
ARK1010 - Europeisk forhistorie fra paleolitikum til bronsealder

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Paleolitikum ¨C Mesolitikum   

Det moderne mennesket

*Gamble, C. og S. Gaudzinski 2005 ¡°Bones and powerful individuals: Faunal case studies from the Arctic and the European Middle Palaeolithic¡±. I The Hominid Individual in Context, redigert av C. Gamble and M. Porr, s. 154-175. Routledge, London. (21 sider)

*Henshilwood, C. og C. W. Marean 2006 ¡°Remodelling the origins of modern human behavior¡±. I The Prehistory of Africa, redigert av H. Soodyall, s. 31-48. Jonathan Ball, Johannesburg.(17 sider)

Mellars, P. 2005 The Impossible Coincidence. A Single-Species Model for the Origins of Modern Human Behavior in Europe Evolutionary Anthropology 14(1):12-27.(15 sider)

Mellars, Paul  Palaeoanthropology: The earliest modern humans in EuropeNature, 2011 (479) 483-485 (2 sider)

Shea, J. J. 2011 Homo sapiens Is as Homo sapiens Was. Behavioral Variability versus ¡°Behavioral Modernity¡± in Paleolithic Archaeology Current Anthropology 52(1):1-35.    (35 sider) 

Stringer, C., 2012. Evolution: What makes a modern human. Nature 485, 33-35. (2 sider)

Tattersall, I. 2009 Human origins: Out of Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106(38):16018-16021. (3 sider)


Gravskikk og symboler

*Conkey, M. W. 1997 ¡°Beyond Art and Between the Caves: Thinking About Context in the Interpretive Process¡±. I Beyond Art: Pleistocene Image and Symbol, redigert av M. W. Conkey, O. Soffer, D. Stratmann og N. G. Jablonski, s. 343-367. University of California Press, San Francisco. (24 sider)

Formicola, V. 2007 From the Sunghir Children to the Romito Dwarf. Aspects of the Upper Paleolithic Funerary Landscape Current Anthropology 48(3):446-453. (7 sider)

Gosman, L., N. D. Munro og A. Belfer-Cohen 2008 A 12,000-year-old Shaman burial from the southern Levant (Israel) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105(46):17665¨C17669. (4 sider)

Lang, V. and V. Formicola 2008 On the Report ¡°From the Sunghir Children to the Romito Dwarf¡± og Reply fra Vincenzo Formicola Current Anthropology 49(5):898-900. (2 sider)

*Larsson, Lars 1989 ¡°Big Dog and Poor Man. Mortuary Practices in Mesolithic Societies in Southern Sweden¡±. Approaches to Swedish Prehistory, s. 211-223. B.A.R. Oxford 1989. (12 sider)

Lewis-Williams, J. D. 1997 Harnessing the Brain: Vision and Shamanism in Upper Paleolithic Western Europe. I Beyond Art: Pleistocene Image and Symbol, redigert av M. W. Conkey, O. Soffer, D. Stratmann og N. G. Jablonski, s. 321-342. University of California Press, San Francisco. (21 sider)

Pettitt, P. B., M. Richards, R. Maggi og V. Formicola 2003 The Gravettian burial known as the Prince (¡°Il Principe¡±): new evidence for his age and diet Antiquity 77(295):15-19. (4 sider)

Stutz, L. N., L. Larsson og I. Zagorska 2008 More Burials at Zvejnieki. Preliminary results from the 2007 excavation Mesolithic Miscellany 19(1):12-16. (4 sider)



Audouze, F. og J. G. Enloe 1997 High Resolution Archaeology at Verberie: Limits and Interpretations World Archaeology 195-207 (12 sider)

Binford, Lewis R. 1978 Dimensional Analysis of Behavior and Site Structure Learning from an Eskimo Hunting Stand. American Antiquity 43(3):330-361 (31 sider)

*Eriksen, Berit Valentin 2000 ¡°Squeezing blood from Stones¡±. I Flintstudier: en h?ndbog i systematiske analyser af flintinventarer, redigert av Berit Valentin Eriksen, s. 231-275. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, ?rhus. (44 sider)

