Syllabus/achievement requirements


Articles in the syllabus without a link are gathered in compendia which you can buy in the bookshop, in the basement of Akademika/Kopiutsalget, Blindern.


Introduction: Understanding Gender in/equality

Halsaa, Beatrice. 2008. ?A Passion for Love?, in K. B. Jones & G. Karlsson (eds). Gender and the Interests of Love. Essays in honour of Anna G. Jonasdottir. Centrum for feministiska samhallsstudier 8. ?rebro: ?rebro University. pp. 43-70 (27 p)


Holter, Harriet. 1970. Oppression of women, oppression of men, and master suppression techniques (lecture hand-out) (20 p)


Holter, ?ystein Gullv?g. 2016. ?The Development of a Norwegian Model of Gender Equality Research?, in: Warat et al. (eds). Gender Equality and Quality of Life. Warsaw: Peter Lang. pp. 127-150 (23 p) ISBN: 978-3631675755

                                                                                                                                              Total: 70 p


Masculinty and (in)equality

Connell, Raewyn W. 1995. ?The Social Organization of Masculinity? and ?’Backlash’ Politics?, in Masculinities. Cambridge: Polity Press. pp 67-86, 249-253 (23 p)


Beasly, Christine. 2008. ?Rethinking Hegemonic Masculinity in a Globalizing World?, in Men and masculinities 11(1): 86-103 (17 p)


Holter, ?ystein Gullv?g. 2005. ?Social Theories for researching men and masculinities. Direct Gender Hierarchy and Structural Inequality?, in M. S. Kimmel, J. Hearn & R. W. Connell (eds). Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities. Thousand Oaks/London/New Dehli: Saga Publications, Inc. pp 15-34 (19 p)


Holter, ?ystein Gullv?g 2014: ?“What's in it for Men?": Old Question, New Data?, in Men and Masculinities 17(5), 515-548 (33 p)

                                                                                                                                              Total: 91 p


Gender (in)equality in organizations

Lyng, Selma Therese. 2010. ?“Mothered” and othered. (In)visibility of care responsibility and gender in the processes of excluding women from Norwegian law firms?, in P. Lewis & R. Simpson (eds.). Revealing and Concealing Gender: Issues of Visibility in Organizations. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK. pp. 76-99 (25 p)


Acker, Joan. 1990. ?Hierarchies, jobs, bodies: A theory of gendered organisations?, in Gender and Society 4(2): 131-158 (27 ps).

                                                                                                                                              Total: 52 p


State feminism

Hernes, Helga. 1987. Excerpts: ?Introduction? and ?The Welfare State Citizenship of Scandinavian Women?, in Welfare State and Woman Power. Essays in State Feminism. Oslo: Norwegian University Press. pp. 9-29, 135-163 (48 p)


Borchorst, Anette & B. Siim. 2008. ?Women-friendly policies and state feminism. Theorizing Scandinavian gender equality?, in Feminist Theory 9(2): 207-224 (17 p)


Mulinari, Diana, S. Keskinen, S. Irni & S. Tuori. 2009. Complying with Colonialism: Gender, Race and Ethnicity in the Nordic Region. London/New York: Routledge. pp. 1-16 (16 pages)


Esping-Andersen, G?sta. 2009. Excerpts: ?Introduction? and ?Part I The Challenges?, in The Incomplete Revolution: Adapting to Women's New Roles. Cambridge: Polity Press. p 1 – 74 (74 p) ISBN: 978-0745643168

                                                                                                                                              Total: 155 p


Work and family

Orloff, A. S. 2009. ?Should Feminists Aim for Gender Symmetry?: Feminism and Gender Equality Projects for a Post-maternalist Era?, In J. Gornick & M. Meyers (eds). Institutions for Gender Egalitarianism: Creating the Conditions for Egalitarian Dual Earner / Dual Caregiver Families. pp. 129-160 (31 p)


Fraser, Nancy. 1994. ?After the Family Wage: Gender equity and the welfare state?, in Political theory 22(4): 591-618 (27 p)


Aarseth, Helene. 2007. ?Between Labour and Love: The Re-erotization of Home-making in Egalitarian Couples within a Nordic Context?, in NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 15(2-3): 133-143 (10 p)

                                                                                                                                              Total: 68 p


Seminar - presentations

(no curriculum)



