
Published Nov. 13, 2007 5:31 PM

The exam results are now out on StudWeb!!

Published Oct. 9, 2007 5:55 PM

New time frame for the exam! The exam will be four hours instead of three.

Published Oct. 5, 2007 11:25 AM

The assignment questions from the colloquiums with Ingrid Nesheim can be downloaded from the 4011b webpage, detailed lecture plan. Please always go to this page for downloads.

Published Oct. 5, 2007 11:25 AM

All write ups assigned by Ingrid Nesheim have now been commented on. One paper did not however have the name of the student on it - whoever you are may contact Ingrid in order to receive your feedback!

Published Sep. 28, 2007 3:07 PM

The exam for SUM 3011/4011a will be held on 15. october from 0900 - 1200 in the SUM classroom on the 4th floor of Sognsveien 68.

The exam will consist of 3 essay type questions, of which the student will be required to answer 2. As is usual for a final course exam, questions will test the student's knowledge of pensum and lectures. We do not expect the student to memorize and reproduce definitions, but rather to use concepts in discussing and/or arguing for a point of view.

The exam for last year is available by clicking on this link: exam 2006