*Fischer, Anders 1991 ¡°Pioneers in deglaciated landscapes: The expansion and adaptation of Late Palaeolithic societies in Southern Scandinavia¡±. I The Late Glacial in north-west Europe: Human adaptation and environmental change in the end of the Pleistocene, redigert av N. Barton, A.J. Roberts, og D.A. Roe, s. 100-121. CBA Research Report 77, Council for British Archaeology. (21 sider)

*Fischer, Anders 1995 An entrance to the Mesolithic world below the ocean. Status of ten years work on the Danish sea floor¡±. I Man and Sea in the Mesolithic. Coastal settlement above and below present sea level, redigert av A. Fischer, s. 371-385. Oxbow, Oxford. (14 sider)

Fuglestvedt, Ingrid  2012    The Pioneer Condition on the Scandinavian Peninsula: the Last Frontier of a ¡®Palaeolithic Way¡¯ in Europe. Norwegian Archaeological Review 45(1):1-29. (29 sider)

Bergman, I., Olofsson, A., H?rnberg, G., Zackrisson, O., Hellberg, E., 2004. Deglaciation and colonization: Pioneer settlements in northern Fennoscandia. Journal of World Prehistory 18, 155-177. (22 sider)

Petersen, E. B. 2009 ¡°The human settlement of Southern Scandinavia 12 500-8700 cal BC¡±. I Humans, Environment and Chronology of the Late Glacial of the North European Plain, redigert av M. Street, N. Barton og T. Terberger, s. 89-129. Verlag des R?misch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums, Mainz.  (40 sider)


Regioner og tilpasning

* Andersen, S?ren H. 1993 ¡°Coastal adaptation and marine exploitation in Late Mesolithic Denmark - with special emphasis on the Limfjord region¡±. I Man and Sea in the Mesolithic. Coastal settlement above and below present sea level, redigert av A. Fischer, s. 41-67. Oxbow, Oxford. (26 sider)

* Boaz, Joel 1998 The Mesolithic in Eastern Norway. Universitetets Oldsaksamlings Skrifter, Ny rekke 20:15-42. (27 sider)

*Hagen, Anders 1990 Helleristningar i Noreg. Det Norske Samlaget, Oslo. Kapitlene "Den naturalistiske bilettradisjonen", s. 51-59 og "Fangstfolk og figurar i Finnmark", s. 81-97. (16 sider)

*Larsson, Lars 1989 ?Ethnicity and traditions in Mesolithic mortuary practices in southern Scandinavia¡±. I Archaeological Approaches to Cultural Identity, redigert at S.J. Shennan, s. 210-218. Routledge, London. (18 sider)

*Larsson, M., Lindgren, C. og B. Nordqvuist 1997 ?Regionalitet under Mesolitikum. Fr?n senglacial tid till senatlantisk tid in Syd- och Mellansverige?. I Regionalt och Interregionalt: Sten?ldersunders?kningar i Syd- och Mellansverige, redigert av M. Larsson og E. Olsson, s. 13-55. Riksantikvarie?mbetet. (42 sider)

Mellars, P. 2009 Moonshine over Star Carr: post-processualism, Mesolithic myths and archaeological realities. Antiquity 83:502-517.(15 sider)

Otte, M., 2009. The Paleolithic-Mesolithic Transition, In: Camps, M., Chauhan, P. (Eds.), Sourcebook of Paleolithic Transitions: Methods, Theories, and Interpretations. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, pp. 537-553. (16 sider)

Price, T. D. 1991 The Mesolithic of Northern Europe Annual Review of Anthropology 20:211-233. (22 sider)

* Skar, Birgitte og Sheila Coulson 1986 Evidence of Behaviour from Refitting - A Case Study-. Norwegian Archaeological Review 19(2):90-102. (12 sider)

*Welinder, Stig 1985 ¡°Mesolithic Forest Clearance in Scandinavia¡±. I The Mesolithic of Europe, redigert av C. Bonsall, s. 362-367. John Donald, Edinburgh 1985. (5 sider)

