Exam paper KFL4050 December 5th

Exam KFL4050 Autumn 2011


  • What are the main gender inequality challenges in Norway today?
  • What are the main assumed causes of gender stratification? Include in your answer at least one non-gender related cause in this discussion.
  • Select two gendered challenges in everyday life and discuss what gender equality theories can contribute towards addressing them. Include in your answer some of the limitations of the gender equality theories you have discussed.



Exam information

During the course each student must give one verbal presentation. This presentation must be approved in order to present oneself for the final examination. The final eksamination is a three-days home essay. The essay must have a length of min. 8 and max. 10 pages (2300 characters per page (not counting spaces) references in addition).

Please remember to fill out your Obligatory statement http://www.stk.uio.no/english/studies/examinations/ and deliver in the map for Obligatory statement in Fronter.

Published Dec. 5, 2011 8:40 AM