
Books to order:

Held, Virginia. 1993. Feminist Morality. Transforming Culture, Society and Politics. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, Ltd

Noddings, Nel. 1984. Caring. A Feminine Approach to Ethics & Moral Education. Berkeley and Los Angeles; University of California Press,

Ruddick, Sara. 1989. Maternal Thinking. Toward a Politics of Peace. Boston: Beacon Press

Tronto, Joan. 1993. Moral Boundaries. A Political Argument for an Ethics of Care. Routledge: New York

Kittay, Eva. F. 1999. Love’s Labor. Essay on Women, Equality, and Dependency. New York, Routledge

KFL4070 Feminist Ethics – Syllabus

1. Ethics, Gender and Feminism (102 pages)

Seedhouse, David. 2009. “Theories of Ethics” (Chapter 6), in Ethics. The Heart of Health Care, John Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 81-102, (21pages).


Hursthouse, Rosalind. 1999. “Introduction”, in On Virtue Ethics, Oxford University Press, pp. 1-16, (15 pages).


Held, Virginia. 1993. “Feminist Moral Inquiry” (Chapter 1), “Transformations of Moral Concepts” (Chapter 2), “Moral Theory from a Feminist Perspective” (Chapter 3), in Feminist Morality. Transforming Culture, Society and Politics. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., pp. 22–90, (66 pages).  


2. Humanism and Existenialist Ethics (88 pages)

Beauvoir, de Simone. 1974. The Ethics of Ambiguity. New York, NY: Citadel Press Kensington, pp. 7-73, (66 pages).


Pettersen, Tove. 2015. “Existential Humanism and Moral Freedom in Simone de Beauvoir’s Ethics”, in Simone de Beauvoir. A Humanist Thinker, Brill/Rodopi, pp. 69-91, (22 pages).


3. Care, Justice and Moral Reasoning (123 pages)

Gilligan, Carol. 1982. “Images of Relationships” (Chapter 2), “Women’s Rights and Women’s Judgement” (Chapter 5), in In a Different Voice. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London: Harvard University Press: pp. 24-63, 128-150, (61 pages).


Noddings, Nel. 1984. “The One-Caring” (Chapter 2), “The Cared-For” (Chapter 3), “An Ethics of Caring” (Chapter 3), in Caring. A Feminine Approach to Ethics & Moral Education. Berkeley and Los Angeles; University of California Press, pp. 30–103, (73 pages).


4. Maternal Ethics and Reproductive Rights (112 pages)

Simone de Beauvoir. 2011. “The Mother”, in The Second Sex. (Translated by Constance Borde and Sheila Malovany-Chevalie). Vintage Books, Random House. pp. 524-570 (Chapter 6), (46 pages).


Ruddick, Sara. 1989. “Protection, Nurturance and Training” (Part II), in Maternal Thinking. Toward a Politics of Peace. Boston: Beacon Press, pp. 61-81 (20 pages).


Collins Hill, P. 2000. “Black Women and Motherhood”, in Black Feminist Though, New York and London, Routledge pp. 173-201, (28 pages).


Davis, Y. Angela. 1982. “Racism, Birth Control and Reproductive Rights”, in Women, Race and Class, Random House, Inc, pp.  202-220, (18 pages).


5. Ethics, Oppression, and Resistance (90 pages)

Hoagland, Sarah Lucia. 1988. Lesbian Ethics. Toward New Value. Palo Alto: California Institute of Lesbian Studies, pp. 198–246, (48 pages).


D?um, E. D. 1994. “Queer Ethics; or The Challenge of Bisexuality to Lesbian Ethics”, in Adventures in Lesbian Philosophy, Claudia Card, (ed.). Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, pp. 98–111, (13 pages).


Lugones, M. 1987. Playfulness, "World"-Travelling, and Loving Perception”, in Hypatia, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Summer, 1987), pp. 3-19, (16 pages).


Young, Marion. 2005. “Five Faces of Oppression”, in Feminist Theory. A Philosophical Anthology, Cudd, Ann E. and Robinson O. Andreasen (red.), Malden.: Mass, Blackwell Publishing, pp. 91–103, (13 pages).


6. Care-Work, Class, and Gender Justice (129 pages)

Tronto, Joan. 1993. “For An Ethics of Care” (Part III), in Moral Boundaries. A Political Argument for an Ethics of Care. Routledge: New York, pp. 101–180, (79 pages).


