
Published Dec. 28, 2015 11:11 PM

Dear all,

The examination results are now available in StudentWeb (under the menu item "Your status"). I recommend you to also read the description of UiO's grading system.

You can ask for an explanation of the grade which have been awarded, and you can appeal against your grade or any formal errors relating to the examination. Request for explanation of the grade must be sent to no later than one week after the grades have been announced. Please read more on UiO's information websites onexplanation...

Published Dec. 18, 2015 8:06 PM

Hi all,

You can now find the comments and results for your fifth portfolio submission in Fronter. The individual comments are, as always, in the submission folder, but there are no general comments for you as a group this time. 

Your final grade for all the portfolios combined will be available in Studentweb before New Years.

Happy holidays!

Published Nov. 26, 2015 11:54 AM

Hi all,

You can now find the comments and results for your fourth portfolio submission in Fronter. Please note that there is one "general comment" for all of you uploaded as a PDF, as well as individual comments in the submission folder, so make sure you read them both!

Published Nov. 5, 2015 4:23 PM

Hi all,

You can now find the comments and results for your third portfolio submission in Fronter. Please note that there is one "general comment" for all of you uploaded as a PDF, as well as individual comments in the submission folder, so make sure you read them both!

Published Oct. 30, 2015 6:29 PM

Sadly, Kristian Bj?rkdahl will not be able to make it to SUM to give his lecture on "The Climate Change Best-Sellers of a Pre-Revolutionary Planet" the 3rd of November. Instead, Nina will step in and continue her topic, "Development, Environment and the Power of Cultural Narratives". 

Reading Kristian's material in the curriculum is thus optional and dependent on your curiosity - but rest assured that exam questions will not refer to the discussion of his proposed readings. 

Published Oct. 15, 2015 4:36 PM

Hi all,

You can now find the comments and results for your second portfolio submission in Fronter. Please note that there is one "general comment" for all of you uploaded as a PDF, as well as individual comments in the submission folder, so make sure you read them both!

Published Sep. 24, 2015 6:10 PM

Hi everyone,

You can now find comments and results for your first submission in Fronter. Please note that there is one "general comment" for all of you uploaded as a PDF, as well as individual comments in the submission folder. Simply press "show details", and it will appear.

Published Aug. 25, 2015 1:52 PM

Please note that two of the digital articles to Wethal's lecture Th. 3. Sep. has been removed from the syllabus (Corkin (2012) and Tan-Mullins). List of syllabus, schedule and Fronter are updated.

Published May 26, 2015 2:31 PM

All lectures and seminars will be located at SUM, Songsveien 68, 4th floor.