Syllabus/achievement requirements

Books that have to be purchased:

*Fehr, Drude von der et al., (eds.): Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society, 1998. London: UCL Press.

*Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.): Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition?, 2008. Policy Press, Bristol.

Titles marked with * are from books that have to be purchased. The others are to be in compendiums in the bookshop, Akademika, at Blindern or and


The articles in the syllabus are gathered in compendiums which you can buy in the bookshop, in the basement of Akademika/Kopiutsalget, Blindern. Titles with links may be downloaded via your University of Oslo server.


Rosenbeck, Bente: "Nordic women’s studies and gender research" in Fehr, Drude von der et al. (eds.): Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society, 1998. London: UCL Press. pp 344-357.

* Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg : "A Nordic model of gender equality? Introduction" in *Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.): Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition?, 2008. Policy Press, Bristol. pp 1-26 (20p).

Husu, Liisa: "Sexism, support and survival in academia: Finnish experiences" in NIKK magasin 3, 2001. pp 8-10 (3p). link.

Knudsen, Susanne V: "Barriers and careers in academia" in NIKK magasin 3, 2002. NIKK. pp 13-15 (3p). link.

Theories on gender

Magnusson, Eva : "Psychology as Producer of Gender" in NIKK magasin 3, 2001. NIKK. pp 33-35 (3p). link.

Lynggard, Trine : "In pursuit of gendered codes" in NIKK magasin 3, 2001. pp 38-41 (4p). link.

Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum: "European Gender Lessons: Girls and boys at scout camps in Denmark, Portugal, Russia and Slovakia”" in Childhood 11 (2), 2004. pp 207-226. link.

Holmberg, Tora : "Ghost hunt? Understanding “Biology” in Gender Research " in NIKK magasin No 3, 2006. pp 9-11 (3p). link.

Andersson, M?ns : "Gendering animals. Representation, identification and demise of simplicity" in NIKK magasin No 3, 2006. pp 12-15 (4p). link.

Widerberg, Karin : "Harriet Holter: A Pioneer in Gender Studies and Sociology" in Acta Sociologica 43 (4), 2000. pp 413-420 (7p). link.

Ve, Hildur : "Rationality and identity in Norwegian feminism" in Fehr, Drude von der et al. (eds.): Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society, 1998. UCL Press, London. pp 325-343 (19p).

Holli, Anne Marie: "The debate on Gender Equality within the Armed Forces - A case study of Finland" in Bergquist, Christina et al. (eds.): Equal Democracies? Gender and Politics in the Nordic Countries, 1998. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. pp 233-252 (20p).

Gender politics and equality politics

Teigen, Mari : "The Universe of Gender Quotas" in NIKK magasin 3, 2002. pp 4-8 (4p). link.

Borchorst, Anette: "What is institutionalised gender equality?" in Bergquist, Christina et al. (eds.): Equal Democracies? Gender and Politics in the Nordic Countries, 1999. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. ISBN:?82-00-12799-0. pp 161-166.

Skjeie, Hege & Mari Teigen: "Political Constructions of Gender Equality : Travelling Towards… a Gender Balanced Society" in NORA 3 (13), 2005. pp 187-197. link.

Lotherington, Ann Therese: "Innovative Women and Gender-Power in Norwegian Regional Development Policy" in NORA 3 (13), 2005. pp 101-114. link.

R?nnblom, Malin: "Letting Women in? Gender Mainstreaming in Regional Policies" in NORA 3 (13), 2005. pp 164-174. link.

Korsvik, Trine Rogg: "Childcare policy since the 1970s in the ‘most gender equal country in the world’: A field of controversy and grassroots activism" in European Journal of Women's Studies, 2011. SAGE journals online. link (pdf).

The Royal Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion, Norway: The Norwegian Gender Equality Act, 2005. 7 p. link.

Hole, Arni: Gender oriented budgets as a prerequisite for social reforms, 2007. BLD. link.

*Fiig, Christina: "A Scandinavian feminist public sphere: Discourses on feminism and gender equality" in in Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.) : Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia, 2008. Bristol: Policy Press. pp 199-214.

Reconciliation of paid work and family obligations

Haavind, Hanne: "Love and Power in Marriage" in Holter, Harriet (ed.) : Patriarchy in a Welfare Society, 1984. Universitetsforlaget. pp 136-167.

Leira, Arnlaug: "Childcare as a social right: family change and policy reform" in Leira, Arnlaug: Working parents and the welfare state. Family change and policy reform in Scandinavia, 2002. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp 132-149.

* Borchorst, Anette : "Women-friendly policy paradoxes? Childcare policies and gender equality visions in Scandinavia" in Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.): Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition?, 2008. Bristol: Policy Press. pp 27-43 .

Skrede, Kari and Marit R?nsen : "Gender equality and fertility" in NIKK magasin 3, 2006. pp 17-20 (4p). link.

Ahlberg, Jenny, Christine Roman and Simon Duncan : "Actualizing the "Democratic Family"? Swedish Policy Rhetoric versus Family Practices" in Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society , 2008. Advance Access published . pp 79-100 . link.

Aarseth, Helene : "Between Labour and Love: The Re-erotization of Home-making in Egalitarian Couples within a Nordic Context" in NORA Vol. 15, No 2-3 , 2007. 133-143 (9p). link.

* Annfelt, Trine : "The ‘new father’: gender equality as discursive resource for family politics" in in Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.): Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition?, 2008. Bristol Polity Press. pp 119-134 (9 p).

Eriksson, Maria: "Men’s violence, men’s parenting and gender politics in Sweden" in NORA 1 (10), pp 6-15. link.

Women`s rigth to money, gender in work and education

* Wetterberg, Christina Carlsson and Kari Melby : "The claim of economic citizenship: the concept of equality in a historical context" in Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.): Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition? , 2008. Bristol: Policy Press. pp 43-62 .