*Vang Petersen, Peter 1984 ¡°Chronological and Regional Variation in the Late Mesolithic of Eastern Denmark¡±. Journal of Danish Archaeology 3:7-18. (11 sider)

*Zvelebil, Marek 1985 ¡°Economic Intensification and Postglacial Hunter-Gatherers in North Temperate Europe¡±. I The Mesolithic of Europe, redigert av C. Bonsall. John Donald, Edinburgh. s. 80-89 (9 sider)



Bakka, Egil og Peter Emil Kaland 1971 Early farming in Hordaland, Western Norway . Norwegian Archaeological Review 4(2):1-33. (33 sider)

*Fischer, Anders 2002 ¡°Food for feasting? An evaluation of explanations of the neolithisation in Denmark and southern Sweden¡±. I The Neolithisation of Denmark. 150 years of debate, redigert av A. Fischer og K. Kristiansen. J.R. Collins Publications. Sheffield. s. 357-406 (49 sider)

Malmstr?m, H., M. Thomas, P. Gilbert, M. G. Thomas, M. Brandstr?m, J. Stora, P. Molnar, P. K. Andersen, C. Bendixen, G. Holmlund, A. G?therstr?m og E. Willerslev 2009 Ancient DNA Reveals Lack of Continuity between Neolithic Hunter-Gatherers and Contemporary Scandinavians. Current Biology 19:1758-1762. (4 sider)

*Meiklejohn, C., E.B. Petersen og V. Alexandersen 1998 ¡°The Later Mesolithic Population of Sj?lland, Denmark, and the Neolithic Transition¡±. I Harvesting the Sea, Farming the Forest, redigert av M. Zvelebil og R. Dennell, Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield. s. 203-212 (9 sider)

Nilsson Stutz, Liv 2010: The Way we bury our Dead. Reflections on Mortuary Ritual, Community and Identity at the Time of the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition. Documenta Praehistorica XXXVII, 33-41           (8 sider)

*Persson, P. 2012, ?Sl?ktskap och neolitiska kulturer?, Primitive Tider 14:1-14. (14 sider)

Schulting, Rick J. og Michael P. Richards 2001 Dating Women and Becoming Farmers. New AMS and Stable Isotope Evidence from the Breton Mesolithic Cemeteries of T¨¦viec and Ho?dic. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 20(3):314-344. (30 sider)

*Walderhaug, Eva 1995 "Rock art and society in Neolithic Sogn og Fjordane". I Perceiving Rock Art: Social and Political Perspectives, redigert av K. Helskog og B. Olsen, s. 169-180. Novus forlag, Oslo. (11 sider)



Sosial organisering

* Bertilsson, Ulf 1999 Rock art - divine messages or socio realistic representations? I Glyfer och arkeologiska rum - en v?nbok till Jarl Nordbladh. Gotac Series A vol. 3, s.743-750 (5 sider)

*Earle, Timothy 2002 Bronze Age Economics. The beginnings of political economies. Westview Press, Oxford. Introduksjon til Part III, s. 285-292 og kapittel 12 "The Bronze Age Economy of Thy: Finance in a Networked Chiefdom", s. 293-324. (39 sider)

*Johansen, ?ystein K. 2000 ¡±Gudene til ?re, menneskene til gavn¡± 151-156, ¡±?dsle bronseofringer ¡±156-169, ¡±G?tefulle bergbilder¡± s.223-236 Bronse og makt. Bronsealderen i Norge. Andresen & Butensch?n, Oslo. (5+13+13=31 sider)

*Kienlin, Tobias L. 2012. ¡°Beyond elites: An introduction¡±. In Beyond elites. Alternatives to hierarchical systems in modelling social formations. International conference at the Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum, Germany, October 22-24, 2009. Teil 1, edited by T. L. Kienlin and A. Zimmermann,. Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn. s 15-32. (17 sider)

*Service, Elman R. 1971 [1962] Primitive Social Organization. An Evolutionary Perspective. Random House, New York. Kapittel 5: "The Social Organization of Chiefdoms", s. 133-169. (36 sider)

