Clifford, James: “Diasporas”. Cultural Anthropology , 9 (3), 1994. pages 302-338.
Hammond, Laura: The End of the Refugee Cycle. Refugee Return and Reconstruction, 1999. Oxford: Berghahn. “Examining the Discourse of Repatriation: Towards a More Proactive Theory of Return Migration” pages 227-244.
Malkki, Liisa: Cultural Anthropology, 7(1), 1992. “The Rooting of Peoples and the Territorialization of National Identity among Scholars and Refugees” pages 24-44..
Shanmugaratnam, N., R. Lund & K.A. St?len: In the Maze of Displacement. Migration, Conflict and Change in Developing Countries, 2003. Kristiansand: Norwegian Academic Press.
Summerfield, Derek: Refugees: Perspectives on the Experience of Forced Migration., 1999. London & NY: Pinter. “Socio-cultural Dimensions of War, Conflict and Displacement”.pages 111-135.
Torres, Gabriela: Journeys of Fear: Refugee Return and National Transformation in Guatemala, 1999. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press. “The Unexpected Consequences of Violence: Rethinking Gender Roles and Ethnicity” pages 176-195.
Suggested additional literature for 4020:
Ager, Alastair (ed): Refugees: Perspectives on the Experience of Forced Migration, 1999.. London & NY: Pinter.
Hinton, Alexander Laban (ed.): Genocide: An Anthropological Reader, 2002. Malden, Mass.
Koser, Kalid and Richard Black (eds.): Refugee Return and Reconstruction, 1999. Oxford: Berghahn . The End of the Refugee Cycle.
Moser, Caroline O.N. and Fiona C. Clark (eds): Victims, Armed Conflict and Political Violence, 2001. London & NY: Zed Books.