Ellings?ter, Anne Lise: "Women’s right to work: The interplay of state, market and women’s agency" in NORA 2-3 (7), 1999. pp 109-123. link.

Lahelma, Elina: "School Grades And Other Resources: “The Failing Boys” Discourse Revisited" in NORA 2 (13) , 2005. pp 78-89. link.

Ericsson, Kjersti: "Sexual harassment and the genderization of work" in Fehr, Drude von der et al. (eds.): Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society, 1998. London: UCL Press. pp 176-196 (21 p).

Kvande, Elin: "Doing Masculinities in Organizational Restructuring" in NORA 1 (10), 2002. pp 16-25. link.

Political participation and representation

Lovenduski, Joni: "Change in Women’s Political Representation" in Rossilli, Mariagrazia (ed.): Gender Policies in the European Union, 2000. New York: Peter Lang. pp 87- 104.

Christensen, Ann-Dorte and Nina C. Raaum: "Models of political mobilisation" in Bergquist, Christina et al. (eds.): Equal Democracies? Gender and Politics in the Nordic Countries, 1999. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. pp 17-26.

Holli, Anne Maria : "Electoral Reform Opens Roads to Presidency for Finnish Women" in Politics & Gender, 2008. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 4 (3) pp 496-509 . lenke.

Dahlerup, Drude, : "Women in Nordic politics – a continuing success story?” " in Kirsti Niskanen (ed.): Gender and Power in the Nordic Countries, 2011. NIKK publication 2011:1. p. 59-86, 23 p . link (pdf).

* Christensen, Ann-Dorte : "Young women’s attitudes toward feminism and gender equality" in Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.): Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition?, 2008. Policy Press, Bristol. pp 183-198 .

Ethnic relations/Human Rights

Langvasbr?ten, Trude : "A Scandinavian Model? Gender Equality Discourses on Multiculturalism" in Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society , 2008. Advance Access published on March 5, 2008, 15. pp. 32-52 (17p). link.

*Siim, Birte : "Dilemmas of citizenship: tensions between gender equality and cultural diversity in the Danish welfare state" in Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.): Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition?, 2008. Policy Press, Bristol. pp 149-166 (ca 16p).

*Mulinari, Diana : "Women friendly? Understanding gendered racism in Sweden" in Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.): Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition? , 2008. Policy Press, Bristol. pp 167-182 (ca 14p).

Longva, Anh Nga: "The Trouble with Difference: Gender, Ethnicity and Norwegian Social Democracy" in Grete, Brochmann, (ed.): The Multicultural Challenge Comparative Social Research 22, 2003. Elsevier Ltd.. pp 153-175.

Love and Sexuality

Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum and Monica Rudberg: "Gender, Love and Education in Three Generations. The Way Out and Up" in The European Journal of Women’s Studies 7 (4), 2000. pp 423-453. link.

M?nsson, Sven -Axel: "Men?s Practices in Prostitution. The Case of Sweden" in Pease, Bob and Keith Pringle: A Man?s World? Changing Men?s Practices in a Globalized World, 2001. London: Zed Books. pp 135-149.

L?fstr?m, Jan: "Introduction: Sketching the Framework for a History and Sociology of Homosexualities in the Nordic CountriesIntroduction: Sketching the Framework for a History and Sociology of Homosexualities in the Nordic Countries" and : "" in L?fstr?m, Jan (ed.) : Scandinavian Homosexualities. Essays on Gay and Lesbian Studies, 1998. New York: Hayworth Press. pp 1-15.

Lützen, Karen : "Gay and Lesbian Politics: Assimilation or Subversion: A Danish Perspective" in L?fstr?m, Jan (ed.): Scandinavian Homosexualities. Essays on Gay and Lesbian Studies, 1998. New York: Hayworth Press . pp 233-243 (11p) .

Kj?rholt, Vigdis, Saga and Anette Dina S?rensen : "Generation XXX. Normalization and Criticism of Pornography amongst Young People" in NIKK magasin 3, 2006. pp 34-36 (3p). link.

L?fgren-M?rtenson, Lotta and Sven-Axel M?nsson : "Different porn careers? Girls’ and Boys’ Porn Consumption" in NIKK magasin 3, 2006. pp 37-39 (3p). link.

Summing up:

* Lister, Ruth v: "Gender, citizenship and social justice in the Nordic welfare states: a view from outside" in Melby, Kari, Anna-Birte Ravn and Christina Carlsson Wetterberg (eds.): Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia. The limits of political ambition? , 2008. Bristol: Policy Press. pp 215-222 (ca 6p).

*Just for students at KFL4060: Nordic feminist thought on culture and society

Wetterberg, Christina Carlsson: "Equal or different? That’s not the question. Women’s political strategies in a historical perspective", Karlsson, Gunnel: "Social Democratic women’s coup in the Swedish parliament", Sigurbjarnardottir, Sighurdur, Helga: ""On their own premises”: the political project of the Icelandic Women’s Alliance", Bj?rnsdottis, Inga Dora: "They had a different mother: the central configuration of Icelandic nationalist discourse", S?rensen, Anne Scott: "Taste, manners and attitudes – the bel esprit and literary salon in Scandinavia c. 1800", Sj?rup, Karen: "The gender relation and professionalism in the postmodern world: social brotherhood and beyond" and *Hein?maa, Sara, Martina Reuter: "Reflections on the rationality of emotions and feelings"

in in Fehr, Drude von der et al.: Is there a Nordic Feminism? Nordic feminist thought on culture and society, 1998. London: UCL Press.

Published Nov. 29, 2011 4:15 PM - Last modified Nov. 29, 2011 4:20 PM