

Guha, Ramachandra. Environmentalism: A Global History (Longman, 2000), 161 s

Tilgjengelig fra Internett:

Aide, T.M. and Grau, H.R. 2004, Globalization, migration and Latin American ecosystems. Science, 305:1915-1916. Download

Andreasson, Stefan. 2005. Accumulation and Growth to What End?: Reassessing the Modern Faith in Progress in the "Age of Development", i Capitalism Nature Socialism, Volume 16, Issue 4 December 2005 , s. 57 - 76 (19 s.) Download

Angelsen, Arild and Kaimowitz, David. 1999. Rethinking the Causes of Deforestation: Lessons from Economic Models. The World Bank Research Observer, Vol. 14. No. 1, pp73-98 (20 s) Download

Angelsen, A. 2008, REDD models and baselines, International Forestry Review Vol.10(3), 2008, 465-475 (11 s.) Download

Duraiappah, Anantha K. 1998. Poverty and Environmental Degradation: A Review and Analysis of the Nexus. World Development, Vol. 26, No.12 (9 s.) Download

Fitting, Elizabeth (2006) Importing corn, exporting labor: The neoliberal corn regime, GMOs,and the erosion of Mexican biodiversity Agriculture and Human Values 23: 15–26 Download

Human Development Report 2007/8. Fighting Climate Change: Human Solidarity in a Divided World. UNDP. Summary: Pg 7-28 (21 s.) Download

IPCC, 2007. Climate Change 2007. Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Summary for Policymakers. (13s) Download

Langhelle, Oluf. 2000. Why Ecological Modernisation and Sustainable Development Should Not be Conflated. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 2:303-322 (19 s.) Download

Ravnborg, Helle M. 2003. Poverty and Environmental Degradation in the Nicaraguan Hillsides. World Development, Vol. 31, No.11 (12 s.) Download

Sachs, Wolfgang. 1992. Development: A Guide to the Ruins. Download

Tilgjengelig i Fronter

Roberts & Hite, The Globalization and Development Reader: Perspectives on Development and Global Change (Wiley-Blackwell, 2007), utdrag s. 1-114 (inkl. Marx/Engels, Weber, Rostow, Huntington, Frank, Cardoso, Wallerstein)

Kompendium (kj?pes p? Akademika):

Angelsen, Arild. 1997. The Poverty-Environment Thesis: Was Brundtland Wrong? Forum for Development Studies, No. 1 (18 s.)

Bagwati, Jagdish and Daly, Herman E. 1993. Does Free Trade Harm the Environment? Debate in Scientific American (12 s.)

Barret, Scott. 2002. Towards a Better Climate Treaty. World Economics, Vol 3. No. 2 (10 s.)

Barret, Scott. 2003. Environment and Statescraft: The Strategy of Environmental Treaty-Making. Oxford University Press. Chapter 15: Global Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol. (47 s.)

Carter, Neil. 2007a. Green Political Thought. In The Politics of the Environment. Ideas, Activism and Policy. Cambridge University Press. Chapter 3 (11 s.)

Carter, Neil. 2007b. Sustainable Development and Ecological Modernisation. In Carter, Neil. 2007. The Politics of the Environment. Ideas, Activism, Policy. Cambridge University Press. 2nd Edition (32 s.)

Clapp, Jennifer, and Peter Dauvergne. 2005. Global Trade and the Environment (chapter 5), Paths to a Green World. The Political Economy of the Global Environment. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. (36 s.)

Glipin, Robert. 2001. The Trading System (Chapter 8), Global Political Economy. Oxford: Princeton University Press (38 s)

McAfee, Kathleen. 1999. Selling Nature to Save It? Biodiversity and the Rise of Green Developmentalism. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 17(2):133-154. (28 s.)

McGranahan, Gordon and Satterthwaite, David. 2000. Environmental Health or Ecological Sustainability? Reconciling the brown and the green agenda in urban development. In Pugh, C. 2000. Sustainable Cities in Developing Countries. London: Earthscan (16 s.)

Richardson, Dick. 1997. The Politics of Sustainable Development. in Baker, Susan, Kousis, Maria, Richardson, Dick and Young, Stephen. 1997. The Politics of Sustainable Development: Theory, Policy and Practice within the European Union. Routledge (18 s.)

Roberts, Jane. 2004. So what is the problem? Environmental Policy. New York: Routledge, Chapter 1 (32 s.)

Schipper, Lisa E. F. 2007. Climate Change Adaptation and Development: Exploring the Linkages. Tyndall centre for Climate Change Research. Working Paper 107. (9 s.)

Shove, Elisabeth, Lutzenhiser, Loren, Guy, Simon and Wilhite, Harold. 1998. Energy and Social Systems. in Rayner, Steve and Malone, Elizabeth. 1998. Human Choice and Climate Change. Resources and Technology. Volume 2. Colombus, Ohio: Battelle Press (31 s.)


Publisert 2. apr. 2009 15:36 - Sist endret 12. nov. 2009 15:44