Syllabus/achievement requirements


Harvey F. Kline, Christine J. Wade, Howard J. Wiarda (2017), Latin American Politics and Development (Ninth edition), Avalon Publishing.

Digital Articles:

You must be logged on via the University of Oslo server in order to access the following articles. If you are off campus, please read how to log on here. The articles will also be available as pdf. files in Canvas shortly before the commencement of the course.

Bull, Benedicte (2015), chapters 2 (The rise of the rest and the revenge of development: The emerging economies and shifts in development theory) and 9: (Latin America’s decade of growth: progress and challenges for a sustainable development), in Arve Hansen and Ulrikke Wethal: Emerging Economies and Challenges to Sustainability. Will be available in Canvas.

Cardoso, Henrique Fernando (1972). Dependent Capitalist Development in Latin America, New Left Review; London 0.74 (Jul 1, 1972): 83.

Flores-Macías, A (2010), Statist vs. Pro-Market: Explaining Leftist Governments’ Economic Policies in Latin America, Comparative Politics, pp. 413-433,

Centeno, Miguel Angel (2013), Max Weber and the Latin American State, Unpublished manuscript, Fondo de Cultura Económica y el Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)

Kurtz, Marcus (2009), The Social Foundations of Institutional Order: Reconsidering War and the “Resource Curse” in Third  World State Building, Politics & Society, 37(4) 479–520

Leogrande, William (2015), Normalizing US–Cuba relations: escaping the shackles of the past,  International Affairs, Volume 91, Issue 3, Pages 473–488

León-Manríquez, José and Luis F. Alvarez (2014) Mao's steps in Monroe's backyard:  towards a United States-China hegemonic struggle in Latin America? Rev. bras. polít. int. vol.57 no.spe Brasília  2014,

Levitsky, Steven (2018). "Democratic Survival and Weakness." Journal of Democracy, vol. 29 no. 4, 2018, pp. 102-113. Project MUSE

O'Donnell, Guillermo (1993), 'On the State, Democratization and Some Conceptual Problems: A Latin American View with Glances at Some Postcommunist Countries ', World Development, 21 (8), 1355-69.

Pérez-Li?án, Aníbal & John Polga-Hecimovich (2017) Explaining military coups and impeachments in Latin America, Democratization, 24:5, 839-858

Robinson, James (2013), Colombia: Another 100 Years of Solitude?, Journal of Current History, February 2014, 43-48.

Rouvinski, Vladimir (2017), Understanding Russian Priorities in Latin America, Kenan Cable, No.20, 2017,

Sankey, Kyla and Ronaldo Munck (2016),  Rethinking Development in Latin America: The Search for Alternative Paths in the Twenty-first Century, Journal of Developing Societies 32, 4 (2016): 334–361

Schenoni, Luis and Carlos Escudé (2016) Peripheral Realism Revisited, Rev. Bras. Polít. Int., 59(1).

Soifer, David Hilel (2013), State Power and the Economic Origins of Democracy, Studies in Comparative International Development, March 2013, Volume 48, Issue 1,  pp 1–22.

Stallings, Barbara and Wilson Peres (2011), Is Economic Reform Dead in Latin America?, Journal of Latin American Studies, 755-786.

Stuenkel O., Taylor M.M. (2015) Brazil on the Global Stage: Origins and Consequences of Brazil’s Challenge to the Global Liberal Order. In: Stuenkel O., Taylor M.M. (eds) Brazil on the Global Stage. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. Available in Canvas

Trejo, Guillermo and Sandra Ley (2017), Why Did Drug Cartels Go to War in Mexico? Subnational Party Alternation, the Breakdown of Criminal Protection, and the Onset of Large-Scale Violence, Comparative Political Studies, 1–38,

Tulchin, Joseph (2017). Power Dynamics and Regional Security in Latin America pp 27-51, in Regional Security in Latin America after US Hegemony,

Weyland, Kurt (2001) Clarifying a Contested Concept: Populism in the Study of Latin American Politics, Comparative Politics, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Oct., 2001), pp. 1-22


Published Nov. 21, 2018 6:12 PM - Last modified Jan. 28, 2019 2:23 PM