*Skogstrand, Lisbeth 2005 "Krigerrollen som et maskulint ideal i yngre bronsealder". I Mellan sten och j?rn. Publikasjon av foredrag fra det 9.nordiska brons?ldersymposiet, G?teborg 9.e-12.e oktober 2003, redigert av J.Goldhahn. Arkeologiska Skrifter, G?teborg. s. 659-667 (8 sider)

*Sognnes, Kalle 1995 "The social context of rock art in Tr?ndelag, Norway: rock art at a frontier". I Perceiving Rock Art: Social and Political Perspectives, redigert av K. Helskog og B. Olsen. Novus forlag, Oslo. s. 130-145 (15 sider)

Stig S?rensen, Marie Louise 1992 Gender Archaeology and Scandinavian Bronze Age Studies . Norwegian Archaeological Review 25(1):31-49. (18 sider)

Tilsammen 1042 sider



 Anbefalt tilleggslitteratur


 Renfrew, Colin og Paul Bahn 2008, Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice, ss. 177-230, 391-428, 429-468 Thames and Hudson, London. (53+37+39=129 sider)  


Paleolitikum - Mesolitikum

Regioner og tilpasning

Gl?rstad, H. 2008 N?re ting fra en fjern fortid. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo.

Green, R. E., J. Krause, A. W. Briggs, T. Maricic, U. Stenzel, M. Kircher, N. Patterson, H. Li, W. Zhai, M. H.-Y. Fritz, N. F. Hansen, E. Y. Durand, A.-S. Malaspinas, J. D. Jensen, T. Marques-Bonet, C. Alkan, K. Pr¨¹fer, M. Meyer, H. A. Burbano, J. M. Good, R. Schultz, A. Aximu-Petri, A. Butthof, B. H?ber, B. H?ffner, M. Siegemund, A. Weihmann, C. Nusbaum, E. S. Lander, C. Russ, N. Novod, J. Affourtit, M. Egholm, C. Verna, P. Rudan, D. Brajkovic, ?. Kucan, I. Gu?ic, V. B. Doronichev, L. V. Golovanova, C. Lalueza-Fox, M. d. l. Rasilla, J. Fortea, A. Rosas, R. W. Schmitz, P. L. F. Johnson, E. E. Eichler, D. Falush, E. Birney, J. C. Mullikin, M. Slatkin, R. Nielsen, J. Kelso, M. Lachmann, D. Reich and S. P??bo 2010 A Draft Sequence of the Neandertal Genome. Science 328:710-722.


Hodder, Ian 1999 The Archaeological Process. An Introduction. Blackwell, Oxford. (Kapitlene 2-4).


Jensen, J?rgen 2006 Danmarks Oldtid. Stenalder 13.000-2.000 f.Kr. Gyldendal, K?benhavn. (s.9-238)


Price, T. Douglas 1983 The European Mesolithic American Antiquity 48(4):761- 778.



Jordbruk og neolittiseringsprosesser

Andersen, N. H. 2009 ¡±Sarupomr?det p? Sydvestfyn i slutningen af 4. ?rtusinde f. Kr.¡± I: Plads og rum i tragtb?gerkulturen. Bidrag fra Arbejdsm?det p? Nationalmuseet, 22. september 2005 . Nordiske Fortidsminder Serie C, Bind 6, Red: A. Sch¨¹lke,Det Kongelige Nordiske Oldskriftselskab, K?benhavn, s. 25-44.

Gl?rstad, H?kon, og Christopher Prescott (red) 2009 Neolithisation as if History mattered. Bricoleur Press, G?teborg:

- Gl?rstad, H. and Prescott, C. ¡°Neolithisation as if history mattered¡± (ca. 7 s).

- Gl?rstad, H. ¡°The Northern Province?¡± (15s)

- Prescott, C. ¡°History in prehistory¡± (ca. 14s)

- Skandfer, M. ¡°History as if Neolithisation mattered: the transition to Late Stone Age in northern Fennoscandia¡± (10s)


Kristiansen, K. 2005 What language did Neolithic Pots speak? Colin Renfrew European farming-landscape-dispersal model challengend . Antiquity 79:679-691.