Gender (in)equality in the family

Nielsen, Harriet Bjerrum & M. Rudberg. 2007. ?Fun in Gender – Youth and Sexuality, Class and Generation?, in NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 15(2-3): 100-113 (13 p)


Haavind, Hanne. 1984. ?Love and power in marriage?, in H. Holter (ed). Patriarchy in a welfare society. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 46-66 (22 p)


Jamieson, Lynn. 1999. ?Intimacy Transformed? A Critical Look at the Pure Relationship?, in Sociology 33(3): 477-494 (17 p)

                                                                                                                                              Total: 52 p


Theories of gender (in)equality: Structural oppression

Holter, Harriet. 1970. Excerpt: ?Sex Roles and Social Differentiation?, in Sex Roles and Social Structure. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. pp. 9-53 (44 p)


Hirdman, Yvonne. 1991. ?The gender system?, in T. Andreasen (ed.). Moving on. Aarhus: University Press. pp 187-207 (20 p)


Walby, Sylvia, J. Armstrong & S. Strid. 2012. ?Intersectionality: Multiple Inequalities in Social Theory?, in Sociology 46(2): 224-240 (26 p)


Halsaa, Beatrice. 2001. ?Women and politics in the Nordic region - some historiographical reflections?, in Kvinder, K?n & 澳门葡京手机版app下载 10(2): 20-32 (12 p)

                                                                                                                                              Total: 102 p


Theories of gender (in)equality: Gender and capitalism

Jonasdottir, Anna G.1994. Why Women are Oppressed. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. pp. 217-227 (10 p)


Holter, ?ystein Gullv?g. 1997. ?Patriarchy and the differentiation principle?, in Gender, Patriarchy and Capitalism. Oslo: The Work Research Institute. pp. 245-271 (26 p)

ISBN: 82-7609-074-5 


Fraser, Nancy. 2014. ?Behind Marx’s hidden abode. For an Expanded Conception of Capitalism?, in New Left Review 86: 55-72 (17 p)


Poulantzas, Nicos. 2008 (1965). ?Introduction by James Martin? and ?Preliminaries to the Study of Hegemony in the State?, in N. Poulantzas & J. Martin (eds). The Poulantzas reader: Marxism, Law and the State. London: Verso. pp. 1-24, 74-119 (69 p) ISBN: 978-1844672004

                                                                                                                                              Total: 122 p


Theories of gender (in) equality: socialized subjectivities

Solheim, Jorun. 1995. ?Shelter from the Storm?, in ?. G. Holter & T. Borchgrevink (eds). Labour of Love. Beyond the self-evidence of everyday life. Aldershot: Avebury. pp. 45-69 (24 p)


Moi, Toril. 1999. What is a Woman? And older essays. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 264-299 (35 p)

Gunnarsson, Lena. 2016. ?The Dominant and its Constitutive Other: Feminist Theorizations of Love, Power and Gendered Selves?, in Journal of critical realism 15(1): 1-20 (20 p)


Wilkinson, Richard & K. Pickett. 2011. The Spirit Level. Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger. New York: Bloomsbury Press. pp. 3-72 (69 p) ISBN: 978-1608193417

                                                                                                                                              Total: 148 p


Theories of (in)gender equality: Intersectionality

Skjeie, Hege & T. Langvasbr?ten. 2009. ?Intersectionality in Practice??, in International Feminist Journal of Politics 11(4): 513-529 (16 p)


Sen, Amartya. 2001. ?The Many Faces of Gender Inequality?, in Frontline 18(22) (18 p)


Christensen, Ann-Dorte & S. Q. Jensen. 2014. ?Combining hegemonic masculinity and intersectionality?, in NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies 9(1): 60-75 (15 p)


Crenshaw, Kimberle. 1989. ?Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics?, in University of Chicago Legal Forum 1989, 139-168 (19 p)


Gunnarsson, Lena. 2017. ?Why we keep separating the ‘inseparable’: Dialecticizing intersectionality?, in European Journal of Women’s Studies 24(2): 114-127 (14 p)


Krüger, Steffen. 2018. ?Violence and the Virtual: Right-wing, Anti-asylum Facebook Pages and the Formenting of Political Violence?, in S. Krüger et al. Formenting Political Violence. Fantasy, Language, Media, Action. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 75-102 (27 p) ISBN: 978-3319975047

                                                                                                                                              Total: 109 p

Total readings: 969 pages

Published June 6, 2019 12:00 PM - Last modified June 26, 2019 11:19 AM