Classical World Series), Bristol Classical Press, Bristol = 90 lesesider.

Wallace-Hadrill, A.: Houses and society in Pompeii and Herculaneum, Princeton. 3-142 = 100 lesesider.

Zanker, P. 1997: Der Kaiser baut fürs Volk (Gerda Henkel Vorlesung), Opladen = 25 lesesider


Bergmann, B. 1994: The Roman house as memory theater: the House of the Tragic Poet in Pomeii, Art Bulletin 26, 225-256.

Bon S. & Jones R. (red.) 1997: Sequence and space in Pompeii, Oxbow monograph 77, Oxford.

Brandt, J.R. 1985: Ostia, Minturno, Pyrgi. The planning of three Roman colonies, Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia ser. altera 5, 25-87, s?rlig s. 25-52, 78-80 = 28 lesesider.

Brandt J.R. 2004: Movements and views. Some observations on the organization of space in Roman domestic architecture from the Late Republic to Early Medieval times, Acta ad archaeologiam et atrium historiam pertinentia 18 (N.S. 4), 11-53 = 26 lesesider.

Brandt, J.R. 2005: The warehouse of the world. A comment on Rome’s supply chain during the Empire, Orizzonti. Rassegna di archeologia 6, 25-47 = 19 lesesider.

Clarke, J.R. 1991: The houses of Roman Italy 100 B.C.-A.D. 250 : ritual, space, and decoration, Berkeley – de sider som omhandler analyser av Casa del Menandro og Casa dei Vetti i Pompei (10 lesesider).

Eck, W. 1984: Senatorial self-representation: developments in the Augustan period, i F. Millar & E. Segal: Caesar Augustus – seven aspects, Clarendon press, Oxford, UiO 937.07 Cae/937.07 Aug. Mil/K311, Hist I 90 Ca

Foss, P.W. 1997: Watchful Lares: Roman household organization and the rituals of cooking and eating, i Laurence & Wallace-Hadrill (red.), 196-218 = 13 lesesider.

Hermansen, G. 1981: Ostia: aspects of Roman city life, University of Alberta Press, Edmonton. 1. The Roman apartment: 17-53 = 35 lesesider; 2. The Guilds of Ostia: 55-89 = 27 lesesider; 3. The Roman building code in Ostia: 91-96 = 5 lesesider; 5. The taverns of Ostia and Rome: community centres and trouble spots: 185- 205 = 18 lesesider; 6. Fires and fire protection: 207-225 = 18 lesesider

Hope, V.M. 1997: A roof over the dead: communal trends and family structure, i R. Laurence & A. Wallace-Hadrill (red.): Domestic space in the Roman world: Pompeii and beyond (Journal of Roman Archaeology (JRA), Suppl. 22), Portsmouth, RI, 69-88 = 16 lesesider.

Jansen, G. 1997: Private toilets at Pompeii: appearance and operation, in Bon & Jones, 121-134 = 9 lesesider.

Kampen, N. 1981: Image and status: Roman working women in Ostia, Berlin = 120 lesesider.

Laurence, R. 1997: Space and text, i Laurence & Wallace-Hadrill, 7-14 = 8 lesesider.

Laurence, R. & Wallace-Hadrill, A. (red.) 1997: Domestic space in the Roman world: Pompeii and beyond (Journal of Roman Archaeology, suppl. 22), Portsmouth, Rhode Island.

Lazer, A. 1997: Pompeii AD 79: population in flux?, in Bon & Jones, 102-120 = 16 lesesider.

Lindsay, H. 2000: Death-pollution and funerals in the city of Rome, i V.M. Hope & E. Marshall (red.): Death and disease in the ancient city, London & New York, 152-173 = 22 lesesider.

Patterson, J. R. 1992: Patronage, collegia and burial in Imperial Rome, i S. Bassett (red.): Death in towns. Urban responses to the dying and the dead, 100-1600, London & New York, 15-27 = 12 lesesider.

Patterson, J.R. 2000: On the margins of the city of Rome, i V.M. Hope & E. Marshall (red.): -Death and disease in the ancient city_, London & New York, 85-103 = 19 lesesider.

Rickman, G. 1980: The corn supply of ancient Rome, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1-25 (The governing factors) = 25 lesesider.

Robinson, D.J. 1997: The social texture of Pompeii, in Bon & Jones, 135-144 = 9 lesesider.

Sumi, G.S. 2005: Ceremony and power: performing politics in Rome between Republic and the Empire, University of Michigan press, * = 360 lesesider

Sextus Julius Frontinus (1998): Roms akv?dukter. Oversat med en indledning om oldtidens vandbygningsteknologi af J?rgen Hansen, Museum Tusculanums forlag, K?benhavn (kapitlene: Vandforsyningens sociale betydning (s. 37-41); Vandforsyningens teknikk (s. 42-97); Lovgivning og administrasjon (s. 98-105)) = 55 lesesider

Wallace-Hadrill, A. 1995: Honour and private shame: the urban texture of Pompeii, I T.J. Cornell & K. Lomas, Urban society in Roman Italy, London, 39-57.

Wallace-Hadrill, A. 1997: Rethinking the Roman atrium house, i Laurence & Wallace-Hadrill (red.), 219-240.

Zanker, P. 1995: Pompeji: Stadtbild und Wohngeschmack, Mainz am Rhein (engelsk oversettelse: Pompeii: public and private life, London & Cambridge (Ma.) 1998).

Zanker, P. 2000: The city as a symbol: Rome and the creation of an urban image, i E. Fentress (red.): Romanization and the city – creation, transformation, and failures (Journal of Roman Archaeology, suppl. ). Portsmouth, Rhode Island, * UiO 937.5 Fen

Generelle innf?ringsb?ker

Butterworth, A. & Laurence, R. 2005: Pompeii: the living city, London.

Ingemark, D, Gerding, H. & Castoriano M. 2000: Liv och d?d i antikens Rom, Historiska media, Lund


Lexicon topographicum urbis Romae I-VI (red. E.M. Steinby), Roma 1995-2000.

Pompei: Pitture e mosaici I-X

Published July 12, 2007 2:45 PM - Last modified July 12, 2007 2:53 PM