
Published Nov. 4, 2004 1:00 AM

You may pick up your grade Tuesday November 9 at noon at the reception desk at SUM. Remember your student ID. We are unable to return the essays due to university regulations.

Published Oct. 18, 2004 2:00 AM

Message from Peder

Remember to write your NAME on the exam ...

Published Oct. 11, 2004 2:00 AM

Message from Peder:

Please take with you your outline for your exam essay to the seminar meeting on Tuesday. We also need the compendium. We will discuss the essay questions and make strategies for how to answer them. You should by now have made a decision about which of the three questions you would like to answer and made an outline of your essay.

Published Oct. 7, 2004 2:00 AM

SUM 3011

Desmond McNeill's overheads, 6 october 2004

Two readings which are seeking to influence the public and policy-makers. Both are about water resources.

Reisner p 481

1. Argument: people are finally seeing that water is a limited resource. Irony, and accusation of hypocrisy. Loaded words: 'h eavy-handed bolshevism', 'rugged individualist'….

2. Aswan Dam. Empirical case for comparison, but a one-sided presentation of the case.

3. Argument: long term vs. short term; public vs. private costs and benefits.

No attempt to be neutral: a polemical piece.


McNeill, p. 258

1. What 'water as an economic good' means.

2. There is need for a synthesis, (between economic, social and environmental) but it is unclear what this would mean.

3. What is meant by 'a social good'...

Published Oct. 6, 2004 2:00 AM

EXAM SUM 3011 2004

Please write an essay of about 8-10 pages answering ONE of following questions. Your answer should be delivered to the reception desk at SUM Wednesday October 20th before 12:00. Good luck.

1. In her article entitled "Thick Resistance", Sherry Ortner makes the statement that "There is life beyond even the most totalizing discourse…" What does she mean to communicate with this statement? Explain the theory of "totalizing discourse" she refers to. What theory does she weigh it against in developing her idea of "thick resistance." Give two examples of discourses which discipline social agency (from a review of literature or from your own experience). Give examples which show that "there is life beyond even the most totalizing discourse."

Ortner, Sherry. 1999. 'Thick Resistance: Death and the Cultural Construction of Agency in Himalaya mountaineering', in S. B...

Published Oct. 5, 2004 2:00 AM

Message from Desmond MCNeill:

Please bring the compendium to class tomorrow.

Message from Peder Anker

The exam questions will be posted on this website tomorrow during the lecture

Published Sep. 27, 2004 2:00 AM

Message from Nina Witoszek:

I am in Poland and will only be able to advice students by e-mail. Please send messages and inquiries to:

Published Sep. 21, 2004 2:00 AM

Message from Jostein Henrik Bakke:

Please read this article before our meeting on Tuesday:

Published Sep. 19, 2004 2:00 AM

Message from Desmond McNeill:

Please read these articles before the lecture on Wednesday 29 of September:

Marc, Reisner: in M. Reisner: Cadillac Desert: the American West and its Disappearing Water, 1993. "Epilogue: a Civilisation if you can keep it"Penguin Books, pages 477-495.

McNeill Desmond: Natural Resources Forum , 1998. ?Water as an Economic Good? pages 253-262..

Partha, Dasgupta: In P. Dasgupta: Human Well-being and the Natural Environment, 2001. Oxford University Press,2001. Chapter 7:"Economic Institutions and the Natural Environment".Pages 107-121.

Taylor Charles: In Philosophy and the Human Sciences, Philosophical Papers 2, 1985. Cambridge University Press. "Interpretation and the Sciences of Man"pages 15-57.

1. Classify the four readings along a scale from 'academic' to 'popular'.

2. Choose which one of the four readings you found most interesting, and say why.

Published Sep. 16, 2004 2:00 AM

The topic of the colloquium Tuesday 21 will be VOILENCE. What is violence and when is it legitimate?

Published Sep. 16, 2004 2:00 AM

There will be NO LECTURE Wednesday 22 September. Desmond McNeill is abroad and will lecture as planned September 29 and October 6 .

Published Sep. 16, 2004 2:00 AM


The essay questions for the module will be posted on this website October 6 (last day of class). The answers are to be short essays of 8-10 pages. The deadline will be Wednesday 20 at noon. Good luck.

Published Sep. 16, 2004 2:00 AM

Message from Manhar Patel:

These students need a valid student card: Guro S?rnes Trine Staer Ellen Camilla Dahl Skjelsb?k Karoline Ehrenclou Jostein Henrik Bakke

Published Sep. 15, 2004 2:00 AM

Message from Liv Norderud:

All the students have access to 16 desks with computers and 14 desks without a computer in Sognsveien 70, the 3rd floor. We will in the near future try to provide more desks with computers. There is also a printer in the room for your service. The telephone will give you direct access to the Center’s switchboard in case you need any help.

The room is open for those with a valid student card from 8 in the morning to 8 in the evening. Unfortunately, the door to the building closes at 5 in the evening. If you need to access the room after that, please coordinate with fellow students already inside.

Please feel free to occupy the desks with your books etc. You must bring your own lock for the locker. We stipulate that two students will have to share each desk.

Make this your second home. Bring your coffee mugs and posters!

Published Sep. 14, 2004 2:00 AM

Everybody must read both articles for the discussion today


Published Sep. 8, 2004 2:00 AM


Evelyn Manyi

Her e-mail is:

Published Sep. 8, 2004 2:00 AM

Message from Heidi Smith:

....everyone is invited to meet for a drink after class today at Chateau Neuf. We can take the T-bane together for those who don't know where it is...thank you..