M¨¹ller, J. 2011 Megaliths and Funnel Beakers: Societies in Change 4100-2700 BC. Drieendertigste Kroon-Voordracht gehouden voor de Stichting Nederlands Museum voor Anthropologie En Praehistorie. Te Amsterdam op 8 April 2011.

Price, T. D., S. H. Ambrose, P. Bennike, J. Heinemeier, N. Noe-Nygaard, E. B. Petersen, P. Vang Petersen, M. P. Richards 2007 New Information on the Stone Age Graves at Dragsholm, Denmark . Acta Archaeologica 78(2):193-219

Robb, John 2013 Material Culture, Landscapes of Action, and Emergent Causation A New Model for the Origins of the European Neolithic

Sarauw, T. 2006 Early Late Neolithic Dagger Production in Northern Jutland: Marginalised Production or Source of wealth? Bericht der R?misch Germanischen Kommission 87: 213-272.

Sch¨¹lke, A. 2009 ¡°The Social Use of Space during the Early Neolithic in Northwest Zealand¡±. I: Neolithisation as if History Mattered, Red: H. Gl?rstad and C. Prescott, Bricoleur Press, G?teborg, p. 217-256.

Thorpe, I. J. 1998 The Origins of Agriculture in Europe, Routledge, London. Kapittel 3: The Atlantic Fringe, s. 44-62.

Thorpe, I. J 1998 The Origins of Agriculture in Europe 1998. Routledge, London. Kapitlene 1 "Approaches to the transition to farming", s. 1-21; 2 "The spread of agriculture across Europe", s. 22-43; 4 "The agricultural transition in Southern Scandinavia", s. 63-93; og 6 "Early Neolithic Southern Scandinavia", s. 119-146. (21+27+30+27=105 sider)

?stmo, E. 2007 The Northern Periphery of the TRB. Graves and ritual Deposits in Norway . Acta Archaeologica 78(2):111-142.



Sosial organisering

Dommasnes, L. H. and G. Mandt 2000 "Tanker om tekst og kontekst". Replikk 10:84-89.


Helskog, Knut 1999 The Shore Connection. Cognitive Landscape and communication with Rock Carvings in Northernmost Europe Norwegian Archaeological Review 32(2):73-94.

Hygen, Anne-Sophie og Lasse Bengtsson 2000 Helleristninger i grensebygd. Bohusl?n og ?stfold. Warne forlag, G?teborg. Kapitlene "Motiver, Scener og tradisjoner", s. 87-130, "I m?tet med ¡±De Andre¡±, s. 136-144, "Hvor gammelt?", s.172-184.

Jensen, J?rgen 2002 Danmarks Oldtid. Bronzealder 2000-500 f. Kr. Gyldendal, K?benhavn. Kapitlene ¡±Om bronsealderens kronologi¡±, s. 14-15; Et nyt Europa, s. 57-92; H?jfolkets land, s. 95-139; Nye Tider, s. 329-372 og En svunden kosmologi, s. 441-493.

Johansen, ?ystein K. 2000 Bronse og makt. Bronsealderen i Norge. Andresen & Butensch?n, Oslo.

Kristiansen, Kristian 1999 Europe before history. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Kapitlene 2 "Background to the archaeology", s. 18-35 og 4 "Regional systems¡­", s. 63-123

Mandt, Gro 1995 "Alternative Analogies in Rock Art Interpretation". I Perceiving Rock Art: Social and Political Perspectives, redigert av K. Helskog og B. Olsen, s. 263-291. Novus forlag, Oslo.

Prescott, Christopher og Eva Walderhaug 1995 "The Last Frontier? Processes of Indo-Europeanization in Northern Europe": The Norwegian Case. Journal of Indo-European Studies 23(3-4): 257-280.

?stig?rd, T. 2000 Kj?nnsforskning i arkeologi fra et mannsperspektiv. Replikk 10:65-78.

?stig?rd, T. 2000 Demarkasjon, dekonstruksjon og forskning som prosess. Replikk 11:81-86.


Publisert 6. des. 2016 09:46