Kittay, Eva. F. 1999. “Love’s Labor. The Requirements of Dependency” (Part I), in Love’s Labor. Essay on Women, Equality, and Dependency. New York, Routledge, 23–73, (50 pages).


7. Caring, Nursing, and Aging (108 pages)

Beauvoir, Simone de. 1973. “Old age and everyday life”, in The Coming of Age. New York: Warner Paperback Library, pp. 666–750, (84 pages).


Lindemann, Hilde. 2010. ?Holding One Another (Well, Wrongly, Clumsily) in a Time of Dementia”, pp. 161-171, (10 pages).


Pettersen, Tove, Hem, Marit Helene. 2011. “Mature Care and Reciprocity: Two Cases from Acute Psychiatry”, in Nursing Ethics 18(2), pp.  217–231, (14 pages).



8. Globalizing Care and Justice (108 pages)

Robinson, Fiona. 2013. "Global Care Ethics: Beyond Distribution, Beyond Justice", in Journal of Global Ethics, Vol. 9, nr. 2, pp.131–143, (12 pages).


Tronto, Joan C. 2002. “The ‘Nanny’ Question in Feminism”, in Hypatia

Vol. 17, No. 2, F (Spring, 2002), pp. 34-51, (18 pages).


Ruddick, Sara. 1995. “Mother’s and Men’s War”, and “Notes Toward a Feminist Maternal Peace Politics”, in Maternal Thinking, Towards a Politics of Peace, Boston; Beacon Press, pp. 141-159, pp. 219-251, (32 pages).


Held, Virgina. 2006. “Care and Society” (Part II), in The Ethics of Care. Personal, Political, and Global, Oxford New York; Oxford University Press, pp. 107-138, 154–169, (46 pages).,contains,The%20Ethics%20of%20Care.%20Personal,%20Political,%20and%20Global&offset=0


9. Care Ethics, Paternalism, and Autonomy (55 pages)

Narayan, Uma. 1995. “Colonialism and Its Others: Considerations On Rights and Care Discourse”, in Hypatia Vol. 10, No. 2, 1pp. 33–140, (7 pages).


Robinson, Fiona. 2011. “Peacebuilding and Paternalism: Reading Care through Postcolonialism”, in The Ethics of Care. A Feminist Approach to Human Security, Temple University Press, pp. 103-121, (17 pages).


Silvers, Anita. 1998. “Disability”, in A Companion to Feminist Philosophy, (Jaggar, Alison M. and Iris Marion Young (red.)), Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 330–340, (10 pages).


Kittay, Feder Eva. 2011. “The Ethics of Care; Dependence, and Disability”, in Ratio Juris, Vol. 24,  No. 1, pp. 49-58, (9 pages).


Mackenzie, Catriona. 2017. “Feminist Coneptions of Autonomy”, in The Routhledge Companion to Feminist Philosophy, pp. 515- 527, (12 pages).


10. Feminist Ethics and Environmentalism (76 pages)

Glasebrook. T. 2017 ?Feminist Intersection with Environmental and Ecologial Thoughts”, in The Routhledge Companion to Feminist Philosophy, pp. 432- 445, (13 pages).


Warren, Karen J., 20015. "Feminist Environmental Philosophy", in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2015 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), (19 pages).


Warren, Karen J. 2000. “Ethics in a Fruit Bowl. Ecofeminist Ethics”, in Ecofeminist Philosophy. A Western Perspective on What It Is and Why It Matters, Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, pp. 97–123, (26 pages).


Donovan, Josephine. 2007. “Attention to Suffering: Sympathy as a Basis for Ethical treatment of Animals”, in The Feminist Care Tradition in Animal Ethics, (eds. J. Donovan & C. K. Adams), Columbia University Press, pp. 174–192, (18 pages).



Additional Reading

Beauvoir, de Simone. 2005. Phyrrhus and Cineas, in Margaret Simons (ed.) Philosophical Writings. Urbana and Chicago. University of Illinois Press, pp. 90-141 (51 pages). 


Gilligan, Carol. 1982. “Concepts of Self and Morality” (Chapter 3), in In a Different Voice. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London: Harvard University Press: pp. 64-105 (41 pages)

Lindman, Hilde. 2019. An Invitation to Feminist Ethics


Pettersen, Tove. 2008. Comprehending Care. Problems and Possibilities in the Ethics of Care. Lexington Books, Roman & Littlefield Publishers Inc.














Published Nov. 26, 2019 9:00 AM - Last modified Nov. 26, 2019 9:39 AM