Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
06.01.2011 | Desmond McNeill ? | SUM, Sognsveien 68, 4th floor, 10.15-12.00 ? | Project design 1: Initial choice of topic, and perspective/discipline.? | Schevyens and Storey 2003: Chapter 2Compendium: Stake 1994, Creswell 1998, Lincoln and Guba 2003, Holy 1984? |
11.01.2011 | Desmond McNeill? | SUM, Sognsveien 68, 4th floor, 10.15-12.00 ? | Project design 2: Refining the question: the interplay between topic, theory and methodology. ? | Schevyens and Storey 2003: Chapter 2Compendium: Stake 1994, Creswell 1998, Lincoln and Guba 2003, Holy 1984? |
13.01.2011 | Kenneth B. Nielsen? | SUM, Sognsveien 68, 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? | Seminar? | ? |
26.04.2011 | Celine Loads? | SUM, Sognsveien 68, 4th floor, 10.15-12.00 ? | Fieldwork 1: Research and fieldwork ethics.? | Schevyens and Storey 2003: Chapters 6,7,8,9,10 Compendium: Urry 1984, Clammer 1984 ? |
28.04.2011 | Celine Loads? | SUM, Sognsveien 68, 4th floor, 10.15-12.00 ? | Fieldwork 2: Methods and data collection techniques.? | Schevyens and Storey 2003: Chapters 1-5 ? |
03.05.2011 | Kenneth B. Nielsen? | SUM, Sognsveien 68, 4th floor, 10.15-12.00 ? | Seminar? | ? |
11.05.2010 | Karen Syse? | SUM, Sognsveien 68, 4th floor, 10.15-12.00 ? | Research theory and methods in the humanities: Hermeneutics and Semiotics? | Compendium: Barthes 1993, Castels 2003, Geertz 1973, Geertz 1995, Gould 1987 Moses, Jonathon W. and Knutsen, Torbj?rn L. : /Ways of Knowing. Competing Methodologies in Social and Political Research/, 2007. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN: 0-230-51665-3. Chapters 6 and 9 (available in fronter)? |
18.05.2010 | Kenneth B. Nielsen? | SUM, Sognsveien 68, 4th floor, 10.15-12.00 ? | Seminar? | ? |
20.05.2010 | Kristian Svendsen Bj?rkdahl? | SUM, Sognsveien 68, 4th floor, 10.15-12.00 ? | Writing 1: How to write a project description ? | Booth, Colomb and Williams 2003: Chapters 1-6 ? |
25.05.2010 | Kristian Svendsen Bj?rkdahl? | SUM, Sognsveien 68, 4th floor 10.15-12.00 ? | Wrtiting 2: How to popularize?? | Booth, Colomb and Williams 2003: Chapter 7-11? |
01.06.2010 | Kenneth B.Nielsen? | SUM, Sognsveien 68, 4th floor, 10.15-12.00? | Seminar? | ? |
08.06.2010 | ? | ? | Project description/exam to be handed in.? | ? |
Published Nov. 23, 2009 4:20 PM
- Last modified Dec. 16, 2010 2:51 PM